The Video Conferencing & AV Integrations Department is available to assist NSU faculty, staff, and students in their efforts to provide a media enriched environment. Our technical services staff is trained to assist faculty and staff in the technical aspects of a video conferencing event. Our goal is to provide a smooth and reliable experience.
Our commitment to NSU is to:
Video Conferencing uses telecommunications of audio and video to bring people at different sites together for a meeting or a class. This can be as simple as a conversation between two people in private offices (point-to-point) or involve several sites (multipoint) with more than one person in large rooms at different sites.
Besides the audio and visual transmission of people, video conferencing can be used to share documents, computer-displayed information, and whiteboards.
Instructors have tools available such as document camera, computer, DVD, Blu-ray, which could be used to enhance the learning experience.
With most systems you can display:
Benefits of Video Conferencing: