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Supplemental Instruction

What is SI?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a peer-led student academic enrichment program that offers free, weekly, outside of class organized group study sessions for select historically difficult courses. These study sessions are facilitated by SI Leaders who
are nominated by faculty for their leadership ability and content mastery.

Who are SI Leaders?

SI Leaders are current NSU undergraduate students who have previously taken and mastered the class. They know course content and want to help guide you through it. By attending class with you, they see and hear what you do during class lectures.
During SI sessions, you will work collaboratively to review class material and prepare for exams.

How do you get started?

After a brief in-class survey during the first week of class, the SI Leader will set-up weekly group study sessions at times that are best for the majority of students in your class. You can attend as many of the SI review sessions as you like. Participation is voluntary, but strongly encouraged. Don’t forget to bring your notes, textbook and questions.

What is in it for you?

Program assessment at NSU has demonstrated that students who attend SI sessions regularly earn a higher course grade than those who do not and are more successful overall. Also, you will gain a better understanding of course content, retain more information, as well as learn more effective ways of studying.

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