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Faculty Mentorship Program Banner

Welcome to the NSU Faculty Mentorship Program!

Mentor Program Flyer

This is an exciting time for those interested in mentoring a fellow colleague here at NSU who may be teaching remotely for the first time and is unfamiliar with technology, the new BlendFlex teaching model or pedagogy. Equally exciting is the prospect of becoming a mentee and gaining valuable experience by being paired with a mentor. The focus of the mentorships will be on the technology and the pedagogy of remote teaching and learning; however, the benefits of a mentor-mentee relationship goes way beyond that realm. You don't know what you might gain, mentors and mentees alike!

Mentoring is a great opportunity to influence the next generation of outstanding professors. The relationship between a mentor and a mentee can prove to be a long-term one that fosters great ideas, learning, and personal, and professional development. The LEC is now enrolling mentors to begin mentoring faculty on the new “BlendFlex” teaching model. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, please contact your Dean. Once the LEC is notified via your Dean's office that you will be participating, you will receive a welcome email from the LEC with directions on how to proceed. 

  1. Provide personalized support for faculty given the new “BlendFlex” model.
  2. Provide a framework for faculty to share experiences and best practices.
  3. Foster collaboration between mentors and mentees.

The mentorship program is intended to provide personalized support to faculty who may be new to teaching in online environments or are still developing their online teaching skills.  Faculty who have already “learned the ropes” and have valuable experiences can offer their colleagues specialized support that best comes from someone who has been in their same position.

The program will run a full term.  Mentors and mentees will be matched, ideally, a couple of weeks before the start of the upcoming summer term.  There will be a few suggested activities and discussions, but ultimately, the learning experience and mentoring relationship will come from what the mentee needs and what the mentor has to offer.  It should be an organic relationship.  Both mentors and mentees will be required to complete at least two surveys and a badge will be awarded to the mentor at the completion of the program.

Once you have been approved as a mentor, you will gain access to another Canvas course, NSU Mentorship Program – Mentee. Mentors and mentees will be enrolled in the course, and this course can be used to communicate, locate resources, and participate in suggested activities.

As this is a new, developing program, we expect that we will all be learning and making improvements along the way.  The LEC says a big THANK YOU for participating in the first running of the NSU Faculty Mentorship Program!

Best of luck this semester!

Apply here to be a Mentor 

The mentorship program is intended to provide personalized support to faculty who may be new to teaching in online environments or are still developing their online teaching skills.  Faculty who have already “learned the ropes” and have valuable experiences can offer their colleagues specialized support that best comes from someone who has been in their same position.

The program will run a full term.  Mentors and mentees will be matched, ideally, a couple of weeks before the start of the upcoming summer term.  There will be a few suggested activities and discussions, but ultimately, the learning experience and mentoring relationship will come from what the mentee needs and what the mentor has to offer.  It should be an organic relationship.  Both mentors and mentees will be required to complete at least two surveys and a badge will be awarded to the mentor at the completion of the program.

As this is a new, developing program, we expect that we will all be learning and making improvements along the way.  The LEC says a big THANK YOU for participating in the first running of the NSU Faculty Mentorship Program!

Best of luck this semester!

Apply here to be a Mentee 

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