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Campus Life Advisors

Faculty and staff advisory within student organizations is critical to the success and positive culture at Nova Southeastern University. The Office of Campus Life and Student Engagement (CLSE) understands that advisers are a vital piece in the support and well being of our students, clubs and organizations, and NSU overall. More information and resources about being an adviser of a Registered Student Organization (RSO) are included here. Should you need further information or assistance, please contact CLSE at any time. We are here to help.

Being an Advisor

Advisors mentor, motivate, and oversee officers and members of an RSO. Their guidance ensures that the mission and goals of the specific organization and upheld and maintained, allowing the organization to make informed choices and remain successful at NSU. Advisors also ensure that local, state, federal laws and University policies are considered in all decisions and remain intact.

Advisors work with students to coordinate organizational events and assist student leaders with processes and actions to minimize injuries and losses of any kind. They collaborate with the organization to ensure a productive, enjoyable, safe, and meaningful culture remains within. Most of all, being an advisor instills a sense of purpose for the adviser and strengthens the NSU community at large. It is a valuable, uplifting, and fun opportunity.

Advisor Benefits

Advising an RSO at NSU offers valuable rewards, from personal growth to shaping future leaders. Here are some highlights: 

  • Develop personal relationships with students
  • Activate team building within the group
  • Guide a group of individuals with diverse perspectives and lived experiences to seek unity and enhanced understanding of others
  • Provide feedback and direction of organizational situations and issues
  • Demonstrate leadership skills to enhance personal and professional rewards

Advisor Responsibilities

An advisory position is meant to enhance your position at NSU and overall quality of life. Throughout the academic year you will attend organizational meetings, activities, and programs to act as a beacon for the organization you oversee. You are expected to provide the following:

  • Assistance with officer transition and training
  • Oversight of program planning and guidance
  • Provide timely feedback and advice to the group
  • Support members in resolving conflicts within and outside the group
  • Approve financial transaction and funding requests
  • Accept all room reservations, group renewals, and general requests on SharkHub Mediator

Advisor Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

To maintain good standing, all Registered Student Organizations must re-register once a year. Re-registration includes updating and renewing details through the organizational portal on SharkHub to reflect any new officers, update general information, and make any changes to the constitution. Effective May 1, Shark Hub will automatically notify all RSO group leaders that an update is required. Each RSO will have until the second week of the fall semester to fully update their SharkHub registration and page.
A Registered Student Organization must have a president, treasurer, and an NSU adviser. The RSO must be open to all students, with at least 51% of the members being undergraduate students. Additionally, the organization’s SharkHub page must be updated regularly or at least on an annual basis.
An adviser works with the organization’s leadership team to determine an agreed upon time commitment. The commitment can vary based on the semester, time of year, and other factors. However, the adviser and group are empowered to establish these terms internally.

Contact Us

Office of Campus Life and Student Engagement
Don Taft University Center, Suite 1235
(954) 262-7288

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