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Below are a series of questions submitted by the NSU community. Please note questions were combined and summarized due to repetitiveness or scope.
The block schedule is for all NSU programs and will be implemented in phases. Phase I includes all undergraduate programs except nursing, and all graduate programs except HPD and Law.  Phase II will include HPD and Law graduate and professional programs.

The block schedule is based on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday (M/W/F) and Tuesday/Thursday (T/R) model for undergraduate courses. Colleges may not modify M/W/F day sessions by combining multiple blocks in order to eliminate a day.

Though graduate courses meet for multiple hours in a single day and may combine time blocks, they must observe lunch and conform to the same start times. Graduate courses that are attended by undergraduate students must adhere to the M/W/F and T/R block schedule.

Colleges must balance and evenly distribute their course offerings throughout the specified approved time blocks during the week.

Classes requiring longer time periods may use multiple blocks.


Most programs will continue to offer night courses once a week by using multiple blocks beginning after 6 p.m. The start time must adhere to one of the predetermined start times. 

Classes meeting twice a week at night must use Fridays as the second meeting night (e.g., T/F, W/F, etc.) in order to ensure room availability for all courses.

This is possible with awareness that colleges must coordinate with OIIT and Facilities Management for availability of support staff (e.g., unlocking doors, security, and technical support).

A one-hour lunch break was specifically requested by the students. The lunch break is a time for students to eat and meet with their student organizations. Classes may not extend into this break.

Only when class configuration needs are initially requested for course sections (CRNs) by the schedule due date and the Room Scheduling Department (RSD) notifies the program office of the assigned room that permits reconfiguration, if available. Please remember that the faculty member must ensure that the room is set back to its original state for the next class. 

Rooms have a predetermined room type (e.g., computer lab, seminar room, etc.).

The program office must provide classroom requirements when submitting course schedules for CRN creation to the Class Creation Department (CCD).


Yes. While the Room Scheduling Department (RSD) will oversee assigning courses to PVA space, the PVA facilities manager will continue to provide and schedule any additional needs (e.g., sound, lighting, equipment, support staff, etc.).

  • Program offices will need to coordinate with the Class Creation Department (CCD) regarding new sections or increasing the cap for current sections. 
  • Based on historical data, the space that is currently available for composition and writing courses is sufficient, especially with the new block schedule.

UPP classrooms will be used until the rooms are no longer available due to construction.

Since online courses do not require classroom space, they are not required to follow the block schedule time periods. However, blended/hybrid courses must adhere to the block schedule.



The Class Creation Department (CCD) within the Office of the University Registrar is responsible for creating CRNs after program offices submit accurate and complete schedules by each semester/term deadline.
  • Program offices will have the ability to view their course data in Banner but will not have modify access. 
  • All course creations and updates will be handled by the Course Creation Department (CCD).
Program offices will submit faculty assignments to the Course Creation Department (CCD) by each semester/term deadline.
  • It will not be necessary for program offices to contact the iZone since an online shell will automatically be created for all courses in Canvas.
  • Requests for independent study courses must to be sent to the Course Creation Department (CCD) for CRN creation.
  • If the modality of an existing CRN is changing to independent study, a new CRN is required, and the student’s registration must be adjusted to the new CRN for university reporting accuracy.
  • A cross-listed course is taught by the same instructor on the same days and times but offered at multiple locations with different CRNs (e.g., video conferenced).
  • It is appropriate to cross-list a course with the same prefix and course number when the course is offered at different locations. 
  • Programs/colleges can no longer create their own version of courses that are offered by other programs/colleges (e.g., by using different prefixes and course numbers).

A cross-disciplinary course is offered across disciplines, programs, or colleges. For example, a student is permitted to take a course owned by another discipline provided the course is at the same level.  

The program office is responsible for informing the Course Creation Department (CCD) of CRN cancellations. Deadlines are published in the Course and Room Scheduling Policy and included in the university's administrative dates calendar. 

Deadlines are published in the Course and Room Scheduling Policy and included in the university's administrative dates calendar. 

Executive Administration determined the Scheduling Task Force members, which included deans, department chairs/faculty, program office representatives, administrative department representatives, and student representatives.

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