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Faculty Resources for Harassment-Free Learning

As faculty at Nova Southeastern University, it is our responsibility to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment. Below, you will find resources and guidelines to help you manage your classrooms effectively, maintain a harassment-free atmosphere, and ensure compliance with NSU's Title IX policies.

Review NSU's Title IX Policies   Report an Incident   Contact the Title IX Coordinator

The Same Responsibility in a New Format

With the shift to virtual learning through platforms like Canvas and Zoom, our classrooms must remain professional, safe, and harassment-free. The challenges of remote instruction are new for many faculty and students. This page provides practical resources and strategies to help faculty navigate this evolving environment. The content will be regularly updated with the latest information and resources to support you.

Key Responsibilities in Virtual Learning

Set Expectations Early

  • Address the Virtual Format: Communicate your virtual classroom policies, including respectful participation and adherence to NSU’s policies on disorderly conduct, sex-based harassment, and technology use. Remind students of your reporting responsibilities under various campus policies, particularly the NSU Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  • Involve Students: Invite students to contribute to setting guidelines for online behavior. This encourages accountability and a shared understanding of what’s expected
  • Update Your Syllabus: Incorporate any new virtual learning policies in your syllabus to reflect changes in expectations for digital environments.

Encourage a “Classroom Mindset”

  • Virtual Classroom Etiquette: Encourage students to treat virtual classes just like in-person sessions. This includes being punctual, dressing appropriately, and minimizing distractions. Virtual classrooms should foster the same respectful and focused environment as physical ones.
  • Utilize Zoom Features and Tools: Use Zoom's Non-verbal Feedback tool and manage chat and screen sharing to maintain a focused and safe learning environment. Disable the private chat function and restrict screen sharing to "Host Only" to prevent issues like "Zoom Bombing." If necessary, grant screen-sharing access to specific students by making them a "Co-host."  

Handle Disruptive Behavior in Real-Time

  • Address Issues Immediately: Just like in a physical classroom, instructors should address offensive or disruptive behavior right away. Whether it’s in a live Zoom session or a discussion post, act quickly to prevent further issues. For additional tips, review Managing participants in a Zoom meeting.

Post-Session Follow-Up

  • Report Harassing Behavior: If the behavior violates NSU’s Title IX or Student Code of Conduct, report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Dean of Student Development. Incidents can be reported by submitting the online reporting form. Offensive and harassing behaviors that are not sexual but may otherwise violate the Student Code of Conduct as laid out in the NSU Student Handbook should be reported to the Assistant Dean of Student Development via email at or via an online incident reporting form.
  • Review and Edit Recorded Sessions: Confirm if the offending behavior was captured on the recording, and seek help from to edit the recording if necessary.
  • Support Affected Students: Follow up with students who may have been impacted and provide referrals to support services such as the Title IX team, Henderson Student Counseling, Student Disability Services, etc.  

Contact Us

If you or someone you know has questions, concerns, or would like to speak to someone about an experience, contact the NSU Title IX Coordinator at or submit a report through our secure online reporting form to get resources and assistance.

Report an Incident - Get Support Now

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