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The new WCC space on the 4th floor of the Alvin Sherman Library.

About Our Space

The NSU Writing and Communication Center is located on the 4th floor of the Alvin Sherman Library, Rm. 430. This space is designed for comfort and mobility, allowing consultants and students to work together in a variety of ways. This dynamic space has mobile furniture, whiteboards, and distributed technology that promote constant creativity and collaboration. Learn more about some of the features of this space and the events held in it below.

If you haven't had the chance to visit us in person, you can use the virtual tour below to explore the WCC:

This open space is intentionally designed for comfort and mobility, providing opportunities for consultants and students to work together in a variety of ways. The space has mobile furniture, rolling and fixed whiteboards, and technology that promotes constant creativity and collaboration. It also has a touchscreen monitor that students can use to make appointments and complete assessment surveys.

The WCC is mostly desktop-free, allowing for greater flexibility in the utilization of the space. Students are encouraged to bring their own devices (BYOD – namely laptops and tablets) to work in the WCC. The WCC does have laptops and tablets that consultants can sign out to use during their sessions.

The main studio space in the WCC.

Inside of WCC

These two collaborative multimodal spaces are equipped with large monitors, outlets, mobile chairs, and audio/visual recording capabilities. They are ideal spaces for students working on presentations or group projects, offering them the capability to record themselves and review their delivery. Mostly soundproof, these Shark Tanks provide a location for students who may prefer to work in a quieter setting. When available, they also serve as a space for consultants to host online sessions with students in remote locations.

Call (954) 262-4644 or email the WCC to reserve one of these rooms.

Inside of WCC Shark Tank

Inside of WCC Shark Tank

This interactive workspace is where students, faculty, and staff can attend weekly workshops to learn innovative strategies for writing, teaching, and communication. It is equipped with mobile seating and tables, whiteboards, large video monitors, and a video camera for recording or collaborating with others via online meeting, desktop sharing, and video conferencing software like GoToMeeting. Similar to the main Studio Space, the TLS is intentionally designed for comfort and mobility, allowing participants to (re)arrange the furniture to meet the teaching and learning needs of any moment.

WCC Teaching and Learning Studio interior

The two collaborative work spaces provide students and consultants opportunities to work in pairs or small groups using large monitors and wireless keyboards while in comfortable seating. Both spaces have outlets within close range, making it easy to bring one's own device and keep it charged as you work.

WCC collaborative work space

Students working on a laptop.Students are encouraged to bring their own laptops and tablets to work in the WCC. To maintain the flexible atmosphere of the WCC, desktop computers are not installed. While our consultants have laptops, we cannot guarantee their availability during sessions. Students may also bring a hard copy of their assignment in place of a device.

event_klnap.jpgWhat would a space be without events taking place in it? Besides the many consultations performed daily with students wanting help with their writing and communication projects, the WCC space hosts many events throughout the year that bring together students and faculty to learn, share, and improve their communication skills. Come join us.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more, please contact us using the information below. We’re happy to give you a tour of our space and have you meet our staff members!

The WCC space is on the fourth floor of the Alvin Sherman Library, room 430.

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Phone: (954) 262-4644
Social Media: @nsuwcc

Email and phone messages are checked throughout the day seven days a week, with limited hours on weekends. Consultations are also offered remotely via Zoom seven days a week, with some occurring outside of our physical space's hours. 

Make an Appointment

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