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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions & Other Information

NSU Vehicles, Rental, and Accident Coverage

Your personal auto insurance is primary. NSU's policy will only respond after your insurance is exhausted. Further, the University does not cover collision/comprehensive damage on an employee's vehicle.

No. Employees should decline the CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) when renting a vehicle for University business and traveling in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico*. NSU carries this coverage. If the employee does not decline such coverage, he/ she will be responsible for the cost.

*If outside these territories, insurance coverage, including CDW, must be purchased. All auto rentals for University business should go through the travel office.

The Risk Management Office must check the employee or applicant's driver's license through the Motor Vehicle Department. The following information must be submitted to the Risk Management Office:

No, only NSU authorized drivers may operate the rental vehicle. Even if permitted by the rental car agency.

NSU Event Coverage and Use of Outside Facilities

The Risk Management office needs to know what type of event, the date, and other specifics to ensure NSU has adequate insurance coverage. The Office Public Safety and Facilities Management needs to be notified as well.

All outside groups are required to complete the Facilities Leasing Request Form with Facilities Management. All outside groups or person(s) renting or using any part of the University's premises are required to have Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. All departments are responsible for obtaining a Certificate of Insurance from the outside person/group prior to letting them use the premises. The Certificate must be forwarded to the Risk Management Office for approval before the event.

Contact the Risk Management Office with the following information:

  • Name and address of certificate holder
  • Date(s) NSU will be using the facility and for what purpose
  • Whether the facility needs to be named as an additional insured
  • The type of coverage needed
  • Provide a copy of any agreement or contract

No. Any activity that may pose a greater exposure of risk of bodily injury or property damage than the usual normal day-to-day activities must be reviewed by the Risk Management Office to determine if there is coverage or if additional coverages will be needed.

Consequently, the department must contact the Risk Management Office to discuss activities that would not be considered part of normal day-to-day activities, such as field trips, traveling to hazardous sites, special sports activities, events with large groups, and any activity that may involve spectator or audience physical participation.

NSU Liability

NSU's liability insurance carrier and University risk management personnel investigates all claims for bodily injury to determine whether there is negligence on the part of the University. Based on this investigation, the carrier and the University may arrange a settlement, if appropriate, or deny the claim.

NSU carries a $10,000 deductible per occurrence for property loss.

No. Personal belongings cannot be insured by the University's policy. If an employee brings personal items into his/her office, such as lamps, rugs, radios, etc., he/she does so at his/her own risk.

No. Students' belongings in a dorm or office cannot be insured under a University policy. It is recommended that students obtain their own insurance to cover personal property or check applicable coverage with their parents' or their own homeowners' policies.

No. Contracts or agreements which assume liability or waive liability for the University first need to be reviewed by the University's counsel and the Risk Management Office. Failure to do so could result in the University assuming liability for losses or claims not covered by insurance.

Related Information

The University is covered for claims brought against it by third parties alleging personal injury to themselves or loss or damage to their property. Such claims are covered arising out of the regular business activities of the University or other special activities sanctioned by the University.

When an injury occurs:

  • Call 911 first, then NSU's Public Safety Office - (954) 262-8999.
  • Refrain from making any statements regarding liability or payment of bills.
  • Do not remove anything from the premises, unless it creates a safety hazard.
  • Call 911 if injury occurs off campus and report the occurrence to the Public Safety Office. Public Safety will complete an incident report and forward the report to the Risk Management Office.
  • For work related injuries, contact your supervisor immediately, as well as Public Safety. Complete a Worker's Compensation First Report of Injury form and forward it to the Risk Management Office.

For additional information, please go to NSU's Public Safety Office web site.

Drivers Policy

All drivers of University owned, leased, rented or borrowed vehicles must have and maintain a valid driver's license with 3 points or less. Your driving record will be checked for the past three years. If the Motor Vehicle Department's report reflects an adverse driving record, such as a DUI conviction or moving violation (over three points), the employee or student will not be allowed to drive any NSU vehicle and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

The following information must be submitted to the Risk Management Office:

Accidents Policy

  1. University Vehicles Policy
    The driver of a University owned, leased, rented or borrowed vehicle involved in an accident on or off campus must notify the proper authorities, including Public Safety, Risk Management and their supervisor, and file any required reports. Also, University vehicles must have an Insurance ID card in the vehicle. Contact Chris Robinson at x. 2-8815 for replacement cards.

    • Notify NSU's Office of Public Safety.
    • If off-campus, contact the local police department.
    • Obtain the names and addresses of any witnesses to the accident and drivers' exchange of information for each vehicle involved.
    • If such party needs additional information, refer him/her to NSU's Risk Management office.
    • Provide all documentation (i.e. police report, rental car agreement, and any other paperwork) to Risk Management.
    Contact the Risk Management office if an employee is injured. A worker's compensation report must be filed. For additional information, please go to NSU's Public Safety Office web site.
  2. Rental Vehicle Policy
    Any employee/student driving a rental vehicle on University business is responsible to report accidents and damages to the rental agency and Public Safety.

    The employee/student must file a report with the rental agency. This must also be filed with the Risk Management Office with a signed written report detailing the facts surrounding the accident.
  3. Personal Vehicle Policy
    The insurance of an employee involved in an accident using his/her own vehicle on University business is primary. NSU's insurance will respond for liability only, once the employee's primary coverage is exhausted. The University does not cover collision/comprehensive damage on employees' vehicles.

    The individual must report the accident to his/her insurance company, as well as to the Risk Management Office.

Auto Rentals

All auto rentals for NSU business must be processed through the University Travel Office x.2-8888. The name of the employee(s) who will be driving the vehicle must be provided to the Travel Office.


*See Automobile Policy: Drivers Policy and Procedures for becoming an authorized driver.

If the vehicle will be used for personal business as well, the authorized driver must have a separate rental contract, in their own name, for those specific dates.


NSU employees should decline the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) when renting a vehicle for University business and traveling in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico*. Note: If the employee does not decline coverage, he/she will be responsible for the charge.

*If outside these territories, insurance coverage, including CDW, must be purchased.

If any equipment (other than typical office equipment) is obtained by a department, the department must contact the Risk Management office to have it properly covered. If not, there may be a lapse in coverage. Examples of such equipment include, but not limited to, audio/visual, medical, and computer equipment (other than PC's).


The department must notify the Risk Management office with the following information: description and value of the equipment and its location.

The Risk Management office, as well as the Office of Public Safety, should be notified of any theft or vandalism of NSU's property on or off campus.


Contact the Risk Management office and the Office of Public Safety with the following information:

  • Circumstances of the theft
  • Description of equipment
  • Cost of equipment and proof of purchase
  • Serial number and tag number

For equipment that is going to be replaced, a copy of the purchase order or invoice must be sent to the Risk Management Office to submit to the insurance carrier for reimbursement.

Note: The department should also contact the Fixed Assets Department, (954) 262-5246 so that the stolen equipment can be taken off NSU's inventory.

For additional information, please go to NSU's Public Safety web site.

The Risk Management office should be notified of all official events and activities that are held on campus to ensure that insurance requirements are met. The Office of Public Safety should also be informed of such events.

The Risk Management office should be made aware of any activities/events that will be sponsored by NSU off-campus.


Contact the Risk Management office with the specifics regarding the event/activity, such as the date, location, and type.

If a contract and/or release needs to be signed, a copy of the contract and the release must be sent to the Risk Management office for review with counsel.

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