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TIDAL WAVE Vendor Fair

Your business can make WAVES with students who directly oversee a robust student activity fee account!

With more than 300 on-campus student clubs and organizations, 14 dynamic Student Government Associations (SGA), club sports, student businesses, and fraternity and sorority life, Nova Southeastern University prides itself on its richly-engaged atmosphere. These organizations are key stakeholders and decision makers in the products and services our students get to experience.

The Student Activity Fee Vendor Fair is a new campus initiative that is meant to provide student organizations access to businesses and vendors that can best serve their needs.

Why Participate?

Slated to be located in the Don Taft University Center Spine, our fair aims to attract hundreds of students, giving them the opportunity to learn about and support businesses present. The fair will showcase a variety of items and services including apparel, novelty items, disk jockeys (DJs), venues, and much more! Additionally, vendors selected to participate in the fair will have their contact information posted on the Student Activity Fee website for the 2024-2025 academic year, providing continued traction for your business even beyond the date of the event.

This fair is solely for access to the student organization market. To become a recognized supplier of Nova Southeastern University, please visit Supplier Registration (

Vendors interested in applying should:

  • Complete the application in its entirety
  • Provide a current W-9 for the 2024 calendar year and Certificate of Insurance (see below for details) to
  • Submit payment via credit card or check made out to NSU


Selected vendors will be charged a $25 non-refundable reservation fee for the fair. This fee covers one (1) NSU parking permit for the day of the event and administrative costs. The application will ask whether you intend to pay online via credit card or via check. If paying with a credit card, a secure online link will be emailed to you. The reservation fee will be credited back to HBIA student-run businesses who register for and attend the fair.

Check payments should be made payable to Nova Southeastern University or NSU and can be mailed to:

Student Activity Fee Accounts Office
3300 S University Drive
Student Affairs Building, SAB-107
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328


The Student Activity Fee Accounts Office encourages all businesses and vendors (local and afar) to apply to participate our vendor fair; this includes our HBIA (Huizenga Business Innovation Academy) student-run businesses.

All approved vendors will be provided one (1) 8' x 2.5' table for promotion, but selection of vendors may be competitive. Applications will be accepted, reviewed, and vendors selected at the sole discretion of the Student Activity Fee Accounts Office. Only selected vendors will be charged the application fee.

Vendors will be chosen based on the following criteria, but not limited to:

  • Desirability of the items or product
  • Number of vendors selling similar items
  • Originality of the items or product
  • Price point of items and applicable discounts
  • Student feedback

A Certificate of Insurance is a standard form issued by an insurance company to evidence a policyholder's coverage.


All outside vendors using NSU's facilities and contractors doing business for NSU must submit proof of insurance. It is the responsibility of the department to request this proof from the vendor or contractor prior to the beginning of work and/or the start of the contract.


The Certificate of Insurance must name Nova Southeastern University, Inc. as "an additional insured." The limits of insurance should be at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. The Certificate must be forwarded to the Risk Management Office for prior approval. If the Certificate does not meet the requirements, the department will be notified. The following information should be listed on the certificate:

  • Full name of insured
  • Name of Insurance Company providing coverage
  • Type of insurance (e.g. Commercial General Liability, Worker's Compensation, Automobile) and limits
  • Policy number and effective date
  • Date and description of operation
  • Nova Southeastern University, Inc. as an "additional insured," not just as a certificate holder
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