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College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College-Level Examination Program, or CLEP, provides students of any age the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams that may allow them to place out of certain undergraduate college courses. Each college or university sets its own CLEP policy regarding how much credit will be granted and for what courses. Contact Office of Admissions, Testing Services, or your academic adviser to ask the following questions:

  • Does NSU recognize CLEP examinations in the subjects you want?
  • What score do you need to get credit for the equivalent course?
  • Does earning that credit allow you to skip one or more introductory courses?
  • Are there additional requirements before credit is granted?

CLEP examinations cover material taught in courses that most students take as requirements in the first two years of college. Colleges usually grant the same amount of credit to students earning satisfactory scores on the CLEP examination as it grants to students successfully completing that course.

To view the NSU Course Credit Equivalency Chart for CLEP, visit the Transfer Evaluation Services Examinations page.

Exam Fees

  • $95 per test payable to CLEP by credit card at the CLEP website
  • $35 per test administration fee ($15 for NSU students) payable through our UPAY System.

CLEP Test Information

CLEP exams are administered on computers. Each exam is between 90-120 minutes long. Except for exams with an essay component, CLEP exams are made up primarily of multiple choice questions. Score reports are available immediately for exams without an essay component and are printed for the student upon completion of the exam.

NSU students must contact their academic advisor prior to taking these exams. CLEP exams are administered Monday through Friday. To make an appointment for the CLEP exam, contact Testing Services in the Tutoring and Testing Center at (954) 262-8374.

Test Day

On test day, make sure to bring a printed copy of your registration ticket (provided by College Board) and UPAY receipt. A government-issued photo ID is required (driver's license or passport) to take the exam.

Preparing for the Exam

Modern States offers free, high-quality online courses taught by college professors that prepare students to take CLEP exams. Modern States Education Alliance has partnered with edX, the leading online learning platform founded by Harvard and MIT, to create more than 30 courses. Each course includes online lectures, quizzes, tests, and other features. Textbooks and materials will also be provided online, free of charge.

If you complete all of the coursework and practice questions, you can even request a voucher for the CLEP exam.


For additional information regarding the CLEP exams and the Official Study Guide, visit College Board.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you have a disability as prescribed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and require special testing services or arrangements, please contact the test administrator at the test site. You will be asked to submit to the test administrator documentation of your disability and your request for special accommodations. Please submit your request as far in advance of your test date as possible so that the necessary accommodations can be made. Only test takers with documented disabilities are eligible.


Make an Appointment

Call to Schedule An Appointment:
(954) 262-8374
800-541-6682, ext. 28374

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday | 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Proctoring hours vary, please call for an appointment.

Student Affairs Building, 2nd Floor
Ft. Lauderdale/Davie Campus

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