There are many sharks that our marine scientists research and we believe in saving all of them, but there’s a reason we chose the mako.
Why the Shortfin Mako?
There are a lot of well-known sharks in the ocean—the great white of Jaws fame and the easily identified hammerhead. So why the shortfin mako? Why is this the best shark to represent NSU?
We're Fast-Moving.
Shortfin makos are among the fastest, most nimble fish in the ocean. Similarly, NSU students are quick to see and seize opportunities, accelerating their path to success. They are agile thinkers who relentlessly pursue their goals, regardless of the twists and turns in the road.
We Have a Desire to Succeed.
Like shortfin makos, NSU’s students are not afraid to chase after what they want. When they hunger for something, they aggressively go after it. It’s not unusual for the shortfin mako to leap 20 feet out of the ocean to catch its prey, and it’s not unusual to hear about someone in the NSU family reaching extraordinary heights in their career, community, or life.
We Swim Forward.
Because it’s warm-blooded, the shortfin mako is free to roam the oceans in a way most other sharks can’t. Shortfin mako sharks are known to travel 30 to 60 miles per day, and they always move forward. Likewise, NSU students, alums, faculty, and staff are continually exploring new territory. They are raising the bar, breaking new ground, pushing the limits, and changing the game.
We're Across the Globe.
The shortfin mako can be found worldwide. NSU’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni represent more than 75 nations. The university has a wide geographic scope, serving students worldwide, from one of its many campuses or online. And NSU alumni are spread far and wide, serving, supporting, and creating in communities and countries around the world.
We Overcome Obstacles and Adapt.
Finally, mako sharks are one of the oldest groups of sharks, having evolved over 400 million years, not only surviving, but thriving. This is exactly the attitude that is found in NSU students – they don’t just swim through life, they are constantly growing their skillsets and learning to dominate in their fields.
The NSU community doesn’t just exemplify mako sharks, we dive deep into the conservation of all sharks and other marine fish populations – always looking out for our kind. NSU’s Guy Harvey Research Institute, for instance, works to conserve and manage the marine ecosystem through scientific research, like by using innovative shark DNA forensic methods to combat finning, making key discoveries about shark migration patterns, and exploring how the unique features of shark genomes could help improve human medicine.
Not everyone may know about the unique qualities of the shortfin mako, but like NSU itself, its attributes are surprising and impressive. NSU people are proud to be sharks—shortfin mako sharks.
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