The office of Innovation and information technology (OIIT) has implemented the Casper Suite, a new Apple device management solution for Apple desktops and laptops. Casper will allow central administration for system patches, encryption as well as software and hardware inventory.
Technical Support will improve for Apple users with Casper as it enables OIIT the ability to use Apple Remote Desktop to solve technical issues more efficiently.
In addition, this product will offer a self-service software store specifically for the Apple OS. This new self-service software store provides you with the ability to download and install the latest versions of software available through NSU's campus licensing agreements.
Open your web browser and go to to start your enrollment
Log in using your NSU username and password.
Click download.
The enrollment package has been sent to Downloads.
Go to downloads and click the "QuickAdd.pkg" file.
Click continue.
Click Continue.
Click Install.
Enter a local admin username and password, then click "Install Software".
Click Close.
You have now installed the Casper agent on your MAC.