Workers' compensation insurance is a policy that employers or businesses purchase to provide benefits for employees who sustain job-related injuries, with limited exceptions. In Florida, state law mandates that employers with four or more employees obtain this coverage. Under Florida Statute 440, workers who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses are protected and entitled to benefits, including medical expenses, disability compensation, and death benefits. Coverage begins on an employee’s first day of work, with no waiting period for eligibility. Below is the policy detailing employees' rights under Florida law.
Issue Date: June 1990; Revised: March 2, 2009/August 2, 2011/December 9, 2013/July 2015/October 18, 2019/March 6, 2023/September 6, 2023
Policy Number: 37
Policy Applies To: All Employees
The Florida Workers' Compensation Act is a system for providing necessary medical care and compensating workers who experience work-related illnesses or injuries, and are unable to work as a result of their illnesses or injuries. Employees are covered by Workers' Compensation from their first day on the job; there is no waiting period for eligibility for Workers' Compensation. Under Florida law, the term "injury" means personal injury or death by accident arising out of and in the course of employment, and any diseases or infections that naturally result from the injury.
Workers' Compensation benefits include partial payment of lost wages if a work-related injury or illness causes the employee's absence for more than seven calendar days. In addition, Workers' Compensation, through the University's insurance carrier, pays all medical costs for medically necessary services pertaining to work-related injuries or illnesses when utilizing approved medical providers. The University will supplement wage payment by expending accrued personal, sick, or vacation leave, as necessary, once verification of the claim is received from the carrier, and the statutory "waiting period" has been met.
When a work-related injury or illness results in lost time for more than 21 days, the Workers' Compensation wage benefits are retroactive to the original date of injury. In cases where the Workers' Compensation insurance carrier provides payment of wages, it is at the rate of two-thirds of the employee's average gross weekly wage at the time of injury or illness up to a statutorily established cap. The University's supplemental wage payment, when available, is provided up to the amount of the employee's regular net pay.
During the time that an employee is absent from work but has not reverted to unpaid status, the employee's medical insurance continues with both NSU and the employee paying their respective contributions. If the employee reverts to unpaid status, the university continues to pay for the employee's medical insurance premiums to avoid lapse in coverage whereby the employee's portion of the premiums would be collected in arrears upon the employee's return to work.
When a work-related injury or illness occurs, the employee must immediately report the work-related injury to a supervisor (regardless of the severity of the injury). Either the supervisor or the employee must also notify the Risk Management Office and the Office of Public Safety directly. At that time the supervisor and employee must complete the First Report of Injury or Illness packet and submit it immediately to the Risk Management Office.
NSU is required by law to report work-related injuries or illnesses whether major or minor, to the state within seven days of such occurrence. Supervisors and or OHR contacts must provide the Risk Management staff with an executed First Report of Injury or Illness packet and any pertinent notes and information so the claim can be filed with CCMSI and other follow-up procedures completed. Failure to do so could result in monetary and other serious fines. Therefore, all supervisors and or employees must report all work-related injuries immediately for filing.
Arrangements for immediate medical care will be authorized and arranged by the Risk Management Office. NSU reserves the right to conduct drug and/or alcohol testing of all parties to work related accidents or incidents. Information about the drug testing policies may be accessed online at
Employees electing to utilize medical providers not authorized in advance by Nova Southeastern University and/or its workers' compensation insurance carrier may be responsible for any costs related to such services rendered.
Time away from work for the initial medical care should not be charged to the employee’s sick, personal, or vacation time. Subsequent follow-up medical care should be recorded in Shark Time (KRONOS) or on a leave and absentee report utilizing the employee’s accrued sick, personal, or vacation hours, or be unpaid.
Employees are responsible for coordinating medical leave of absence with OHR, Lincoln Financial Group, and their department.
Contact the Office of Public Safety; they will call 911 to provide medical attention for emergency situations. Medical care will be provided through the Workers' Compensation Network, NSU's insurance company and coordinated by the Risk Management Office.
First Report of Injury or Illness Packet
Here are some workers' compensation resources:
All employees (e.g., part-time, full-time, or student employees) must report their injury, in writing, immediately but no later than ten (10) working days after the injury. Injuries are to be reported to your supervisor and NSU's Workers' Compensation Manager Finance using the Worker’s Claim for Compensation (WC 15) form. If you were injured more than ten (10) days ago, you should still notify your supervisor and NSU's Workers' Compensation Manager Finance in writing as soon as possible.
File the Worker's Claim for Compensation (WC 15) with the Division within two years of your injury.
Contact NSU’s Workers' Compensation Manager Finance, or the NSU Program Director (Colorado) to get a designated provider list of up to four doctors or clinics, who can provide you treatment. You must select one doctor [Authorized Treating Physician (ATP)] from the designated provider list who will be your doctor for your claim. You must receive the written list within seven business days of you notifying NSU about your injury.
You have the right to make a one-time change to any doctor on that list within 90 days of your injury. You may also complete a Request for Change of Physician (WC 197) to change to another doctor at any time. The insurance carrier may deny your request to change your doctor.
An independent contractor is not typically covered. Supervisors should check with NSU's Workers' Compensation Manager Finance if a contractor reports an injury.
Seek medical care at the nearest hospital immediately.
Mileage and parking related to medical visits and to pick up medications or supplies related to the injury are reimbursable. Mileage must be submitted 120 days after incurred and paid within 30 days.
View Colorado Workers' Compensation Policy
Review HR'S Colorado Employee Policy Manual Supplement
Policy#: WXWCC0004000
TPA: Gallagher Bassette Services, Inc. - Client # 003425-ARCH WCC
Gallagher Bassette Services, Inc.
Medical Billing - P.O.Box 2831, Clinton, IA 52733-2831
Tel: 1-877-369-7401
All employees (e.g., part-time, full-time, or student employees) must report their injury immediately to their supervisor, Campus Director (Tel. #787-773-6501) and/or NSU's Workers' Compensation Manager Finance (Tel. # 954-262-5404) in writing. The supervisor or Campus Director will complete the "Work Accident Report," i.e., the CFSE 02-041 (CFSE-0373) junio/2015 form. The injured worker must file a claim with the State Insurance Fund Corporation (CFSE) within a term of five (5) days after the accident occurred. If an employee is injured more than five days ago, still notify your supervisor and the Workers' Compensation Manager Finance in writing as soon as possible. The CFSE-0373 form will be forwarded to the Workers' Compensation Manager Finance who will then file it electronically on the PRSIFC's web site.
THE PRSIFC will determine if an employee has suffered a work-related accident or illness. Medical care must be received within the facilities of the State Insurance Fund Corporation (CFSE). These services are offered at the regional, intermediate, and local clinics, as well as at the Industrial Hospital. Nova employees are instructed to go to the emergency room at
An independent contractor is not typically covered. Supervisors should check with the Workers' Compensation Manager Finance if a contractor reports an injury.
Seek medical care at the nearest hospital immediately or Hospital Industrial.
If injured on the job you are entitled to mileage reimbursement for the cost of travel to doctor's appointments, physical therapy appointments, and to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions related to the injury.
View HR's Family and Medical Leave Policy
You should report the accident immediately to your supervisor to prevent a delay in receiving any workers' compensation benefits. Furthermore, the law requires that the university report the injury within a specific period of time.
No. The university or its insurance company must pay for all authorized and medically necessary care in accordance with a schedule of reimbursement allowances as authorized by the State Division of Workers' Compensation.