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Frequently Asked Questions

The health and safety of faculty, staff, students and visitors is a high priority for Nova Southeastern University. The Surgeon General of the United States has determined that tobacco smoking is the nation's leading preventable cause of premature death and disability. Tobacco smoke is hazardous to the health of smokers and non-smokers alike. To promote a safe and healthful work and academic environment, NSU has adopted this policy.
For several years beginning in 2004 the university has monitored its policy on smoking and the use of tobacco.  At a great number of Town Hall meetings conducted by Chancellor Ray Ferrero in the fall of 2010, the topic of smoking consistently came up, particularly as it related to the number of alleged violators of the existing policy. Many members of the university community were concerned that their extensive exposure to second hand smoke was having an adverse effect on their health and academic performance.  These concerns were reviewed by a task force assigned by the chancellor. The decision to become a tobacco-free university was the recommendation and result of the task forces work.
The policy is inclusive of the Main Campus in Davie, East Campus in Ft. Lauderdale, the North Miami Beach campus, the Oceanographic Center, the Museum of Art, University Park Plaza, and all Student Education Centers.  The policy is inclusive of all university owned vehicles, parking lots, and parking garages.  The policy applies to all university owned and operated residence halls.
The policy will be in full effect beginning July 1, 2012.
Smoking on all NSU property, including in cars parked on the property, is prohibited.
No. Providing a place to smoke does not support the campus's goal to create a healthier environment. The majority of smokers self-report a strong desire to quit smoking, but are unsuccessful in their efforts each year. NSU is working to eliminate the triggers -like designated tobacco use areas- that make tobacco cessation difficult.
You will need to leave the university property or campus in order to smoke or use tobacco products.
A university task force inclusive of the offices of Public Affairs, Student Affairs, Human Resources, Facilities Management, Clinical Operations and others will coordinate university efforts for policy notification, education, promotion, support and assessment to ensure successful implementation.
NSU's decision to become a tobacco-free university will be adopted as an employee and student policy.  This policy will be included in future revisions to both the student and employee handbooks.  As such, enforcement procedures and corrective actions will be in line with any other violation of student or employee policy.  There will be no additional or "special" actions taken against violators of the tobacco-free policy.
As a member of the NSU community, you may approach a person and politely inform/remind them of the Tobacco-Free policy and ask them to discontinue their use.  Persons who do not feel comfortable approaching a person violating the policy may report their concern of a policy violation to NSU Public Safety and/or the Office of Human Resources or the Office of Student Affairs; whichever is deemed most appropriate.
Yes.  There are no exemptions to this policy.  The university will make every effort to inform patients, vendors, and visitors of this policy in advance.  The university will also provide an abundance of signage that will be easily viewable as a person enters the respective campus.
The NSU Guided Self-Change Clinic and the NSU Clinic Pharmacy offer cessation programs to the NSU Community. You may also e-mail 
Guided Self-Chance Clinic - nicotine assessment 
NSU Clinic Pharmacy
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