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Sphyrna Softwares

At login, modules commands set up a basic environment for the default compilers, tools, and libraries such as:  the $PATH, $MANPATH, and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. There is no need to set them or update them when updates are made to system and application software.

From Sphyrna, users can view currently loaded modules with module list and check available software with module avail *package* (omitting the package name will show all available modules). Some modules are loaded automatically upon login:

The table below lists commonly used modules commands.

Sphyrna Modules



module avail

lists all available modules

module list

list modules currently loaded

module purge

restores original setting by unloading all modules

module load package

loads a module e.g., the python package

module unload package

unloads a module e.g., the python package

module switch old new

replaces old module with new module

module display package

displays location and library information about a module


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