Purpose of this program is to establish a mentoring relationship that will provide our “Student Success Scholars” (mentees) with the opportunity to realize their academic, professional, and personal development goals while in college
Razor’s Edge & Presidential Scholars Sophomores/Juniors serve as our mentors to our “Student Success Scholars” and receive hands on training to support their mentees transition into college.
Mentee Testimonials
"As a first-generation college student, this program has really helped me. It gave me a resource, someone I can go to in order to help answer my questions about college life, as it is all fairly new to me. My mentor has made me feel comfortable, that I can come to them at any time with any question I have and they will get the best possible answer they can for me… even if they don’t have the answer at the moment, they make sure that they find out where I can find the right answer. "
"My mentor goes above and beyond to send me weekly tips that they believe will help me to succeed at college in the best way that I can! The weekly seminars are timely and filled with useful information but broken down in a way that I can best grasp it."
"Since being accepted into this program, I've received the support I've needed in my academic career, including an amazing mentor who shares my major, making it easier for us to discuss future plans. Not only does it assist me in my degree, but it also assists me in other ways, such as helping me find opportunities and improve my networking skills.
"The program has assisted in my transition from high school in a variety of ways, not only in the college experience but also guidance in regards to living in Florida. My mentor has taught me a substantial amount such as impactful studying tips, smart living strategies, and overall time management skills.”
"The Scholars program helped me organize my academics a lot better. I have learned new things from my mentor and through workshops including organization skills, FAFSA process, study tips, and more. There is always something new to learn through the program"
“What I've learned so far is that me and my mentor have a lot of similarities and were able to communicate with each other very well. My mentor makes sure that I'm getting engaged and getting to know people around school and being able to come out of my comfort zone."
"My mentor is a great influence on me and she makes sure that I'm on track and I'm staying focused on my schoolwork. I'm very glad that I have a mentor and can ask for assistance of guidance when I need it”
“I was not sure what to expect from my mentoring experience, but it has been nothing but beneficial in numerous aspects of my life. My mentor has not only acted as a supportive friend but is an amazing resource for any questions I have regarding clubs, classes, or simply adjusting to college life."
“What I have learned from my mentor is very helpful tips on what to do while in college. For example, when I am stressed out with work, how to navigate around campus, and planning out my schedule for future years to come. Learning this is making me gain knowledge on different ways to get engaged on campus and academic tips for college.”
“My mentor helps me become a better person in multiple ways. He motivates me to study and is always helpful if I don’t fully understand something. He also motivates me to workout and become more involved in campus life.”
“I have recently been going through a lot of trouble in my social life, and my mentor has been there for me through it all.”
“My mentoring experience has help me to be open minded and participate in school activities such as joining clubs , sports or even getting a job on campus. We have meeting on zoom and in person to chat and get know one another as well as just checking in and being there.”
Fall Semester Scholarship Requirements
Winter Semester Scholarship Requirements
Student Success Point System
Director of Student Success
Office of Student Success