AUGUST 2024: The 2024 Title IX Regulations became effective August 1, 2024; however, there is a court order prohibiting them from being enforced in the state of Florida. This means that NSU’s policies and procedures remain consistent with the Title IX regulations which have been in effect since August 14, 2020. We will continue to monitor any legal developments to ensure NSU remains compliant with applicable federal and state laws, while also ensuring our policies and procedures continue to be student-centered and equitable to all parties. Our website always has the most current version of policies and procedures for your reference.
Our team remains committed to providing a high level of support and resources to the NSU community. We are in the process of updating our online training for all new students and employees, which will re-launch in the Fall 2024 semester. If your department/staff would like a training for you or your students before then, please email us all at
View previous updates from the Title IX Coordinator.
JULY 2024: Our team is busy preparing for Fall 2024, with a focus on some key areas following the release of new Title IX regulations (which go into effect August 1, 2024):
MAY 2024: On Friday, April 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education released the revised 2024 Title IX Regulations. Our team will be working hard over the summer to ensure NSU's compliance with the federal deadline of August 1, 2024. Learn more:
APRIL 24, 2024: We look forward to seeing our students and colleagues at the Tampa Bay Campus on April 27, 2024, for the first Trauma-Informed Care Symposium: Empowering Healthcare Professionals through Trauma-Informed Practices. You can see the full schedule and details here. Also, on Friday, April 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education released the revised 2024 Title IX Regulations. Our team is busy reviewing them to ensure NSU's compliance with the federal deadline of August 1, 2024. Learn more here.
APRIL 2024: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), and this year's theme is Building Connected Communities. In our communities, it's vital to understand that the way we discuss sexual violence has a significant impact on survivors, their families, our communities, and society as a whole. This year's theme serves as a reminder that our words hold power. Together, we have the opportunity to construct a safe and respectful community while fostering a sense of belonging. View the main event calendar and join the Title IX staff and Title IX Peer Educators at NSU's SAAM events.
JANUARY 2024: January is Stalking Awareness Month. Learn more about stalking, including cyberstalking, and how you can take steps to promote your safety. Check out our stalking prevention resources, including the latest edition of The Edge of IX, and plan to visit with us during Coffee with a Cop on January 18, 2024, in the UC. Follow our Peer Educators on Instagram to learn more about our events.
Winter Break: NSU will be closed starting on December 23, 2023, for Winter Break, and the Title IX staff will be out of the office until January 2, 2024. Reports may still be submitted online, but students are encouraged to contact one of the following for immediate support:
January is Stalking Awareness Month. Learn more about stalking, including cyberstalking, and how you can take steps to promote your safety. Check out our stalking prevention resources, and plan to visit with us during Coffee with a Cop on January 18, 2024, in the UC. Follow our Peer Educators on Instagram to learn more about our events.
AUGUST 2023:
NEW STUDENT ONLINE STUDENT TRAINING: Welcome to NSU! Students new to NSU receive a link to online training in their NSU email when they start classes. This short training provides important information about your rights and how you can help reduce sexual misconduct. If you did not receive the email or would like to complete it before classes start, you can self-enroll in the training here. You MUST use your student NSU email address to get credit for completing the training.
GET INVOLVED: Come see us at Lettuce Taco 'Bout it during Waves of Welcome and follow our Peer Educators on Instagram! Apply to be an NSU Title IX Peer Educator where you can receive a national Peer Educator certification and become a leader in helping your peers promote healthy relationships and prevent sexual violence. We also partner with HPD programs to provide trauma-informed healthcare information to our HPD students - reach out to Shannel Zambrana to learn more.
JULY 2023:
NEW TITLE IX TEAM MEMBERS: We are excited to welcome our new team members to the Title IX office! Shannel Zambrana is joining us from the Nancy J. Cotterman Center. She also brings experience working with law enforcement, in healthcare settings, and counseling. Her Bachelor's and Master's degrees are in Social Work from Florida International University. Samantha (Sam) Giordano joins us from Lynn University where she worked with the Campus Visit Experience Team. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and is completing her Master's degree in Strategic Communications, both at Lynn University. Our Title IX Graduate Assistant this year is Sitara Rambarran, who is completing her doctorate in Clinical Psychology, and who has earned her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Psychology from NSU. She brings experience from the Office of International Affairs and peer advising.
ONLINE STUDENT TRAINING: Students new to NSU receive a link to the online training in their NSU email when they start classes. If you did not receive the email or would like to complete it before classes start, you can self-enroll in the training here. You MUST use your student NSU email address to get credit for completing the training.
MAY 2023:
We are hiring! Our team is growing, as we add a new Case Manager & Sexual Violence Prevention Educator to our team. In addition, our Deputy is moving on to new professional challenges so we are hiring a new Deputy Title IX Coordinator & Senior Title IX Investigator. Learn more and apply here!
APRIL 2023:
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), and this year's theme is Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity. While sexual violence occurs across all identities, there are some differences between and within identity-based populations. This year's theme highlights the values of respect and equity, and their roles in preventing both sexual violence and other forms of oppression.
Join the Title IX staff and Title IX Peer Educators at NSU's SAAM events.
MARCH 2023:
UPDATED PREGNANCY GUIDELINES: The Title IX office has updated the information for students who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy-related conditions. Title IX seeks to protect pregnant students' access to their academic programs and educational opportunities. Learn more:
FEBRUARY 2023: February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. According to, "1 in 3 U.S. teens will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a relationship with before they become adults". One of NSU's community partners, Women in Distress, coordinates a variety of free educational workshops for parents and adults in the community to learn more about this issue affecting youth. Additional resources can be found at:
JANUARY 2023: January is National Stalking Awareness Month. According to SPARC, more than 1 in 6 women and 1 in 17 men will be stalked in their lifetime and young adults age 18-24 experience the highest rate of stalking of adults. Learn more from the national Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC) where you can register for webinars, read discussion guides and watch informational videos, or visit our office's stalking prevention resource page.
JUNE 2022: The Title IX office has moved! Effective June 3, 2022, the main campus office for Title IX is located inside the Campus Support Building, Office #174. The building is located on the southwest end of the campus behind the Athletics complex and the address is 3550 SW 76th Avenue in Davie, FL 33328. This location is more conveniently located for NSU's largest student populations in HPD, as well as NSU University School, and offers more privacy for students seeking assistance from the Title IX staff. Locate us on NSU's Interactive Map. Parking is available in front of the building and you are encouraged to contact the Deputy Title IX Coordinator at 954-262-7863 to make an appointment as the building requires card access for entry.
APRIL 2022: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and NSU's Title IX staff and Peer Educators have planned a month of events and opportunities for engagement. We start the month with a webinar on April 4 on Trauma-Informed Healthcare, celebrate Take Back the Night on April 15 with a vigil and Open Mic Night, and provide opportunities to engage virtually, in-person or through creative expression. You can also participate by donating to the Hygiene and Clothing Drive, where donations will be given to the Nancy J. Cotterman Center, Broward County's comprehensive rape crisis center. View the complete SAAM schedule and show your support for our NSU community to be free of sexual violence!
FEBRUARY 2022: February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. The theme for 2022 is "Be Kind to Your Mind" highlighting the importance of mental health for youth, especially given that 1 in 3 teens experience dating violence in the United States. Learn more through events in Broward County from our community partner, Women in Distress.
JANUARY 2022: January is the 18th annual National Stalking Awareness Month, reminding us all to learn to recognize and respond to the crime of stalking. Title IX staff have compiled some stalking prevention resources and will be tabling on campus later this month. In addition, a discussion guide about You Season 3 has been provided to Resident Assistants to utilize in conversations with students about how the media portrays stalking. Learn more......
NOVEMBER 2021: There are some new resources available on the Title IX site, including information for pregnant and parenting students as well as an FAQ site for faculty and staff. In addition, a resource page about how to protect your privacy and options to address rumors or other social media posts is available.
OCTOBER 2021 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH: Domestic Violence can impact anyone regardless of race, gender, financial status, or sexual orientation. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, more than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will experience intimate partner dating violence, intimate sexual violence and/or intimate partner stalking at some point in their lifetimes. Educate yourself about the signs of abuse, including the prevalence of relationship violence in the state of Florida specifically, and if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or dating violence, please contact the national hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or email us at for support and resources.
AUGUST 2021 NEW Student & Employee Training: All new NSU students and employees (hired July 1, 2021 or later) should have received an email with a link to take the new online training, due within the first 30 days at NSU. In addition, adjunct faculty who are teaching and have not completed the online training in 2021 will be enrolled in the training. If you have any difficulties accessing or completing the training, please contact us at
JULY 2021 Training Update: Last chance to complete the online training is this month! The online training is undergoing a major update and will be re-launched in August 2021. Employees and students new to NSU (after July 1, 2021) will be assigned to the training in August. Any questions may be directed to
APRIL 2021 SAAM: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) - please check out NSU's full month of virtual events. Events hosted by national and local organizations as well as NSU's Title IX Peer Educators provide extensive and diverse opportunities for individuals of a variety of ages and backgrounds to engage in a variety of awareness activities this month. See the full list of SAAM 2021 Events.
JANUARY 2021 Online Training: The online training for all NSU students, faculty, and staff has been updated in compliance with Title IX regulations, and is being assigned to all NSU students, staff, and faculty. Employees have been notified of how to complete the course in NSU Careers. The Student version is being finalized and students will receive an email with instructions to complete the course in Canvas. If you have any difficulties, please visit the FAQ for Employees or the FAQ for Students.
AUGUST 2020 New Policy & Procedures: The Department of Education recently released new regulations regarding Title IX, and NSU’s Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy and associated procedures have been revised to ensure NSU’s compliance with this important law. While there are revisions to policy and procedures, the expectations of the NSU community remain the same – to refrain from engaging in sexual misconduct and to engage in appropriate bystander intervention. Employees are still required to report potential incidents of Sexual Misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator and students can still expect a high level of support from the Title IX staff. Despite shifts in regulatory requirements, our purpose remains the same: to lead the prevention and resolution of sexual misconduct through caring responses and the creation of community champions to eradicate sexual harassment and violence.
MARCH 2020 Responses to Sexual Misconduct during COVID-19: Whether at the Davie campus or participating virtually, Title IX support for students and employees continues. Our usual forms of communication are still open: the online reporting form remains the best way to report concerns, email is the quickest way to reach us, and we can also be reached by phone. We will continue to communicate with students primarily by email, with options for virtual and telephone meetings. In addition, sexual assault awareness programming and other educational opportunities will be provided through virtual and other creative means until we can ensure the safety of in-person engagement.