Resource Directory
Below is a selection of resources categorized by the most popular items we receive question on. Use the category names to filter the resources to get direct access to the information you need to complete registration, apply for financial aid, create Zoom ® meeting, etc.

Submit Applications to NSU
Start the application process.
Submit Transcripts to NSU
Submit all enrollment related documents
Transfer Credits to NSU
Transfer Evaluation Services Page.
Application Status
Log into the Application Portal and stay informed.
Update Application
Log into the Application Portal
NSU Payment Plans
How to apply for payment plans.
NSU Payments and Billing
How to apply for payment plans.
1098 -T Information
Learn about tax information reported on tuition, fees, scholarships, and grants.
Estimate Your Costs
Wondering about costs? Find out how affordable NSU is by accessing our Net Price Calculator.
Applying for Aid
Navigate the steps in the student financial aid process.
Types of Aid
Here you will find everything you need to know about the types of aid available.
Receiving Aid
Take a moment to explore our site and learn more about the eligibility requirements.
Pay for Tuition
NSU has many convenient options available for you to pay for tuition.
Register for Classes
Navigate the steps to register as a new or current student.
Courses Available
The Course Wizard enables students to browse and search course information.
Repeating Classes - Undergraduate
Repeat course policy for Financial Aid.Graduate students please contact your program office.

Grade Forgiveness
Grade Forgiveness Request Form.
Find out when grades are posted and how to stay informed.