SharkTime Frequently Asked Questions
What is SharkTime/Kronos?
SharkTime (Kronos) is NSU’s official time and attendance application. SharkTime is a web based application that allows non-exempt employees to record worked time and all benefit eligible employees to report paid time-off.
New Hires and Employee Updates
Banner is NSU’s official system of record. New employees and all employee updates are reflected in SharkTime once Banner is updated by Human Resources. Banner and SharkTime synch once per day, around 6:00AM.
Contact the Help Desk or (954)262-4357
Temporary employees are not automatically setup in SharkTime but can be upon the employee’s supervisor request to
Users can access SharkTime while on-campus from any computer and/ or Kronos time clocks.
VPN access is required for authorized users and must be requested by their supervisor.
User credentials for SharkTime are the same as SharkLink’s (email account) and are case sensitive.
All questions related to password resets, including temporary employees who do not have an email account, should be directed to NSU Help Desk.
SharkTime shortcut is setup on your desktop for convenience. Simply double-click on the desired shortcut and the system will navigate you to SharkTime.
Currently there is no QuickStamp functionality available for new Sharktime.
Please contact NSU Help Desk or (954)262-4357
Google Chrome is the preferred browser for optimal performance. Microsoft Edge currently has known bugs that may prevent you from submitting time off.
Employees in designated departments are required to time stamp using a Kronos clock. All clocks are connected to biometric readers. The employee’s Supervisor is responsible for designating a specific clock to be used.
Kronos clocks require the use of a SharkCard in addition to performing a biometric verification. To perform a time stamp the employee must first get a SharkCard and have their finger (s) scanned and the Card office. Please contact them at or extension 2-8929 or visit their web page below:
Please contact or (954)262-4357
A Kronos mobile license is required to use the Kronos mobile app.
All exempt employees will automatically get a mobile license. Non-exempt employees will get a mobile license only upon request from their supervisor to
NSU offers on-demand and instructor led training for SharkTime Supervisors and Coordinators.
Short how-to videos are available on NSU’s Payroll Department web site at:
Accrual Balances and Time Off
Yes, you can view your accrual balances on the Accrual Balances widget on the Home Dashboard.
First, log on to SharkLink to verify your accrual balances there. This information is located under the Employee tab> Employment Details section> Time Off Current Balances and History. If the balances in SharkLink are also wrong, please contact with the specific question you have.

SharkLink is Banner’s employee information portal so the information is always in synch between the two systems. On the other hand, SharkTime only gets refreshed once every two weeks, the day after payroll is processed in Banner. Therefore, any manual adjustments in between payrolls will not be reflected in SharkTime until the following payroll is processed.
No. Sharktime will look at your schedule, and if you are not scheduled, will skip adding the requested leave time.
Holiday Pay
Only benefit-eligible employees get holiday pay.
SharkTime automatically calculates holiday pay based on your SharkTime schedule. It is applied to your timecard about 14 days before the holiday.
If the employee is scheduled to work more than their benefit-eligible default pay period hours, the Supervisor is required to adjust holiday pay accordingly. Example: 37.5 hours per week employee should normally get only 7.5 hours of holiday per day unless they work a comprised schedule.
Non-exempt employees get paid as usual for any worked time. If you are a benefit-eligible employee, your holiday pay will automatically be added to your normal worked hours.
For more information on the Holidays NSU observes refer to the “NSU Holiday Schedule” at .
If your Center observes other holidays your Supervisor/ Coordinator will manually need to edit your timecard accordingly.
No. Managers must enter schedules that are outside of the Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5pm with a 1-hour Lunch pattern. Other patterns have been added in the system to make entering these schedules easier.
Using SharkTime
SharkTime rounds the in and out punches for day using a 7 minute rounding rule, thus 8:32AM becomes 8:30AM and 5:06PM becomes 5:00PM (without a meal break total hours are 8.5). The rounding for meal breaks is different as SharkTime looks at total break length taken, thus 12:07PM to 1:24PM equals or 1 hour and 17 minutes (77 minutes). SharkTime then rounds this amount of time taken to the nearest quarter hour, equals 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) = 1.25 hour meal break.
Actual punch times are shown on the SharkTime timecard for the employee’s supervisor information. Supervisors are responsible to enforcing employee punctuality.
You will be able to select the grayed-out button. A grayed-out button is indicating the prior punch type. This may mean a punch was missed. Review your timecard and correct, as necessary.
On the home dashboard, select “Multiple Job EEs Clock In/Out Here” and select the job you are working.
Florida does not require employers to provide lunch or rest breaks. Refer to NSU Employee policy # 15 “General Information” at You may contact your HR consultant on this matter.
Only employees who are not completely relieved from duty during their meal period are entitled to paid meal breaks (i.e. Public Safety).
Yes, all non-exempt (hourly) employees are required to time stamp in and out from their meal break except for those who are not completely relieved from duty during their meal break.
In that case, you are entitled to get paid as with any other worked time. If necessary, please contact your supervisor to make the necessary corrections.
Florida has no overtime laws, eligibility for overtime pay falls under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
Employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek of at least one and one-half times their regular rates of pay. The FLSA does not require overtime pay for work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or regular days of rest, unless overtime hours are worked on such days.
Timecard Corrections
By reviewing your timecard thoroughly prior to attesting (submitting/approving) it each pay period.
Your supervisor, their designated backup person or your area’s Main SharkTime Coordinator can make corrections to your timecard.
Please click here to see a list.
Corrections should be submitted in Sharktime as a Timesheet Change request. If the timesheet change request cannot complete the request (i.e. double punches) the correction should be requested in writing, via email to your immediate supervisor. In their absence, please contact their designated backup person or your area’s main SharkTime Coordinator.
Log into SharkTime Main Menu> My Info> My Time > Timesheet > Change Requests> Select Timeframe that you are reviewing> Once populated, you can view all activity requested, status of request, date approved/denied, and who approved/denied.
SharkTime is signed off (finalized) the Monday following the pay period end date by 3:00PM. When a holiday falls on that Monday, the deadline is extended to the Tuesday following the pay period end date by 10:00AM.
Your direct supervisor will need to submit a Historical Edit Request form to the Payroll Department which will be process on the following regularly scheduled payroll.
Pay Stubs
To view your pay stub, log in to SharkLink - NSU’s official employee portal at .
Other Useful Links and Forms
- Employee Policy Manual:
- Faculty/Academic Administrator Policy Manual:
- Student Employment Manual: