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Updating your Student Record

Students are responsible for ensuring that their personal information on record with the university is always accurate and up to date. This information is used to notify you of emergencies and other important matters.  As per NSU’s Student Enrollment Agreement, registered students agree to update their record within seven days of any changes in address or phone number.

You may update your address, personal email, and telephone number in SharkLink at any time. All other change requests require you to submit a Data Change Form along with supporting documentation.

Data Change Form (DocuSign)


Refer to the instructions below on how to request updates to the various types of personal information on your student record. 

You can update your phone number, email, and mailing address instantly on the Personal Information page in Self-Service Banner. Click on the pencil icon  (pencil icon) to update your information.

You can also notify the university of an address change by completing a Data Change Form (DocuSign), or by mailing or faxing a signed letter request to NSU Data Entry. Indicate your old address and your new one.

Nova Southeastern University
Attn: Data Entry
Office of the University Registrar
3300 S. University Drive
Fort Lauderdale-Davie, FL 33328-2004

Fax: (954) 262-2915

If you are an NSU employee, visit the Office of Human Resources website to request the change.

Degree Conferral and Diplomas

In addition to the above, if you have already applied for your degree conferral/diploma, you must also email your address change to the Coordinator of Degree Conferrals and Diplomas. Please provide your NSU ID number in all correspondence.

Students must submit a DocuSign Data Change Form along with a copy of one of the following documents to request a change to the citizenship status on their student record.

  • Passport
  • Passport card
  • Certificate of citizenship
  • Certificate of naturalization
  • Permanent resident card (Green Card)

To change your date of birth submit a completed Data Change Form along with a copy of one of the following documents:

  • Birth certificate
  • Driver’s license
  • Certificate of naturalization
  • Permanent resident card
  • Passport
  • Uniformed service military ID

Students who prefer to submit the form by fax or postal mail, may use the contact information below: 

     Nova Southeastern University
     Attn:  Data Entry
     3300 South University Drive
     Fort Lauderdale-Davie, FL 33328-2004

Fax number: (954) 262-2915

Students must submit a DocuSign Data Change Form along with a copy of their ITIN Assignment Letter to request changes to the ITIN on their student record. 

A student's academic record reflects the gender with which they identified themselves at the time of university application.

Nova Southeastern University requires official documentation to make a change in gender. Please provide your previous and current names and NSU identification number. A court order is the official documentation required to update your student record with a new gender. You may submit your information by completing a Data Change Form (DocuSign) along with a copy of the court order. You may also print the form and fax it to (954) 262-2915 or submit it by postal mail along with supporting documentation:

Nova Southeastern University
Attn: Data Entry
Office of the University Registrar
3300 S. University Drive
Fort Lauderdale-Davie, FL 33328-2004

If you are an NSU employee, please contact the Office of Human Resources. 

Students must submit a DocuSign Data Change Form along with a copy of their marriage license and/or divorce decree to  request changes to their marital status on their student record.

Students are required to provide their full legal name at the time of admission. Nova Southeastern University requires the documentation outlined below to change your legal name on official academic records. 


Legal Name Changes

The Office of the University Registrar retains legal records of students’ information, including names. For that reason, in order to change the name on a student’s record, the Registrar must receive legal documentation displaying the student’s new name. Nova Southeastern University requires official documentation to make a name change. The following required documentation must reflect the updated name and be submitted along with a completed Data Change Form (DocuSign). Failure to submit the appropriate documentation will result in the request being denied.

International students’ names must appear on the college records exactly as it appears on the passport issued by the student’s home country. The U.S. entry visa may not be used as documentation for a name change. Therefore, a copy of the student’s current passport must be submitted in order to update the name on the student’s record.

Acceptable documents verifying a name change are:

  • Social Security card (all U.S. residents)
  • Passport (Non-U.S. residents without a Social Security card)

Plus one of the following:

  • Certified Abstract of Marriage (only those containing the updated married name)
  • Court Order (Final Judgment of Name Change or Final Judgment of Change of Name)
  • Divorce decree that reinstates maiden name
  • Driver's license or state issued identification card
  • F-1 or J-1 Student Visa or Permanent Resident card
  • Passport (U.S. resident)
  • Permanent or Conditional Resident card
  • Resident Alien card
  • Uniformed Services Military ID card

Not acceptable documents: 

  • Employee ID card
  • Marriage license
  • Petition for Naturalization
  • Petition of Name Change
  • Professional License card

Acceptable documents to correct the spelling of a name are:

  • Birth Certificate (only acceptable for correcting spelling errors)
  • Bureau of Vital Statistics card (used the same as a Birth Certificate)

In order to change a married name back to a maiden name, legal documentation other than a birth certificate must be provided.

Students may also write a letter requesting the change of name and include a certified copy of a required document listed above to:

Nova Southeastern University
Attn: Data Entry
Office of the University Registrar
3300 South University Drive
Fort Lauderdale-Davie, FL 33328-2004

After an approved name change has been processed, the student is entitled to a new SharkCard with updated information, at no charge.

If you are an NSU employee, visit the Human Resources' Employee Name Change form for instructions on processing a change of name through OHR.


Diploma Name

The graduate's name that appears on a Nova Southeastern University diploma or certificate must be a legal  name. Variations from an official name requested at the time of Degree Application may be considered. In all cases, verification will be based on information that is in the student record and not provided verbally. For more details, visit the Diplomas and Certificates page.

Nova Southeastern University requires copies of official documentation to make any change to a social security number. To request a change to the Social Security number on your student record, please submit a Data Change Form (DocuSign) and attach a copy of your signed social security card. 

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