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Leave of Absence Policy

Effective Date: May 1, 2022



Federal financial aid regulations (34 CFR § 668.22) require institutions to have a formal written and published Leave of Absence (LOA) Policy with specific conditions for this action.  As required, this university-wide policy has been developed. 


A leave of absence is a temporary period of time during which the student is not in attendance but is not considered withdrawn from the university.  A student may request a leave when they can demonstrate an extenuating circumstance beyond the realm of their control.  A request for leave due to poor academic performance, financial issues, or to delay the return of unearned Title IV funds is not considered an extenuating circumstance. Federal guidelines state the maximum period of time allowed for an approved LOA is 180 days within a 12-month period.  If the student is granted one LOA, and then is granted a second LOA, the total period of both LOAs cannot exceed 180 days within the 12-month period.  Prior to an LOA approval, the university must determine there is a reasonable expectation the student will return from the leave.

Conditions for a Leave of Absence  

All approved LOAs (status and dates) must be reported to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).  

A student who was approved for a leave for less than 180 days but fails to return to the university when the LOA is over will be reported as withdrawn to the NSC as of the last date of attendance. 

Students who are concurrently enrolled in multiple programs of study cannot request a leave from one program and remain enrolled in a second program.  Students cannot be registered in any program at the university during an approved LOA.  The university will not disburse any additional financial aid to students while on an approved LOA.

A student is expected to return at the end of their approved LOA.  A student returning from an LOA is required to complete the courses they started prior to the leave.  The university cannot impose additional charges or disburse additional financial aid until the student has earned the Title IV financial aid previously paid for the courses. 

Requesting a Leave of Absence

The Leave of Absence Request Form must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the semester/term for the requested leave unless the student is incapacitated and unable to meet the 14-day requirement.  Leaves requested after the semester/term has begun will be considered for approval only in a documented extreme circumstance.

 To receive an approved LOA:

  1. The student must have successfully completed at least one (1) semester/term in their current degree program.

  2. The student must confer with their academic advisor/program office or the Office of the Dean of Students prior to submitting the Leave of Absence Request Form.   

  3. The student must not be in an academic standing that prohibits registration.

  4. The student must not have a hold(s) (e.g., disciplinary, financial, etc.) which would prohibit registration.  An employee hold is an exception to this requirement.   

  5. The student must submit a written, signed, and dated Leave of Absence Request Form, with documentation, detailing the reason(s) for the LOA being requested and declaring an expected return date.  Medical LOA requests must be accompanied by a signed typed letter/form from a medical doctor or treating psychologist on official letterhead verifying the timeframe of the leave.  



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