Sphyrna Research Cluster – Provides researchers, scholars, and their collaborators access to computational resources for projects involving large datasets within a secure and controlled environment.
Tip: Before running commands, submitting jobs, or using software on the Research cluster, understand our core Policies.
Details: Sphyrna Research Cluster
Credentials: NSU Account
Access & Allocations: Policies
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
Default Shell: Bash Data Transfer: SCP and SFTP
We encourage new users to carefully read our documentation on Sphyrna and available resources, especially users who may be unfamiliar with high-performance computing, Unix-based systems, or batch job scheduling(Slurm). Understanding what your jobs do on the cluster helps keep Sphyrna running smoothly for everyone.
Do not run resource-intensive jobs on the Sphyrna login node. Submit your jobs to Slurm, and use the interactive queue and Slurm Job Scripts . Jobs with insufficient resource allocations interfere with cluster performance and the nsu account responsible for those jobs may be suspended.
Stage data for running jobs exclusively in the /scratch
file system, which is optimized for fast data access. Any files used as input for your jobs must first be transferred to /scratch. The /home file system is optimized for mass data storage and is therefore slower-access. Using /home while running jobs degrades the performance of the entire system.
Include your projectID in your job submissions. Access to Sphyrna Research Computing resources is managed on a project basis. Any nsu researcher member or Principal Investigator (PI) can request a new project. All members of a project share that project’s resource allocations.
Connecting to Sphyrna: To access the Sphyrna Research cluster, open a secure shell (SSH) connection to researchhpc.nova.edu and log in with your active nsu account.Information about your disk quotas – then the ssh command prompt.