The Nova Southeastern University Libraries collaborate to be the premier
research, cultural, and lifelong learning centers for NSU and the community.

Join us on Tuesdays for fun activities designed for children in grades 1 – 5
Tuesday, November 1: Crafternoon for Kids
Drop in for creative crafts and awesome art!

Tuesday, November 8: Builders Club
Build and create with the library’s LEGO bricks.
Tuesday, November 15: Story Explorers
Explore the world of stories with activities, games, and crafts!
Tuesday, November 22: S.T.E.M. Fun
Have fun with science, technology, engineering and math at the Alvin Sherman Library!
Tuesday, November 29: Builders Club
Build and create with the library’s LEGO bricks.
First Floor, Program Room 1017
Raise a Reader@ Sharkey's Storytime!
Wednesdays, 10:30 AM - 11 :15 AM
Ages 3 - 5 years with caregiver
Wednesday, November 2: We Can Vote!
Duck and Squid want to be president. Can they get enough votes to win? Read some fun voting books for children before Election Day.
Wednesday, November 9: Autumn Leaves!
Where do leaves come from? What happens to them in Autumn? Find out during this seasonal storytime!
Wednesday, November 16: The Green Golly Project’s “Little Kids Little Songs: Audience 101”
Teach your children to be great audience members and to participate joyfully. This original and highly interactive program is an introduction to live music, comedy and theatre for children and the prequel to all other programs you will engage in to educate your child.
Wednesday, November 23: Mealtime!
It’s time to learn about yummy foods we all love to eat.
Wednesday, November 30: Helping Hands!
How can you help your family and friends? How do people help us? Find out what it means to be a good helper!
First Floor, Program Room 1017
Raise a Reader@ Little Minnows Storytime!
10:30 AM - 11 :15 AM
Ages 18 - 36 months with caregiver
Thursday, November 3
Thursday, November 10
Thursday, November 17
10:30-11 AM: Stories & Songs
11-11:15 AM: Raise a Reader & Free Play
Enjoy books, songs and activities that enhance early literacy skills.
First Floor, Program Room 1017 |
Wags and Tales
Monday, November 14, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For children ages 5-12.
Read to a dog at the library! This program enables children to read an age-appropriate short story to an Animal Assisted Therapy Dog. The intent of the program is to make reading fun and boost the child’s confidence in reading out loud.
Register online or call 954-262-5477.
First Floor, Program Room 1017
Insects by Momentum Dance Company with live jazz musician
Saturday, November 19, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
This funny, yet scientifically accurate, performance inspired by the children’s poetry book, Insect Soup features outrageous costumes and an original jazz score performed live by bluesman Rob Moore.
A 30-minute performance will be followed by a Q&A session and a chance for children to pose for photos with the dancers.
This event is part of the Live at the Sherman Library series.
Second Floor, Cotilla Gallery

Teen Crafternoon: Button-mania (Ages 13 - 18)
Thursday, November 3, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Join us for a great teen crafternoon!
Register online or call 954-262-5477.
First Floor, Program Room 1017
Young Authors Writing Group (Ages 13-18)
Saturday, November 12, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Want to get feedback on your writing? Come to the monthly Young Authors Writing Group! Share your words with others and get constructive criticism on how to revise to make it better. Facilitated by teacher and writer Jodi Turchin.
This event is part of the Young Author Series series.
Register online or call 954-262-5477.
First Floor, Program Room 1017
Teen Movie Club (Ages 13-18)
Saturday, November 26, 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Do you like movies? Join the club! We’ll discuss a new genre each month, and then vote on a movie to watch.
This event is part of the Teen Movie Club series.
Register online or call 954-262-5477.
First Floor, Teen Room 1035
Grant Writing 101
Thursday, November 3, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Looking to learn more about finding grant funding and writing a
proposal? Look no further! Roxana Ross, NSU’s Grant Writing Manager, has
all the information you’re looking for. Come hear about Pivot and other
grant funding databases as well as successful steps to take in writing
your application. We’ll help you get the money you need to fund your
research projects!
This event is part of the Academic Workshops, Gear Up series.
Register online or call 954-262-5477.
Fourth Floor, Conference Room 4009
Writing the Cozy Mystery
Saturday, November 5, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Attention all writers! Join us for a workshop from Mystery Writers of America’s Florida Chapter Speaker’s Bureau, Nancy J. Cohen!
Do you want to write a mystery but don’t have a clue where to start? Or
maybe you’ve begun a story but are stuck on the plot? Join author Nancy
J. Cohen as she shows you how to write a winning whodunit. Topics
include developing your characters, plotting the crime, adding suspense,
and planting clues. Tips on keeping track of your work, marketing, and
sustaining a series will be provided.
Register online or call 954-262-5477.
Second Floor, Conference Room 2053
Irish Film Festival
Monday, November 7: Atlantic
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Fourth Floor, Conference Room 4009
Narrated by Emmy-award winning actor Brendan Gleeson, Atlantic follows the fortunes of three small fishing communities - in Ireland, Norway and Newfoundland - bringing to the fore three very intimate stories from the global resource debate.
Wednesday, November 9: I Used to Live Here
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Fourth Floor, Conference Room 4009
Amy Keane, a thirteen-year-old trying to cope with the death of her mother and the reappearance of her father's ex-girlfriend, experiences the temptation of suicide after witnessing the outpouring of love for a local suicide victim. “A Poignant, poetic Irish drama.” (The Guardian)
Sunday, November 13: Calvary
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Second Floor, Cotilla Gallery
After he is threatened during a confession, a good-natured priest must battle the dark forces closing in around him. “This is the kind of movie that galvanizes and discomfits while it’s on screen, and is terrific fodder for conversation long after its credits roll.” (Roger Ebert)
Screening of films from Ireland’s Irish Film Institute. For more information, please call 954-262-5477. Sponsored by the Alvin Sherman Library, the South Florida Irish
Studies Consortium, Irish Film Institute and the International Studies
Program in the NSU College of Arts Humanities and Sciences.
This event is part of the Irish Film Festival series.
Florida and WWII
Thursday, November 10, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Dr. Gary Mormino, one of Florida’s leading historians, discusses the lasting impact of World War II on Florida, including the explosive military growth, the transformation of the home front, and the increased population, economy and tourism after the war. Register online or call 954-262-4627.
Second Floor, Cotilla Gallery
This event is part of the Florida Humanities Council Speaker Series series.
Crafting Engaging Conference Proposals
Tuesday, November 15, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

To get chosen by conference organizers, a presentation proposal must be thorough and succinct, informative and inviting. Come learn how to distill your ideas into an engaging narrative that is clearly compelling and compellingly clear.
Presented by Dr. Douglas Flemons, Professor of Family Therapy
Register online or call 954-262-5477.
Maltz Bldg, RM 2058 & Online
This event is part of the Academic Workshops, Gear Up series.
Foundations and Grants Resources
Tuesday, November 15, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Attendees will learn to use the Foundation Center’s grants database,
receive an overview of the Alvin Sherman Library’s grants resources,
view Foundation Center webinars, and participate in an assisted open lab
search session to explore grants possibilities specific to their area
of interest. Basic computer skills are required.
These sessions are limited to 25 attendees. Register online for this event.
Second Floor, Lab A
This event is part of the Foundations and Grants Resources series.
Killing the Horse to Save the Cart:
Musings on the Global Economy and Immigration
CAHSS Intellectual Conversations – Fall 2016: Migration
Thursday, November 17, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Barbara Brodman, Professor of History and Legal Studies in the Department of History and Political Science
Though many vehemently defend or decry the dominant global economic system—even with their lives and those of others—few actually understand the origins and theoretical underpinnings of that system… or its relationship to the increasingly volatile issue of immigration. A brief history of economic development in the modern age can motivate a more informed discussion of the pros and cons of the present economic order and the direction it should take in the future
Second Floor, Cotilla Gallery
This event is part of the CAHSS Intellectual Conversations series. |
Crafternoon at the Library
Friday, November 18, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Tap into your creative juices by trying your hand at a make and take craft. Stop by the library and learn about our many resources. Drop in anytime during the program for make-and-take crafts.
First Floor, Program Room 1017
Sherman Yarn Lovers
Saturday, November 19, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Join other yarn enthusiasts and learn more about knitting and crocheting.
Second Floor, Conference Room 2046
Computer Camp: Downloading Magazines
Tuesday, November 15, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Do you enjoy reading magazines? Reading your favorites is right at your fingertips. Take advantage of Flipster and Zinio for online browsing through desktop or mobile device. Please bring your Alvin Sherman Library and Broward Library cards to take advantage of this class.
Please register online or call 954-262-5477.
Second Floor, Lab B |

Organizing Your Genealogy: Genealogical Society of Broward County Program Monthly Meeting
Sunday, November 6, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Learn more about genealogy with fellow enthusiasts!
Whether just starting family history or doing it for several years, many people find themselves overwhelmed or disorganized with all the information they collect. This presentation will look at organizing both paper and digital information to become more efficient, avoid duplication and preserve documents and photos.
The Genealogical Society of Broward County (GSBC) meets monthly at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library on the first Sunday of every month except when there is a holiday. Meetings begin with an open lab from noon to 1:15 PM. The open lab is followed by a general meeting at 1:30 PM with the program presentation beginning at 2 PM in room 2053. African American Special Interest Group meeting at 3:30 PM. All meetings are open to the public. Visit for more information about GSBC. Parking $1.00/hour on the first level of the parking garage.
Meetings are free and open to the public.
Meet in Lab A . Lecture in Room 2053, Second Floor
