Description: The Timeline Followback (TLFB)© is a method used to assess different behaviors (e.g., alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, coffee, and other substances). It asks people/patients to recall their behaviors over different time-periods (typically 7 days to 24 months). The TLFB© is copyrighted and was developed over 50 years ago by Linda Sobell. It has been published in English and other languages, and used in thousands of studies. It is recommended by the FDA, NIAA, and NIDA (Sobell, L., 2008; Timeline Followback. In R. Belli, Eds, Calendar and Time Diary Methods: Sage; and Sobell, L., 1980; Convergent reality: Eval. alcohol & drug abuse treatment effectiveness. Pergamon). In recent years it has been referred to as the "gold standard" for assessing alcohol and drug use (Witkiewitz et al., 2015).
Email questions about the TLFB to and, and include the word Timeline in the subject line.
Use of the TLFB: Pharmaceutical and other companies/agencies or research studies that want to use the TLFB MUST obtain permission and sign a licensing agreement from the owner and pay relevant fees.
To initiate a licensing agreement and a cost estimate for using the TLFB measure in your study/clinical trial, please complete this short form (leave blank sections for which you do not yet have information). If you have questions, you may include them at the end of the form.
Please note there are limited instances where someone may be granted permission to use the TLFB without a licensing agreement. These include: (a) Masters or doctoral students who want to use the TLFB in a thesis or research study and who are not funded by a grant or other funding source (e.g., a faculty member with whom they are working), and (b) when the TLFB will be used for research studies that have NO funding or used by clinicians for clinical purposes. To inquire about this option, please send an email to and
Note: If you are interested in using a measure called the Drug History Questionnaire (DHQ), send inquiries to the above emails.
This free 20-minute video reviews the 50-year history of the TLFB, how to use it in research and clinical settings, and how to extend its use to substance use as well as other high-risk behaviors beyond alcohol: Instructional Video: Using the Timeline Followback© (TLFB) Measure to Evaluate Alcohol and Drug Use (Sobell & Sobell, June, 2023).
All of the following TLFB forms and materials may only be used once a licensing agreement has been signed and related fees paid (and/or permission has been granted).
Professional Translation and Backtranslation of Different Language Versions of the Timeline Followback
Non-Professional Timeline Followback Translations and Back Translations
Computerized PC and MAC TLFB Programs: Separate instructions are included in each program for administrators and respondents. If you have further questions after using a program or find problems with a program please email us.
Computerized TLFB Programs for Interviewing Collaterals/Significant Others