Instructions for Moderators
What will you do?
- Introduce presenters
- Serve as timekeeper to help keep presenters on schedule
- Help spark discussion during Q&A session, and moderate questions.
- Draw for door prizes at the end of the day.
- Call for help with A/V problems.
What resources will you have?
- Presenters will give you possible questions to get discussions started.
- Presenters will give you a short introduction about themselves that you can read.
- You will be assigned a student volunteer to act as a go-fer to get A/V help or run messages to the organizers.
- Student volunteer will help collect tickets for door prizes.
Where will you be assigned?
- TBA. Please keep checking this site for updates.
What do you get for serving as a moderator?
- A letter of appreciation.
If you have questions please call or write Kathleen Hagen at (954) 262-1235 or