Q: Are we changing our name?
A: No, we are still Nova Southeastern University or NSU for short. But we don’t want anyone referring to us as “Nova.”
Q: What is the difference between the brand promise and the brand campaign?
A: The brand promise defines what we, as an entire institution, deliver to our audiences. The brand campaign is how we market that promise.
Our brand promise is: The NSU Edge: A Competitive Advantage in Your Career, Your Community, Your Life.
Our brand campaign is all of the advertising, promotional items, posters, and countless other items we use to promote NSU to the world.
Q: What happened to the "sunrise" (sometimes called the "sunset") logo?
A: The university began the transition away from this logo in 2018. The "NSU Florida" logo should be used on all materials. Along with the "NSU Florida" logo we will continue to use the Athletics logos as appropriate.
Q: Where do I get the logo from?
A: The logo can be downloaded from the Wordmarks and Logo page. You can get different file types and colors for any application. We have a two-color (blue and gray) logo, and logos in all blue, all black, or all white. Remember, you’re not allowed to create new logos or change the logo colors.
Q: I want a logo with my department on it. How do I get that?
A: To simplify our logo usage and to help brand the university as a single entity (1NSU), we are not producing departmental logo lockups any longer. The approved logo lockups are only for our colleges and centers, libraries, and campuses.
But we want you to have pride in your department/unit. You can have items produced with the university logo that also have your department/unit name on them, the name just needs to be in a separate location from the logo. You can consult with the Office of Publications and Creative Services or NSU’s marketing department for more help on this.
Q: Shouldn’t the word “Florida” be removed in the logo lockup for the Puerto Rico campus?
A: The word “Florida” in the new logo represents NSU’s origins and its operational base today. It is instantly recognizable to people who don’t know anything else about NSU.
The logo lockups for all our campuses are treated the same, regardless of the campus location. In that way it links all NSU as one, and treats all of our locations as equal.
Q: What are our NSU colors?
A: The university’s primary colors are NSU Blue (PMS 287) and Gray (PMS 430). The full set of colors is available on our Colors page.
Q: Which font are we using?
A: Our primary font family is called Gotham. Each department is responsible for purchasing the licensed version of the font for its employees.
For website designs, use Montserrat in place of Gotham. Montserrat is a similar, yet web-friendly, font that is freely available on most devices. You can find our fonts / typography here.
Q: What should I do about my email signature?
A: There is an email signature generator tool that will help you make your own email signature with the university logo. It’s available at nova.edu/brand. We want our brand front and center so it makes the biggest impact, so it’s best not to add any pithy sayings, quotes, images, or other adornment to your completed email signature.
Q: Can the “Be a Shark” pre-roll video be used by the colleges for internal audiences?
A: Yes! The video is available on our YouTube channel. You can access it here.
Q: Do we have a branded PowerPoint template?
A: Yes, a branded PowerPoint template is available for download on the brand site's Templates page here.
The template features the NSU brand, but there is room on the title page for you to add the name of your college, department, or organization. We discourage you from trying to create a knock-off, unit-branded template. Creating one-off templates will detract from the NSU brand and confuse audiences.
Contact Us
For more information on the usage of NSU brand elements, please email the Division of Public Relations, Marketing, and Creative Services at nsubrand@nova.edu or contact the Office of Printing and Publications.