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APL Gap Insurance

APL Gap Insurance

Note: Gap Insurance is not available for employees residing in Hawaii or Puerto Rico.

Gap insurance is a valuable supplemental benefit designed to help you cover medical expenses that arise before you meet your health plan's deductible and out-of-pocket maximum for the new plan year. It provides financial protection against unexpected health care costs, reducing the burden of upfront expenses.

At Nova Southeastern University, gap insurance is offered through American Public Life (APL). This benefit is guaranteed issue, meaning you cannot be denied coverage due to pre-existing medical conditions, and it is designed with affordability in mind. To take advantage of gap insurance, you must first be enrolled in one of NSU's group health insurance plans. This coverage can be a smart way to manage unexpected health care costs and safeguard your budget.


Eligibility and Enrollment

NSU employees can elect gap benefits during open enrollment through the ICUBA web portal. To successfully enroll, you need to be simultaneously covered under ICUBA medical insurance and select the tier matching your elected plan (e.g., employee only, employee and child(ren), employee and spouse, or family). 

Depending on your health care plan, gap insurance will be automatically paired with either the $3,000 or $5,000 medical deductible.

Note: Gap insurance is not available for employees in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the American territories.



APL Gap Coverage

Both inpatient and outpatient services are covered by APL gap insurance plans. Inpatient services include those provided during admittance to a hospital as an inpatient. Outpatient services may include emergency room visits, urgent care visits, outpatient surgery, and physical therapy, among others.

You may receive either $5,000 or $3,000 per inpatient occurrence based on your elected plan. For outpatient occurrences, you may receive up to $300 per calendar day per covered person.


Plan Summaries

$3,000/$300 Plan - Monthly Premiums

  • Employee Only: $36.37
  • Employee + Spouse: $74.21
  • Employee + Child(ren): $63.53
  • Employee + Family: $92.76
View Plan Summary (English)   View Plan Summary (Spanish)


$5,000/$500 Plan - Monthly Premiums

  • Employee Only: $44.51
  • Employee + Spouse: $90.81
  • Employee + Child(ren): $77.77
  • Employee + Family: $113.55

View Plan Summary (English)   View Plan Summary (Spanish)


Filing a Claim

To ensure you claim your benefits, present your medical card and gap insurance card upon arrival for services at your provider. If you don’t have your card or the provider won’t accept it, you can file a claim online.

To view instructions, please click HERE  ||  To file or track a claim, please visit

Have Questions?

Joe Evans
Gap Benefits Leader
Phone: (954) 560-6000
Fax: 1-888-511-3376
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