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ExEL: Leadership Development Pillar

Experiential Education and Learning (ExEL) at NSU offers students the opportunity to be exposed to hands-on opportunities that will enrich their academic life while helping to reach their personal and professional goals.

One of the options students can choose to earn ExEL units is through Leadership Development. Students can self-determine a current or upcoming leadership position, leadership project, or leadership participation (Leadership Development Experience) to qualify for a unit each academic year. Whether you are in a formal organizational leadership role or you are working on a project to create positive change, by completing this ExEL unit you will enhance your ability to lead on the individual, organizational, and community levels.  The Leadership Pillar provides a framework to reflect upon meaningful and impactful involvements in the student leader’s NSU experience. These opportunities promote engagement, leadership development, and reflective learning.

The ExEL Leadership Development Pillar is designed to provide intentional reflection and growth so students may develop Individual Student Leader Core Competencies.

Leadership Development Experience Process

The Leadership Development Experience can be a position, project or participation that a student holds at Nova Southeastern University. The student will work closely with their advisor within this experience in order to verify time served in this role, but also allow for students to make meaning of the experience as it relates to the core competencies.

The more you know before you lead, the more comfortable you will feel throughout your experience. Utilize your NSU Experience to help determine which current or upcoming leadership position, leadership project, or leadership participation you would like to submit for an Experiential Education and Learning Unit.

  • What are my interests? Does this leadership experience fit with your intended field of study or do you want to focus on an experience or initiative that is focused on a personal interest?
  • What are your skills? Certain positions/task will ask that you have a unique skill set. If you have skills that may be valuable to a particular organization/position/task, consider that.
  • Will my experience affect my other commitments? If you are already stretched thin and are worried about whether a leadership position will make it hard to keep up with schoolwork, make sure you consider the time commitment per week as well as the days of need for the intended experience.
  • How does this experience align with my values? There are many leadership opportunities to consider. Your experience should fit within your values system.
  • The Leadership Development Experience must be a minimum of 40 hours of active participation within one academic year
  • Must be a current experience as documented by the completion and approval of this Leadership Development Pillar process. Past participation in leadership positions, projects or participation will not be accepted.
  • Students will have a maximum of (1) academic year to complete service and all requirements outlined in order to receive the ExEL unit designation.
  • Two units may be awarded for a Leadership Development Experience that meets a minimum of 80 hours of active participation in one academic year.
  • The Leadership Development Experience must be reflective of the ten Student Leadership Competencies as outlined above.
  • Complete the ExEL Leadership Development Unit Interest Form on SharkHub.
  • Plan to meet with a SLCE representative to review your interest in the leadership opportunity and review the ExEL requirements.
    • **You are required to meet with a representative PRIOR to beginning your proposed leadership experience.
  • After submitting the interest form you will be contacted by a SLCE representative to review your intended experience and program requirements


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