Welcome Shark! Unlock Your NSU Journey

This page will guide you through the next steps and ensure a smooth financial transition for the 2025-26 academic year. Here, you'll find information on accessing your student bill, exploring financial aid options to help finance your education, and making payments toward your tuition and fees.

Let's get our Sharks ready for a fin-tastic start at NSU!

2024-25 Financial Deadlines and Dates

The university is implementing a new, streamlined billing process for the Fall semester. Payment is due in full at the time of registration for graduate and professional students. Undergraduate institutional charges; including tuition, fees, and housing, if applicable; must be paid or satisfied with payment arrangements by August 1 (Fall) and December 1 (Winter). Undergraduate students who do not have their payment or payment arrangements finalized by the first day of the semester will have their class registration canceled.

Payment arrangement options include financial aid awards, payment plans established through the Bursar's office, or other.

Fall 2024

August 1
Institutional Charges Due
August 12
Financial Aid Loan Disbursement Begins
August 18
Last Day to Finalize Payment or Payment Arrangements to Avoid Cancellation of all Courses
August 19
Classes Begin

Winter 2025

December 1
Institutional Charges Due
December 30
Financial Aid Loan Disbursement Begins
January 5
Last Day to Finalize Payment or Payment Arrangements to Avoid Cancellation of all Courses
January 6
Classes Begin

Secure Your Spot and Plan Your Finances

Review your student account.

Access your student account details on NSU eBill. It displays charges, payments, and estimated financial aid. You can even grant access (authorized users) like parents to view your account. NSU eBill account notices are emailed to you and authorized users in mid-month.

NSU eBill NSU eBill FAQ

Submit your payment.

Account balances may be satisfied with cash, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express) money order, electronic transfers, or guaranteed payments, such as awarded financial aid (including grants, scholarships, and Federal Direct Loans), certified alternative/private loans, Florida PrePaid funds, other third party payments, tuition waivers, federal and state educational funding programs, Veterans and GI Bill® benefits, and NSU Payment Plans. 

Pay My Bill NSU Payment Policy

Decide on health insurance coverage.

NSƯ requires all students to have health insurance coverage. To ensure this, you'll be automatically enrolled in the NSU Student Health Insurance Plan upon registration. The applicable student insurance fee will be charged to your student account.

Students who already have health insurance must opt out of the university’s plan each academic year by the given waiver deadline. For students starting in the fall, the waiver deadline is September 1. The winter semester waiver deadline is February 1.

Student Health Insurance

Check your NSU email regularly.

The Office of the University Bursar uses your @mynsu.nova.edu email for all important notices, including late fee deadlines, monthly eBill notices, tax information, and more. NSU email, along with SharkLink, is the university's official communication channel for students. Don't miss out on critical information – check your NSU email regularly!

Access SharkLink

Opt-in to receive texts from the Bursar's Office.

Get real-time updates on your student account with bursar text alerts! Enroll through NSU eBill: click "Personal Profile," complete two-step verification under "Security Settings," and enter your mobile number to receive notifications. Parents and authorized users with NSU eBill access can also sign up. See the step-by-step guide for details.

Opt-In Instructions

Did You Know?
Once you begin taking classes as a college student, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of your education record and prohibits the university from discussing your financial aid, student account, or academic information with anyone but you. Submit your Authorization for Release of Information (ROI) Consent to give others such as a parent, guardian, or spouse, access to various types of information. This process is separate and in addition to the NSU eBill authorized user sign-up.
Female student with red cell phone

Need Help Paying Your NSU Bill?

Financial aid is intended to assist you in financing your education by supplementing your own resources. Many students and families use a combination of personal savings, scholarships, Florida Prepaid funds, part-time employment, PLUS Loans, and NSU payment plans to fund their education.

Florida Prepaid & Other Third Party Billing
Federal Loans (Graduate)
Federal Loans (Undergraduate)
NSU Scholarships
Student Employment
Veterans Education Benefits

Financial Aid Information

Get expert guidance and explore all available financial assistance options - from federal grants to institutional scholarships – to help finance your NSU education.

  1. Visit SharkLink and log in on the upper right corner with your NSU username and password.
  2. Navigate to the Financial Aid widget located on your SharkLink dashboard and the Financial Aid page.
  3. Carefully review all sources of funding and the Terms and Conditions which outline the conditions you must meet for your aid to be credited to your account.

It is important to check your account frequently. Many students will receive revisions to their award offer(s) as new information about their enrollment, eligibility, and funding sources becomes available. 

2024-25 Financial Aid Terms and Conditions 2025-26 Financial Aid Terms and Conditions

The Requirements section lists all financial aid requirements that must be met for the aid awarded to actually be disbursed (credited) to your account.

Common requirements include:

If all eligibility requirements are met, loans will disburse seven days before the start of the semester. Grants and scholarships disburse after the drop/add period, which is the first week of classes.

If there is a change to your financial aid award or you are required to take an action, you will receive an email to your @mynsu.nova.edu email. Make it a habit to monitor your email regularly so that you don’t miss out on important information or let a deadline slip by. NSU email is the university’s official means of communicating with students, along with SharkLink.

It is never too early or late to search and apply for scholarships. NSU’s scholarship website is a great place to start. If you are pressed for time, make it a priority to complete the NSU Scholarship Profile every year! By completing the profile, you are automatically considered for thousands of dollars in institutional awards. Once you have the documentation listed below at hand, it will take just a few minutes for you to complete.

  • Test scores
  • Unofficial transcript GPA (for transfer/continuing students)
  • Volunteer or community service experience
  • Two letters of recommendation*

*Teachers and others who wish to submit their letters of recommendation directly may do so by emailing them to scholar@nova.edu. It is important that the sender informs us who the letter of recommendation is for (i.e., student name and NSU ID#, if known).

Scholarship Search

2025-26 Scholarship Profile Application