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Community Resources

Nova Southeastern University is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is a part of the South Florida Metropolitan area, one of the fastest growing regions of the country.  With over 1.7 million people, there are many faces to Fort Lauderdale, from the beautiful Blue Wave-certified beaches, to the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, to Nova Southeastern University’s renowned Museum of Art- Fort Lauderdale, and to attractions for all segments of the population. Nova Southeastern University has a proud history of service to our community. Below is an article by USA Today highlighting NSU’s commitment to the people that call South Florida home.

NSU is 1 of 50 universities nationwide with Carnegie Foundation Classification of both Community Engagement and High Research Activity.

Request Volunteers

If your agency is looking to request volunteers, we encourage you to visit the "Community Partners" information area at the Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement. There you will find information on student learning as a result of their volunteer experience, roles and expectations, as well as information on student reporting of volunteer hours.

Community Outreach Programs and Services

Requests: For general requests about community collaboration, please click here.

For specific requests to collaborate with an individual unit, please open the respective tab below for contact information.

By Academic Center

  • Educational Leadership Advisory Committee
  • HOPE Court: Restorative Justice Grant with Broward County
  • Teacher Preparation Advisory Committee
  • Mako Math

E-Mail: Jessica Rodriguez at or call (954) 262-8602.

The Psychology Services Center (PSC) at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) offers services to children, adolescents, adults, and elderly clients through the following specialty clinics:

  • ADHD Assessment and Consultation and Treatment Plan
  • Adolescent Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program
  • Anxiety Treatment Center
  • Biofeedback and Health Psychology Center
  • Behavioral Neuroscience Summer Camp
  • Child, Adolescents, and Family Services
  • Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Program
  • Family Violence Program
  • Healthy Lifestyle Guided Self-Change Program
  • Intensive Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Center
  • Neuropsychology Assessment Center
  • Nova Southeastern University Counseling Center for Older Adults (NCCOA)
  • NSU OCD and Related Disorders Clinic
  • Program for the Seriously Emotionally Disturbed
  • Psychology Assessment Center
  • School-related Psychological Assessments and Clinical Interventions Clinic
  • Trauma Resolution Integration Program

In addition, students provide mental health services in a variety of agencies throughout the tri-county area, including hospitals, community mental health centers, forensic settings, and student counseling centers.

Student organizations provide outreach locally within the South Florida community, as well as internationally in locations such as South Africa and Central and South America.

The College of Psychology is proud to host Tedx NSU.

Contact: The College of Psychology at: or (954) 262-5783.

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences strives to provide professionals with the skills necessary for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and disability in order to assure optimum health conditions in the community and beyond.

In light of this mission . . .


The Anesthesiologist Assistant (AA) Program(s) located at both the Davie and Tampa campuses recognize the importance of impacting the community through service both locally as well as statewide. The AA programs offer their contribution through various community service events in an effort to maximize the reach of our programs and subsequently our profession through service. The AA programs are involved in health fairs, AA Program Mentorship, community speaking engagements, and other means of volunteer work inclusive of both program faculty and students.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Anesthesiology Assistant, M.S., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • The T Leroy Jefferson Science Stars of Tomorrow Healthcare Symposium. 
  • Debbie’s Dream Foundation to Cure Stomach Cancer. 
  • NSU Community Fest.
  • Numerous speaking engagements and educational collaborates with local high schools and universities allowing on site lecture and laboratory observation.

Anesthesiology Assistant, M.S., Tampa, Florida

  • Habitat for Humanity – Program Students.
  • AA Program Mentorship (through the USF Pre-AA Club) – Program Faculty and Students.
  • Volunteer Work (e.g. Florida Parrot Rescue) – Program Faculty.
  • Speaking Engagements at multiple universities in Florida (e.g. University of South Florida, Florida A&M University, etc.) – Program Faculty.


The Audiology Clinic at Nova Southeastern University Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences provides hearing and vestibular (balance) evaluation and treatment services to the community.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Audiology, Au.D., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Hearing, vestibular, tinnitus and auditory processing evaluation to the newborn, pediatric, adult and geriatric populations.
  • Hearing, vestibular and tinnitus treatment, including hearing aids and assistive devices, to the pediatric through geriatric populations.
  • Hearing evaluation and hearing aid fitting services as part of the Healthy Communities services for the athletes that participate in the Special Olympics.
  • Annual participation in the FOMA REACH fair in Clewiston, FL to provide hearing and vestibular screening services.
  • Vestibular screenings as a part of the NSU Fall Prevention Clinic.
  • Annual humanitarian mission trip to Managua, Nicaragua to evaluate hearing and fit hearing aids on children at the Los Pipitos School.
  • Local presentations on contemporary topics of hearing, hearing loss, amplification and communication to the community.
  • "Lunch and Learn" seminars on contemporary topics of hearing, hearing loss, amplification and communication to the community.


The Department of Cardiopulmonary Sciences participate in a variety of community service activities in Palm Beach and surrounding counties. Activities allow respiratory therapy students to be involved in community engagement to improve lung health and awareness.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

  • First Professional Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy (BSRT) program participates in health fairs by providing pulmonary function testing, respiratory assessment and asthma education in areas of Palm Beach and surrounding communities. Additionally, students have assisted with presentations at local high schools in Palm Beach County about lung health, the negative consequences of smoking and smoking cessation advice.
  • The BSRT students also work with the American Lung Association and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation through fund raising activities such run and walk events.


The Health and Human Performance Department participates in a variety of community service activities throughout Broward County and South Florida.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Athletic Training, B.S., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Collaboration between community Athletic Trainers through supervision of students at clinical sites. 
  • Athletic trainers from Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties are regularly invited to educational programming for continuing education lectures and events as well as preceptor training.
  • Students assist with daily operations at clinical sites provided supervised patient care.
  • AT faculty volunteer at several community events providing triage healthcare for various athletic events in the area.  (International rugby festival, A1A marathon, Jason Taylor foundation sponsored events, Camp Katina, SWATCH professional beach volleyball tournament, high school regional athletics tournaments).
  • Several courses require community collaboration for projects as well as experiential learning opportunities.

Exercise and Sport Science, B.S., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Provided lectures to the Strength Coaches / Dietitians of NC State, North Carolina State University, Military Muscle Gym, Davie, Florida. Imperial Club retirement community, Aventura, FL and the Life Long Learning Institute. Lectures included topics such as nutrition, exercise science, wellness, balance, and tripping.
  • Guest speaking to North Broward High School and middle school, Coconut Creek, FL., and Counselor Connection Event. Topics included sports nutrition and exercise and sport science.
  • Community fitness programs: Fitness Assessment Event, Davie, Florida. In-serviced students to provide standardized fitness assessments to community members with disabilities or special conditions (older adults, adults with spinal cord injury, adult with traumatic brain injury); collaboration with NSU PT.
  • Assisting the staff at the Miami Football Club with performance assessments.
  • Assisting the Head Strength coach for the Florida Panthers with preseason fitness assessments.
  • Develop programming for the Methodist Church, Hollywood, Florida. Help organize and collect over 30 pre and post fitness senior assessments.
  • Hosted the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) workshop.


The Department of Health Science is an interdisciplinary group of programs designed for health care professional to advance academically, administratively, or clinically within their professions.  Offering distance education from the undergraduate to the doctoral level is consistent with the university and college’s commitment to lifelong learning.  

The department offers a Bachelor of Health Science (B.H.Sc.) and Master of Health Science (M.H.Sc.) programs in an exclusively online format.  The department also offers two innovative doctoral programs.  The Doctor of Health Science (D.H.Sc.) and the Ph.D. in Health Science programs are offered via online and intense, compressed residential formats.  These are post-professional degrees targeted at health professionals trained at the master’s degree level.  These programs attract active clinicians, administrators, and health professions educators.  A combined M.H.Sc./D.H.Sc degree is an option also available.

The department also house two preeminent, on-campus, entry-level programs.  The Bachelor of Science in Cardiovascular Sonography is located at our Tampa, Florida location.  The Bachelor of Science in Medical Sonography is offered on our main campus in the greater Ft. Lauderdale, Florida area.  Both programs are supported by state-of-the-art teaching laboratories and both programs offer a concurrent enrollment in the Master of Health Science program to qualified applicants.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Cardiovascular Sonography, B.S.—Tampa, Florida

  • CVS students participate in the Glades-Hendry Regional Health Fair, and IPP/IPE effort coordinated by the NSU College of Medicine (D.O.). This annual event provides health-screening services to the under-served communities of the Central Florida/Lake Okeechobee Region.  CVS students provide basic cardiac, abdominal aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and carotid artery disease screening for participants, working side-by-side with Ft Lauderdale-based NSU Physician Assistant (PA) students to obtain past history, symptomology, and determination of screening exam.

Medical Sonography, B.S.—Fort Lauderdale

Sonography students and faculty participate in health care fairs to include

  • Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) through Health Care Fairs in Florida including “Boomers and Beyond.”
  • Faculty and students participate on the Inter-professional Diabetes Education and Awareness (IDEA) Initiative.
  • Students participate of community service initiatives via personal proposals through SGA on a yearly basis.

Health Science—Online

The B.H.Sc., M.H.Sc., D.H.Sc., M.H.Sc. /D.H.Sc. Dual Degree, and Ph.D. Programs are fully online.  The students are full-time, health care professionals.  The contributions of the online Health Science students are generally in their local communities and professional settings.  


Through Community Collaborative experiences, the Occupational Therapy Department seeks to enhance awareness, community and professional service, leadership, scholarship, and advocacy skills of occupational therapy students, assisted by faculty, to serve the communities they live in. Students assist people of all ages to help themselves participate in meaningful activities (occupations), to take care of themselves, be productive, learn, play, and interact with others to the best of their abilities.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Mental health and wellness  

  • St. Laurence Shelter for the Homeless (research site).
  • Ann Storck Center (Completed a Harvest project with participants).
  • Silver Impact (Conduct groups).
  • Boys & Girls Club (Conduct groups).
  • Foot Print to Success (Conduct groups).
  • SW Focal Point Center (Conduct groups).
  • Homeless count (POINT COUNT) in which multiple faculty and students have volunteered to identify, interview, and count homeless adults, with the Sheriff’s office and Broward Partnership for the Homeless.
  • Gulf Coast (student volunteer hours).

Prevention programs

  • REACH fair for pediatric and wellness screenings, and ergonomic/musculoskeletal screenings for the underserved population in Clewiston, FL.
  • Pro bono ergonomic screenings within the university on an as needed basis.
  • IDEA to increase awareness of diabetes and improve its management. Administrator, Faculty and students are involved.
  • The Interprofessional Fall Prevention Team is a referral-based fall prevention program for adults and older adults at risk of falls.
  • Screening at Jack & Jill Preschool.
  • Serving on the Board of the Connections Learning Center in West Palm Beach and will serve as president in January.
  • Consultative services to the ACCESS program at NSE, which is a program for NSU students on the autism spectrum.
  • Volunteer to serve on the Circle of Advisors for the American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee, to educate occupational therapy practitioners and students, fundraise for AOTPAC, and to meet with legislators and their staff about policies and bills important to occupational therapy practice.
  • Broward Democratic Party: voter registration drives, regardless of party affiliation in diverse communities.

Occupational Therapy, Ph.D., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Occupational therapy consultation, screening and intervention for children at the University School, Mailman Center, including the Baudhuin School for Children with Autism, as well as the HPD OT Clinic.

Doctor of Occupational Therapy

Entry Level (O.T.D.), Tampa, Florida

  • Ikebana International, Tokyo & St. Petersburg Chapter.
  • International Outreach Programs, College of Osteopathic Medicine.
  • Argentine Sensory Integration Association, Honorary Member.
  • American Society on Aging: Network on Environment, Services and Technology for Maximizing Independence (NEST).
  • CarFit, annually with faculty and students.
  • Pro-bono evaluation of children from Tampa Bay community.
  • Safe Mobility for Life Coalition; American Society on Aging’s Transportation Interest Group.
  • Access House of Northside Mental Health Centers, Consultant and Consultant, USF Health Johnny Bird Alzheimer’s Institute.
  • FOTA, Chair of the Sensory Integration SIS, Chair Mental Health SIS, and Practice Standing Committee Coordinator, in charge of 14 SISs.
  • FOTA and AOTA Conference reviewer, AJOT, BJOT reviewers, reviewer, C/ B. Slack, Journal of Applied Gerontology, and reviewer, JOTE, Argentine Occupational Therapy Journal, and Central University of Chile Journal, and FOTA Conference.
  • SSO: USA, Membership Chair-elect and FLOTEC Treasurer.
  • Developer and Manager with Dr. M. Baxter: Facebook Occupational Therapy Oncology page.


The Physical Therapy Department has been actively engaged in providing service to the community for since 1994.  The department estimates that at least 1000 community residents benefit from the active engagement of students and faculty in the Physical Therapy Department.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Entry-Level D.P.T, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Physical Therapy T-D.P.T., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Physical Therapy, Ph.D., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Overview of services provided to the community on an annual basis (academic calendar).

  • Special Olympics: Special Olympic State Games in Orlando: athletes of all ages engaging in a variety of sports.  Faculty member act as clinic directors: Faculty and students also participate in Special Olympics, FunFitness screenings. 
    • Special Olympics Track Team Sponsorship: under the supervision of Faculty, PT students supervise and coach a track team that then competes in area games
    • Special Olympics Saturday Sports: student participate in a Saturday morning ongoing sports activity.
  • NE Focal Point: Screenings are performed at Northeast Focal Point two time a year. One is in conjunction with an annual health fair held by Northeast Focal Point and one is in association with a clinical course.
  • Memorial Hospital System: Adaptive Sports Program:  Students participate under the supervision of Memorial PT staff in a variety of organized sports activities throughout the year. REACH Fair: This annual health fair in the Clewiston, Belle Glade area is sponsored by COM, under the direction of faculty, students provide health screenings.
  • Cypress Bay High School: This HOSA competition judging is a local high school competition in which the PT students’ judge high school students interested in health professions about their knowledge.
  • Boca Raton Boating and Beach Bash: Annual activity sponsored by Delray Medical. Under the direction of faculty students provide assistance and services related to participation in beach related recreational activities for the disabled residents of Palm Beach County
  • Annual Lauderdale Lakes Health Fair: Annual back to school event where students provided screenings to children for grip strength and balance.  They also provided educational materials regarding backpack safety.
  • Crockett Foundation Annual Health Fair: This is an annual activity that occurs in coordination with the Broward County Schools--Under the direction of faculty, PT students participated in anthropometric measurement as components of school physicals.
  • CHCS IDEA initiative: The interprofessional diabetes initiative crosses all programs in HPD.  Students participate in Interprofessional groups to educate the public about diabetes and related issues.
  • Sistrunk Festival: Annual health fair on Sistrunk Blvd.  Under the direction of faculty, students provide health screenings in conjunction with OT and Pharmacy.    
  • NSU Interprofessional Falls Prevention Team: Interprofessional team comprised of osteopathic medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, optometry, audiology, psychology, who screens/evaluates patients who are at risk for falls or who have a history of falls to provide recommendations for further services to promote health and decrease risks/injury associated with falling.

Professional D.P.T, Tampa, Florida

  • Judeo-Christian Health Clinic: Faculty and students provide pro-bono physical therapy services on Fridays to those who are uninsured or under-insured in Hillsborough County.
  • Gasparilla Race: Faculty and students provide medical support at the 5K and ½ marathon each February in Tampa Bay. Support services include providing water, ice, stretching, and other first-aid services.
  • Disney Marathon and ½ Marathon: Faculty and students provide medical support and triage during the Annual Disney Marathon and Half – Marathon in Orlando each January. Support services include providing water, ice, stretching, and other first-aid services.
  • Special Olympics-Fun Fitness: Faculty and students provide assessment of wellness characteristics (BMI, flexibility, strength) to individuals who qualify for the Special Olympics in the Tampa Region as well as training in home exercises to maintain fitness.
  • Be the MATCH program: Students in the NSU-Tampa program have held several “be the match” recruitment fairs to recruit individuals to join the Bone Marrow Registry. Two years ago, one of our very own adjunct faculty was a match and able to save the life of a woman with blood cancer.
  • Jamaica Outreach Mission: Students, faculty, alumni, and lab assistants participate in the annual Medical Outreach in Jamaica each June, serving more than 1000 residents in 7 days.


The Physician Assistant Program hosts outreach activities in rural and urban communities in Florida, as well as in Peru and Guatemala.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Physician Assistant, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Project Access: In its inaugural year, students from the class of 2019 visited high schools, health magnet schools, and Pre-PA clubs in the Fort Lauderdale area to promote the profession using PAEA’s Project Access toolkit.
  • Medical Mission Trips: 5-15 students participate in a once a year weeklong mission to different countries, including Peru, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.
  • Ronald McDonald House: Students visit several times a year to support families housed in the Ronald McDonald House by cooking and serving meals and providing other services.
  • REACH Fair: 10 students from the PA program volunteer at a yearly health fair that targets migrant workers near Lake Okeechobee. They perform blood pressure readings, cholesterol measurements, and blood sugar measurements as well as counseling the attendees about lifestyle changes, Zika virus, and other risk factors.
  • Light of the World Free Clinic: Four students attend a free clinic offered to the community and performed blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure readings, as well as counseling on lifestyle changes.
  • Science Fair: Small groups of students judge the Miami Dade Science Fair. They judge projects and award trophies to the top five medical projects.
  • IDEA Initiative: Six students are in interprofessional teams to provide education to the local community about diabetes and hypertension.
  • NSU CommunityFest: Student participate in the annual festival that celebrates and connects NSU students, employees, and their families, as well as the community. They host an activity booth every year to educate others about the PA profession.

Physician Assistant, Fort Myers, Florida

  • Project S.E.E.D. (Serving Everyone Embracing Diversity) - Since 2010 the Project SEED health Fair in Immokalee, FL is a student-driven initiative where 350+ participants and 60+ volunteers provide blood pressure, glucose, dental, and vision screenings; a nutrition booth; children’s activities; and mosquito prevention education. Bicycle giveaways are an important part of the event as bicycles are the primary means of transportation for the residents of this migrant community. Grants from the Collier Foundation have provided funding for the mammogram bus, reading glasses, and medical supplies the last two years. All PA students and faculty of the Fort Myers Program participate in this annual event.
  • Dominican Republic Medical Mission-once a year weeklong event where 5-10 students participate.
  • Pre-participation physical exams for Collier County Public School System-Annual event where all students and faculty volunteer to provide free participation physical exams and several high schools in Collier County.
  • Christmas toy drive-student driven toy collection for low-income families in the Fort Myers area.
  • Holiday food drive-student driven food collection for low-income families in the Fort Myers area.
  • Breast Cancer Awareness-students and faculty participation in Fort Myers area breast cancer walk-a-thons in October.
  • Cameroon Africa PA Program support-faculty and students collect supplies (meds, textbooks, scrubs, white coats, etc.) for Dr. and Mrs. Hibbert’s PA Program in Cameroon West Africa.
  • Pre-PA student support-PA students host pre-PA students throughout the didactic year, giving them insight into the PA profession and PA school.

Physician Assistant, Jacksonville, Florida

  • BP screenings at Moosehaven Retirement Community in Orange Park.
  • Faculty Sacred Heart Catholic School Science Fair.
  • Mission of Mercy with Florida State College of Jacksonville.
  • St. Vincent’s Mission at Home, Jacksonville FL.
  • Sports Physicals, local high schools in St. Johns County.
  • Green Cove Springs Junior High Physicals with Orange Park Medical Center.
  • Jacksonville Sports Medicine Program with Nemours/Wolfson Hospital.
  • Community Focus, Hastings, FL.
  • Mission Trips Abroad.

Physician Assistant, Orlando, Florida

  • Citrus Bowl Foundation – sports physicals (with preceptors).
  • Ronald McDonald House – fund raising.
  • Harbour House – fund raising or collections.
  • Disney Marathon – medical support for event (with preceptors).
  • Guatemala Mission trip with “Living to Serve” – medical care in rural Guatemala (with preceptors).


The Department of Speech-Language Pathology has been committed to providing service to the community for over 30 years. The students and faculty of the department provide screenings, assessments, and treatment interventions of communication and swallowing disorders throughout the state of Florida and across the country.

Students and faculty participate and provide:

Speech-Language & Communication Disorders B.S., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Undergraduate students’ partner with graduate students on community projects related to communication and swallowing disorders.
  • Capstone projects related to learning about future contributions to the field of communication disorders.

Speech-Language Pathology, M.S., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Voice/Resonance evaluations for Broward County School students.
  • Communication evaluations for pediatric and adult patients in the South Florida region.
  • A partnership with Joe DiMaggio Craniofacial team.
  • Speech, language, and hearing screenings at local schools.
  • Support groups for caregivers with family members who have aphasia or Parkinson’s disease.
  • The local, distance and online program offers training programs/externships in communities with diverse populations and in underserved areas.
  • Active National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA) and National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing (NBASLH) student chapters, which are actively committed to fundraising and community service.

Contact Hal Strough at (954) 262-1213.

The college improves dental care for underserved patients by offering training programs in communities with diverse populations.

Contact the College of Dental Medicine or call Diane Ede-Nichols at (954) 262-7378.

The Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing supports community activities, engaging both faculty and students in meeting the needs in Central, South Florida regions and Jamaica. The Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing has online students across the United States and abroad. These student participate in community projects in their course work and volunteer activities. In 2017 the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing reported 121 projects to the Community Collaboration Data Base. The projects included clinical rotations, community service, research, professional activities, academic activities and grants.

The Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing continues to be an active partner in an interdisciplinary project with the Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) in Florida.  All of our students in the entry level program and the nurse practitioner program receive special training to identify clients who smoke and provide those clients with resources for cessation. The student keep a log of clients reached and the Project Coordinator for Nursing reports the data to AHEC.

The Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing received recognition for our work at Special Olympics Healthy Communities in educating the clients on healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. In September of 2017 we had approximately 70 entry level students from Fort Lauderdale and Fort Myers campuses participate in the annual A Day for Children event. The Student Affairs Council has undertaken the task this year of insuring faculty presence at each community event to provide guidance and oversight to our students. The Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing continues to build strong ties with our community partners and are recognized as leaders in community service.

  • A Day for Children
  • Baptist Health Care System
  • Broward Health
  • Broward Regional Health Planning Council
  • HOPE South Florida
  • Lee Memorial Health System
  • Lifenet for Families
  • First Presbyterian Church
  • Memorial Health Care System
  • Noble McArtor Adult Day Care
  • American Cancer Society
  • Miami Rescue Mission
  • Camillus House
  • John Knox Village
  • Light of the World Clinic
  • Jamaica Medical Mission
  • Rebuilding Together Broward
  • Special Olympics Healthy Communities

Contact the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing or call Gesulla Cavanaugh at (954) 262-1980.

The Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry supports community activities by engaging faculty, staff and students in addressing the visual health concerns of communities in south Florida and in the world. 

Through The Eye Care Institute at NSU, the College of Optometry provides quality low cost eye care services to the community serving diverse populations at five permanent clinic sites in Broward and Miami-Dade counties.  Fourth year clinical externs provide care at 59 clinics across the United States. Optometric physician residents rotate through 12 sites in the region. 

Students and faculty provide humanitarian vision care in underserved areas in developing countries through three organizations—the student chapter of Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (sVOSH), the Fellowship of Christian Optometrists (FCO), and the National Optometric Student Association (NOSA).

Teams of volunteers from the College actively participate in delivering visual health information at health fairs, health talks and other events.  Volunteers support advocacy and raising awareness for visual health-related issues by participating in fun walks and fund-raisers in solidarity with those impacted by visual impairment and health related concerns.

Examples of our recent community partnerships:

  • Broward County School Board
  • Special Olympics Opening Eyes/Healthy Athletes
  • InfantSee®
  • Day for Children
  • Foundation Fighting Blindness
  • Optometry Giving Sight
  • Lighthouse of Broward
  • Kids in Distress, Inc.
  • Fort Lauderdale Lions Club
  • Walk Now for Autism= Speaks
  • Memorial Healthcare Systems
  • REACH Fair
  • North Broward Hospital District
  • Children’s Services Council of Broward
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Council on American-Islamic Relations
  • Northeast Focal Point Community Center
  • Broward 4-H
  • Florida Heiken Children’s Vision Program at the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind
  • Impact Girls, Inc.
  • American Cancer Association
  • Macula Vision Research Foundation
  • Alonzo Mourning Family Foundation
  • Our Children’s Vision

For information about the Eye Care Institute and to schedule an eye appointment, please visit:

Contact the College of Optometry or call Janet Leasher, O.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.O. at (954) 262-1456.

The College of Osteopathic Medicine lives an active commitment to community service and advocacy for the health and welfare of diverse populations, including the medically underserved.  The following is a sample listing of our community partnerships where students, faculty, and staff participate:

  • Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward
  • American Red Cross
  • Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Programs
  • Broward Partnership for the Homeless
  • Broward Regional Health Planning Council
  • Camillus Health Concern
  • Camp Boggy Creek
  • Community-Based Medicine Training Programs
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • High School Experience Days and Early Immersion Programs
  • Henderson Behavioral Health
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
  • Lifelong Learning Center
  • Light of the World Clinic
  • Lighthouse of Broward County
  • Institute for Disaster and Emergency Preparedness (IDEP)
  • International medical  outreach trips to many countries
  • Miami Coalition for the Homeless
  • Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
  • Rural and  Underserved Clinical and Public Health Services
  • Student-Led Outreach Programs
  • The Florida Coastal Geriatric Resources, Education, and Training Center (GREAT GEC)
  • United Way Reading Pals
  • Women in Distress

Contact the College of Osteopathic Medicine or call Kelly Duke 954-262-1780 or email

The Nova Southeastern University Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy is committed to helping people live healthier, better lives. Through patient education, health screenings, and immunization clinics our faculty and students engaged patients in the community to take charge of their health and wellness. The College of Pharmacy also holds forums that provide information on medications to area seniors, helping them better understand prescription drugs and their side effects.

Specialized clinical training programs, course requirements, and College of Pharmacy student organizations assist with fundraising, and provide health education and screenings to the community in partnership with the following agencies:

  • A Day for Children
  • Accountable Care Options
  • American Dental Association Foundation
  • Autism Speaks
  • Boomers and Beyond
  • Broward Sheriff’s Office
  • Community Fest
  • Diabetes Coalition of Palm Beach County
  • Feria De Salud Health Fair
  • Florida Introduces Physical Activity (FLIPANY)
  • Feeding South Florida
  • Go Red For Women
  • Hendry Glades Community Health Fair
  • Let’s Talk Mental Health Awareness Festival
  • Kick For a Cause
  • Miami Dade Heart Walk
  • National Association of Mental Illness
  • National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
  • Publix
  • Reach Health Fair
  • Ronald McDonald House
  • St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital
  • VOCES Coalition for Vaccination
  • Walgreens Diabetes Research Institute Walk/Run
  • Walmart/Sam’s Club Diabetes Health Fair

Contact the College of Pharmacy or call Elizabeth Shepherd at (954) 262-1314.

With its diverse outreach organizations, the Nova Southeastern University Halmos College of Arts and Sciences offers a wealth of groups and supportive networks of peers who care. From sea turtles to social justice, from the arts to the environment, community outreach allows our students to engage as active volunteers, promoting a willingness to learn and respond to challenges.

  • Africa Working Group
  • Biology Faculty on Television
  • Community Resolution Services (CRS) Workshops
  • Conflict Resolution Community of Practice Working Group
  • Criminal Justice Club
  • Crisis Intervention Training with Community Resolution Services
  • Cultural Investment Program in Collaboration with Broward Cultural Division
  • Global Issues, Student Solutions: Motachem Case Competition
  • Graduate Student Government Association (SGA)
  • Graduate Student Internships
  • Graduate Student Practica
  • Great Expectations: Discovering First-Year Writing
  • Just for Today: Literacy Outreach Program
  • Latin American and Caribbean Working Group
  • Marine Environmental Education Center (MEEC)
  • Mathematics Colloquium Series
  • Mentor Program in Collaboration with the Journalism Education Association
  • Mock Trial Skills Workshop
  • Nova International Relation Association (NIRA) High School Model United Nations Conference
  • NSU Center for the Humanities
  • NSU Mako Band
  • PACE—Center for Girls in Broward County
  • Peace and Conflict Resolution Education Working Group
  • Performing and Visual Arts Programming
  • Physiology is PhUN
  • Science Alive! Hands-on Science Education Outreach
  • Shark Conservation and Tracking
  • Story Café Peace Place Community Resolution Services
  • Students’ Backgrounds and Assumptions about Online Writing Instruction
  • Sustainable Development Working Group
  • The Council for Dialogue and Democracy
  • The Social Justice Roundtable

For partnerships and funding collaborations, visit


The College of Computing and Engineering hosts and supports community outreach events in the South Florida region meeting the needs of local IT professionals and the senior citizen community.

  • Douglas Gardens (Senior Living Facility) Computer Training
  • Cyber Security Awareness Month Special Events
  • South Florida Agile Association
  • Ranger Good Works
  • IT Palooza – Toys for Tots

Contact The College of Computing and Engineering or call at (954) 262-2031.

The Nova Southeastern University H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship supports community activities by engaging faculty, staff and students in addressing concerns and issues that affect the communities in south Florida businesses as well as the world.

  • American Society for Quality
  • Broward County SCORE Mentoring
  • Broward Schools DECA Competition
  • Canine Companions for Independence
  • Castle Cares Toy Drive
  • Distinguished Lecture Series
  • Miami-Dade Social and Economic Development Council
  • National Association of Industrial and Office Properties Challenge
  • Rotary Youth Exchange
  • Supply Chain Industry Management
  • Town of Davie Budget Committee
  • United Way Reading Pals
  • Wild Horse Tales Literacy Project
  • Young Supply Chain Management

 e-mail or call Terrell Manyak at (954) 262-8091.

The Marilyn Segal Early Childhood Studies Center is comprised of every endeavor at Nova Southeastern University which impacts the wellbeing, education and health of young children. The center’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for children and families. It serves as an example of the university's commitment to outreach, professional development, research, curriculum, policy and leadership development initiatives.

  • A Day for Children
  • D. Henderson Foundation
  • L. Mailman Family Foundation
  • Autism Speaks
  • Broward County Public Libraries
  • Broward County Public Schools
  • Camp Ramah Darom
  • Children Services Council
  • Community Foundation of Broward County
  • Community Partners
  • Florida Developmental Disabilities Council
  • Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options (JAFCO)
  • Museum of Discovery and Science
  • NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale
  • Rethink Autism Organization
  • Special Olympics
  • Taft Foundation
  • The Dan Marino Foundation
  • UM-NSU Center for Autism & Related
  • Disorders (CARD)

 Community Partners

  • D. Henderson Foundation, Inc.
  • Children’s Bereavement Center
  • Children’s Home Society
  • Children Services Council of Broward County
  • Children Services Council of Palm Beach County
  • Early Learning Coalition of Broward County
  • Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County
  • Jack and Jill Children’s Center
  • Susan B. Anthony Recovery Center


  • Starting Right Program Parenting Classes

Contact Marilyn Segal Early Childhood Studies Center 

The NSU Shepard Broad College of Law supports community activities by engaging faculty, staff, students, and alumni in addressing the needs of our community.  Shepard Broad College of Law is uniquely situated to address the legal needs of our community by assisting, educating, and promoting equal access to justice.  Through our community outreach activities, our law students are able to bring theoretical concepts coupled with academic knowledge to practice in real world settings. Shepard Broad College of Law supports law students and encourages them to engage in meaningful opportunities within the legal community, specifically through:

  • In-house Clinics, including:
    • Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Law Clinic,
    • Berger Entrepreneur Clinc,
    • Children and Families Law Clinic, and
    • Dispute Resolution Clinic,
  • Field Placement Clinics, including:
    • Civil,
    • Consumer Bankruptcy, and
    • Criminal Justice;
  • The Pro Bono Honor Program;
  • Service-Learning Classes;
  • Career Development Programs; and
  • Student Organization led initiatives.

By fostering a sense of community engagement, it is our hope that our graduates will develop a lifelong commitment to using their education and skills to contribute to the public good.

CONTACT THE SHEPARD BROAD COLLEGE OF LAW or call Jennifer Gordon at (954) 262-6126.

Instilling a sense of personal and civic responsibility in students is something University School takes seriously. Our students learn the value of helping others, and you see that spirit at work at every age level. From packing goods for earthquake victims, writing letters to those serving in the armed forces, or collecting toys for underprivileged children, University School students and faculty put their hearts into helping others.

At University School, we recognize the importance of being a responsible and contributing member of our community. In fact, to graduate, Upper School students must earn 100 hours of community service. However, for most of our students, that service becomes much more than a graduation requirement. Last year's graduating class devoted over 100,000 volunteer hours during their high school years.

Partnerships in community outreach include:

  • Achieve Miami
  • American Heart Association
  • American Red Cross
  • Art from the Heart
  • Believe in Kindness
  • Best Buddies
  • Broward Outreach Center
  • Debbie’s Dream
  • Food for the Poor
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • I Care, I Cure
  • Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
  • Kids and the Power of Work (KAPOW)
  • Mexican American Council (MAC)
  • Miami-Dade County Public Schools
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
  • Redland Christian Migrant Association
  • West Kendall Baptist Health Hospital
Contact the University School of NSU

By Administrative Department

The Alvin Sherman Library is a unique joint-use library based on an agreement between a private, not for profit university and a government entity, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners. We provide full library services to over 25,000 NSU students, faculty and staff, and the ASL is available to the 1.9 million residents living in Broward County.  Having an ASL card provides patrons with access to our collection, award-winning programs, events, and exhibits, and the full academic resources of one of the nation's major independent research universities.

Contact the Alvin Sherman Library or call James Hutchens at (954) 262-4648.

The NSU Department of Athletics, it’s student-athletes, staff members and administrators participate and partner with various community groups to provide support to those in need, fulfilling the philosophy of being an NCAA Division II member institution as well as one of the fundamental core values of the university. Below is only a partial list of the many community activities NSU athletics is involved in.

  • Broward County Special Olympics
  • H.A.N.D.Y (Helping Abused, Neglected, and Disadvantaged Youth)
  • Miracle League World Series
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • Jack and Jill Children’s Center Toy Drive
  • Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Toy Drive
  • International Coastal Cleanup

Contact Athletics:   (954) 262-8235 

Contact Business Services or call  Adee Shekar at (954) 262-8830.
Contact Enrollment and Student Services or call Eva Goldstein at (954) 262-7454 or Marilyn Johnson at (954) 262-7457.
Contact Facilities Management or call Maria Lemme at (954) 262-8940.

Financial Operations processes all payments to vendors and employees, oversees accounting transactions and maintains the general ledger, prepares financial statements and reports, files tax returns, manages the University’s cash and investments as well as its debt portfolio, administers the annual operating budget, and oversees the University's insurance programs. 

Financial Operations supports various local community programs and events.   

Contact Finance or call Elizabeth Guimaraes at (954) 262-5271.

Contact Institutional Effectiveness or call Kimberly Cronin, M.S. (954) 262-5386.

The mission of NSU Art Museum is to provide exceptional opportunities to access, learn from and be inspired by the highest level of visual artistic expression throughout time and from around the world, and to engage a wide audience by offering diverse and innovative exhibitions, dynamic education and public programs, and by developing an exceptional collection, and fostering original research and intellectual inquiry.

In addition to our international exhibition program, the Museum offers lectures and art talks, visual arts performances, book discussions and book signings, wine tastings, art classes, education programs for children ages 5-10, etc.,  to Museum members and the community.  Some of our community collaborations include:

Bank of America

Broward County Cultural Division

Business for the Arts of Broward

Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce

Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus

Glimmerglass Festival

Venetian Arts Society

Contact the Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale or call Adrienne Chadwick at (954) 262-0241.

The regional campuses serve students in Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Miami, Miramar, Orlando, Palm Beach, Tampa and Puerto Rico.  All campuses are staffed by full-time employees and are equipped with SMART classrooms, state-of-the-art computer labs, videoconferencing facilities, and other technological advances.

NSU’s regional campus staff, faculty and students are interested in partnering with local organizations to make a positive impact on the communities they serve.

Contact the Regional Campuses call Tom Schwaegerle at 954-262-8885.

The Division of Student Affairs offers a wide variety of opportunities for students to engage in community involvement both on and off-campus. Examples of involvement opportunities includes: service trips, connections with local community partners, service-based student organizations, Hunger Banquet, and much more.  Additionally we offer a variety of leadership development programs focused on emerging leaders and continued development of leadership skills.

Contact Student Affairs or call (954) 262-7195.

Division of Research and Economic Development (DoR) supports NSU’s innovative faculty within its colleges, centers and institutes in the development of their ideas, discoveries and technologies. DoR is the focal point for building the connections, resources and entrepreneurial energy for the commercialization of NSU’s research activities.

DoR is home to a robust research infrastructure. This includes the Division of Research and Economic Development which is the overarching organization for the Office of Sponsored Programs, Office of Clinical Research, Office of Technology Transfer, and the Grant Writing Laboratory.


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