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NSU Visitor Parking

As a guest, we would like to facilitate your visit to our campus. Please review our parking and traffic regulations below to learn about your parking options.

Please note that a visitor is someone not directly affiliated with Nova Southeastern University. 

It is the responsibility of the NSU Portal account holder to ensure that a digital virtual permit is linked to their vehicle(s) and that all information (license plate, make, model, year, and color) is accurately entered and updated in the Portal.

All visitors parking at NSU campuses/properties have the following options to choose from:

Pay to Park

Please pay to park at any opened lot or parking garage. Parking fees can be paid by using the PayByPhone application or *Pay booth where applicable *(there are assigned lots with Pay booths). Each parking garage parking lot on NSU Campus has its own PayByPhone location number. Please use the correct PayByPhone location number when parking on Campus.
Daily and Monthly Virtual Permits
In addition to the parking meters located in selected lots and parking garages and PayByPhone application, we are also providing daily and monthly virtual permits. Daily virtual permits fees are $5/day per vehicle and monthly virtual permits are $16.67/month per vehicle. To purchase a daily or monthly virtual permit go to NSU's Parking Portal.

NSU Faculty, Staff, and Students vehicles that are parked on NSU Campus must have an NSU SharkFin Sticker affixed to the rear of the vehicle and must be registered with a digital virtual permit in the NSU Parking Portal.

It is the responsibility of the NSU Portal account holder to ensure a virtual permit is linked to their vehicle(s) and that all information (license plate, make, model, year, and color) is accurately entered and updated in the Portal.

Audience Permit Color Fee
Faculty Member* Blue $200.00/year
Staff Member* Blue $200.00/year
Vendors/Contractors Brown $200.00/year
Reserved parking** Blue $750.00/year
Commuter Students Blue Student Activity Fee
Residence Hall Students*** Blue Student Activity Fee
Rolling Hills Residence Hall Students**** Blue Student Activity Fee
NSU University School Students Green Student Activity Fee
Visitor N/A $1/hour
Daily  Virtual Permit N/A $5/day
Monthly Virtual Permit N/A $16.67/month

For all Reserved Parking inquires please contact Public Safety at

*** Resident Students are only permitted to park in their residential hall lot. Students must take the Shark Shuttle if they need to go anyplace on campus.

**** Rolling Hills Residence Halls (are permitted to park on Campus only between 5:00pm - 8:00am weekdays, and anytime on weekends. Also, the LRITC parking garage (library garage) is available for parking anytime for Rolling Hills Residents.    

  • NSU virtual permit holders should update their records of any transferred or license plate replacement. If a vehicle is purchased, rented, borrowed, or used to replace another, the new vehicle information must be updated through NSU's Parking Portal.
  • SharkFin Sticker shall be affixed to the left side of the rear bumper, or affixed to the exterior left lower corner of the rear window.  On motorcycles, motor scooters, and mopeds, the SharkFin Sticker shall be displayed in plain view and readable.  SharkFin Sticker are non-transferable.   A SharkFin Sticker may not be assigned, sold, given, or used by any individual other than the one to whom the SharkFin Sticker was assigned.   Anyone participating in the prohibited exchange of a parking SharkFin Sticker will be referred to the appropriate dean, department head and/or the Office of Human Resources, when applicable.
  • The NSUSharkFin Sticker must be visible at all times while the vehicle is parked on campus. Any vehicle with an NSU SharkFin Sticker not affixed in accordance with this policy will be cited and fined for improper display and is subject to being towed from campus at the owner’s expense.
  • Government vehicles displaying county, state, or federal license plates are exempt from the permit requirement.
  • NSU virtual permit holders who are temporarily driving a rental/loaner vehicle must update the vehicle information on records to reflect the driven vehicle. Visit NSU's Parking Portal

NSU Broward County and Tampa Bay Campuses

This regulation is applicable to all persons who operate or park a motor vehicle on NSU Broward County and Tampa Bay Campuses. Every motor vehicle parked on University property must maintain a valid paid virtual permit or “pay to park” using PayByPhone or pay at multi-space meters. All County traffic and parking ordinances which are not in conflict or inconsistent with NSU regulations shall extend and be applicable to the University’s campuses. The NSU Public Safety Department is responsible for reporting violations of university motor vehicle regulations to Nova Southeastern University officials.  Florida laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles are enforced by the local police department, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Miami-Dade Police, and the Florida Highway Patrol.  Violations of university motor vehicle regulations will be controlled by the agency with jurisdiction. 

Other NSU Campuses

This regulation is applicable to all persons who operate or park a motor vehicle on NSU Campus. Every motor vehicle parked in any parking lot or parking garage on University property must maintain a valid virtual permit.  All County traffic and parking ordinances which are not in conflict or inconsistent with NSU regulations shall extend and be applicable to the University’s campuses. The NSU Public Safety Department is responsible for reporting violations of university motor vehicle regulations to Nova Southeastern University officials.  Florida laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles are enforced by the local police department, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Miami-Dade Police, and the Florida Highway Patrol.  Violations of university motor vehicle regulations will be controlled by the agency with jurisdiction.

Familiarity with Parking Policy

All faculty, staff and students of the University and/or any operator of a motor vehicle visiting the University are expected to be familiar with and abide by these rules at all times.  The fact that a person does not receive a citation for noncompliance of any portion of the parking code does not mean or imply that the rule is not in effect. The responsibility for obtaining knowledge of all applicable rules rest with the motor operator and/or parking virtual permit owner.

Disclaimer of Liability

The University assumes no liability for vehicles parked or operated on University property. The issuance of a virtual permit does not guarantee space availability at a preferred location.


  • License Plate Recognition. Nova Southeastern University utilizes license plate recognition hardware and software (LPR) for parking systems management and parking enforcement.
  • Registration of Motor Vehicles. Vehicles used by members of the faculty, staff, students, (full or part-time), and outside contractors who park at a non-metered location on campus must obtain a virtual parking permit for any vehicle parked on campus.  NSU Broward County and Tampa Bay campuses will have a paid virtual parking virtual permit to park, or “Pay to Park” using the PayByPhone application or pay at the multi-space meters. Virtual  parking permits can be purchased online through NSU's Parking Portal. The acquisition of a parking virtual permit only authorizes the parking of a vehicle on campus.  It does not establish a designated parking space. A vehicle parked in any unauthorized area is in violation of the regulations in this document.
  • Visitor.  A visitor is someone who is not directly affiliated with Nova Southeastern University.  Spouses and children of faculty members, staff members and students are considered to be affiliated with Nova Southeastern University and thus are not included in the definition of a visitor.
  • “Pay to Park” Parking.  Non-NSU patrons and visitors coming to campus must “pay to park” at any open surface lot or parking garage.  “Pay to park” can be done by using the PayByPhone application or using the multi-space meters at selected locations.
  • Daily or monthly virtual permits. You can purchase daily and monthly virtual permits online through NSU's Parking Portal. Daily virtual permits are $5/day per vehicle and monthly virtual permits are $16.67/month per vehicle.

Parking Facilities

All parking lot entrances in the University parking system are identified by informational signage that a virtual permit is required for NSU affiliates and for Non-Permit vehicles they must pay to park at any open surface lot or parking garage.  Absence of signage does not imply that Nova Southeastern University parking policy is not in effect Parking facilities are enforced 24/7.

No Back-In Policy

All vehicles parked on NSU campus must abide by the ‘head-in only’ rule to ensure that the license plate is facing the road and can be read by the License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras. Vehicles displaying either an official State-issued front license plate may reverse into parking spaces. Reversing into a parking space without the front plate option will result in the issuance of a ‘no back in violation’ citation.

Restricted Areas

  • Gated areas: To park in any gated area, you must have and present a valid NSU Campus Card (SharkCard) to the electronic access control card reader. NSU campus cards are available through Campus Card Services.  Call (954) 262-8929 for information.
  • Wherever signs and road markings prohibit parking.
  • Designated spaces, except where otherwise authorized.
  • Fire Lanes in any managed or owned properties of the University.
  • Future Shark Visitor, client, and patient parking spaces.
  • All disabled parking spaces (unless displaying state issued disabled permit and/or issued plate).
  • Sidewalks, walkways, lawns/grass, or other cultivated areas such as gardens.


Violations. Failure to abide by any of the provisions of these regulations shall be considered a university parking infraction. The University may enforce university parking infractions through use of warnings, citations and fines, vehicle immobilization, towing and any other means authorized by statute.


The university reserves the right to revoke any on-campus parking and driving privileges for the following reasons:

  1. Excessive Violations: (Vehicles with 5 or more outstanding citations are subjected to on-site towing).
  2. Use of fraudulent virtual permits
  3. Creating a nuisance or causing property damage while making repairs to vehicles on campus
  4. Causing other property damage
  5. Becoming either verbally or physically abusive, threatening, or assaulting any Public Safety officer during the performance of his/her duties
  6. Inappropriate operation of any motor vehicle on campus that is a detriment or safety concern to the campus community


A vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense after parking citations have been issued to the vehicle and remain unpaid past the deadline for payment.

The following are also subject to be towed from campus at the owner’s expense:

  1. Vehicles that are not properly permitted
  2. Vehicles with unpaid parking fines
  3. Vehicles with payment past due
  4. Vehicles with the parking privilege revoked
  5. Vehicles otherwise in violation of university parking policies
  6. Vehicles blocking a driving lane, fully or partially restricting passage
  7. Vehicles blocking another parked vehicle, fully or partially restricting passage or exit

The towing of a vehicle from the campus may occur any time a vehicle has no parking permit. All towing enforcement for regional campuses must be referred to the local campus director, the operations administrator, or their designee, who will work with the Public Safety Department on appropriate action.


Complimentary valet parking is available for NSU patients, NSU students and employees who are Sanford L.  Ziff Health Care Center and Dental Clinic patients. Valet tickets will be validated in the doctor’s office, and tickets that are NOT validated will be assessed a flat fee of $20 (fee subject to change).

If you decide not to utilize the complementary valet service, you must pay to park in any other parking area such as surface lots or garages. You will need to pay for parking by utilizing the meters or the Pay-By-Phone app.


NSU students and faculty and staff members who utilize rideshare services or receive deliveries must direct them to designated rideshare areas or appropriate facility receiving areas.

Golf Carts

Individuals utilizing golf carts on NSU property are expected to operate them in a safe and courteous manner..  Golf cart operators found in violation of these safety procedures and/or misusing golf cart equipment may be subject to disciplinary action, including being prohibited from operating a golf cart on NSU property. This policy will be enforced by NSU Public Safety and the local police.

The following are basic rules of operating and maintaining golf carts used for work transportation on the campus of Nova Southeastern University.

  1. Golf carts should be operated on campus roadways. Sidewalks should be used only where roadways and/or parking lots are not available, and then only to the nearest adjacent street or parking lot.
  2. On the Campus of Nova Southeastern University, the pedestrian always has the right-of-way. Operators of golf carts will permit this right-of-way.  If the golf cart is being operated on a sidewalk, the operator will pull off of the sidewalk to pass the pedestrians or stop the unit when approaching pedestrians until they pass.
  3. Most of the golf carts used on this campus are designed to carry a driver and one passenger. Some “tram” type carts carry multiple passengers.  No golf cart is to be operated with more passengers than seating is provided for.
  4. All occupants in the golf cart shall keep hands, arms, legs and feet within the confines of the golf cart at all times when the cart is in motion.
  5. Drivers should never back up a golf cart without making sure there are no people or obstructions behind the cart.
  6. Drivers should never shift gears while the vehicle is in motions.
  7. A golf cart should be operated on campus at a speed equivalent to a well-paced walk and no faster than 15 mph. This maximum speed may be subject to the terrain over which the cart is being driven; the weather conditions; and the total weight of the golf cart, passengers, and any equipment being carried.
  8. Golf cart operators shall possess a valid driver’s license and observe all Florida vehicle traffic laws such as lane travel, stop signs, legal passing of other vehicles, etc.
  9. Avoid operating a golf cart on landscaped lawns.
  10. Reduce speed to compensate for inclines, pedestrians, and weather conditions.
  11. Maintain adequate distance between vehicles and pedestrians.
  12. Approach sharp or blind corners with caution and reduce speed.
  13. Use extreme care at building entrances and upon entering/exiting enclosed areas.
  14. Do not park on any area that has pavers.
  15. Use parking areas posted for golf carts, areas on sidewalks that are not in the main stream, or a services parking space.
  16. Never leave the keys in the golf cart when the cart is unattended.
  17. When the golf cart is not in use, the operator must place the golf cart control lever in the park or neutral position, removed and secure the key, and set the parking pedal brake.
  18. When the golf cart is not in use, including overnight, the unit will be secured with a chain and lock or other equivalent locking mechanism. The steering wheel must be chained to a fixed post on the cart to prevent the wheel from turning.
  19. No personally owned golf carts are allowed on any NSU campus.
  1. To park a motor vehicle on NSU campus in any university are, the vehicle must be registered with a virtual parking permit with the university, and an NSU SharkFin sticker should be properly displayed on the vehicle.  All non-paid permit vehicles must pay to park at any open parking lot or parking garages.
  2. All administrators, faculty and staff members, students, visitors, and outside contractors/vendors must either register vehicles to be driven or parked on campus or pay to park at any open parking lot or parking garage.
  3. Administrators, faculty and staff members, students, and visitors must be responsible for any violations of these regulations in which their vehicles are involved.
  4. Nova Southeastern University assumes no liability for damages to any vehicle parked or driven on campus.
  5. Motorcycles, motor scooters, and mopeds are subject to traffic law regulations.
  6. The Public Safety Department is authorized to designate any spaces as temporarily reserved parking.
  7. Abandoned vehicles are subject to towing at the owner’s expense, unless the owner notifies the Public Safety Department in writing at the time the vehicle becomes disabled. The Director of Public Safety will determine whether a disabled vehicle is allowed to remain on campus.
  8. Vehicle repairs that create a nuisance are not permitted on campus. Any property damage caused by the making of any repairs is the responsibility of the person making such repairs.
  9. Trailers or mobile campers are allowed to be parked on campus only with written permission from the Director of Public Safety. Trailers and mobile campers are not allowed to be left on campus overnight.
  10. The maximum speed on any NSU driveway or roadway – excluding those owned and managed by the Town of Davie, Broward County, or the State of Florida – is 15 miles per hour, unless signaled indicates otherwise.
  11. All vehicle operators must obey Public Safety and police direction and instructions regarding operating and parking motor vehicles.
  12. Personal vehicles are not allowed to be left on campus overnight unless it is the outcome of approved NSU business travel or approved NSU International Student travel. In these instances, parking arrangements must be approved by the Office of Public Safety. The following form must be completed:
  13. The parking of personal vehicles on NSU property during tropical cyclones is NOT permitted by nonresident NSU students, staff members, or faculty members.
  14. All forms of motorized conveyance, such as but not limited to, motorcycles, motor scooter, and mopeds are prohibited from parking or operating on NSU walkways, sidewalks, or footpaths.
Every motor vehicle parked on University property must maintain a valid virtual paid permit (obtained through NSU's Parking Portal) or “pay to park” using PayByPhone or pay at multi-space meters.
  1. The fine for any parking violations issued by the Nova Southeastern University Public Safety Department shall be assessed in the amount indicated in your parking account. Fines can be paid online at NSU's Parking Portal.
  2. All fines must be paid within 14 days of receipt of the citation or the recipient may be subject to additional fines and late fees.
  3. If the parking fines for a vehicle are not paid, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  4. NSU reserves the right to attempt collection on outstanding citations after issuance upon receipt of notice  to  collect.

Parking citations issued by the NSU Public Safety Department are valid unless determined otherwise. NSU parking citations can  ONLY be appealed online through the NSU's Parking Portal.

Any person charged with an infraction must either pay the prescribed fee or appeal the citation within fourteen days from the date the citation was issued.

Lack of knowledge of NSU’s traffic and parking policies is not an acceptable justification to appeal a citation.

The following reasons are not considered a legitimate basis for filing an appeal:

  • Stated inability to find a permitted parking space
  • Tardiness to class and/or appointment
  • Not paying for sufficient metered time
  • Operation of the vehicle by another individual
  • Failure to issue citations previously for similar violations
  • Inability to pay fine
  • Received incorrect verbal parking information from a Non-NSU Public Safety employee
  • Observing others illegally parked

Can I Apply For A Vehicle Permit With A Temporary License Plate On My Car And Then Just Change The License Plate On File When I Get My Permanent Plate?

Yes, anytime you purchase a new license plate, please visit NSU's Parking Portal to update your vehicle information.

What Are My Parking Options If I Do Not Want To Register My Vehicle To Obtain An NSU Vehicle Permit?

If you decide not to purchase a paid vehicle permit you will pay to park at the rate of $1/hour on any available surface lot or parking garage. You may download the PayByPhone app and create an account. Daily and Monthly rates are available.

Are Vehicle Permit Restrictions Ever Lifted?

Parking policy enforcement is 24 hours / 7 days a week.

Why Do I Have To Appeal A Parking Citation?

Any citations that you dispute must go through the citation appeal process. Lack of knowledge of NSU Traffic and Parking Policies is not an acceptable justification to appeal a parking citation.

Can I Register More Than One Vehicle With My NSU Vehicle Permit?

Yes, however, only one vehicle at a time is allowed to park on NSU property at any given time.

Can I park my vehicle on campus during tropical cyclones?

The parking of personal vehicles on NSU property during tropical cyclones is NOT permitted by nonresident NSU students, staff members, faculty members, or visitors.


Any event held on campus, whether hosting internal or external guests, requiring the use of parking spaces, must be coordinated with the Public Safety Department.  Requests must be received seven (7) business days prior to the date of the event.

All temporary directional signage used on any campus must adhere to the signage protocol established by Nova Southeastern University.

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