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The Nova Southeastern University Libraries collaborate to be the premier research, cultural, and lifelong learning centers for NSU and the community. |
Welcome to the March 2016 Alvin Sherman Library Enews. Celebrate Women's History Month, Teen Tech Week and National Craft Month at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library! It's amazing the diversity of topics we celebrate every month! We hope you take advantage of our great events and programs! And, let's talk about the other benefits!
![]() Sharkey's Storytime Fun Ages 3 - 5 with caregiver Enjoy books, songs and activities that enhance early literacy skills and explore the world online with kid-friendly websites recommended by librarians. 10:30 - 11:00 AM: Stories and Songs March 9: Buggy, Buzzy Storytime! March 16: Red Riding Hood Puppet Show! March 30: Girl Power! First Floor, Program Room 1017 |
Little Minnow Storytime Ages 18 - 36 months with caregiver
Thursday, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Sunday, March 6, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM This year, your Alvin Sherman Library Card, E-Card, or NSU SharkCard is your entry ticket. Join us for a day filled with music, magic, stories, arts activities and more! Don’t miss a special appearance by the Lorax! RSVP Online and enter for a chance to win a door prize! |
Ages 5 – 10, Younger siblings with caregiver welcomed Tuesday, March 8, 3:30 PM- 4:30 PM
First Floor, Program Room 1017
Grades 3-6 Thursday, March 10, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Science, Technology, Engineering and Math at the Alvin Sherman Library. Join us every month as we explore S.T.E.M. concepts with awesome activities, excellent experiments, dynamic demonstrations and phenomenal guest presenters! Dress for a mess. Pre-registration is required. Register online beginning February 15. First Floor, Program Room 1017 |
Ages 5 - 12 Monday, March 14, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM This program enables children to read an age-appropriate short story to
an Animal Assisted Therapy Dog. The intent of the program is to make
reading fun and boost the child’s confidence in reading out loud. First Floor, Program Room 1017
(Ages 6+) Younger siblings with caregiver welcomed Saturday, March 26, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM First Floor, Program Room 1017 |
Hour of Code Open Lab! (Ages 13-18) Monday, March 7, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Interested in learning how to code, but not sure where to start? We’ll have great tutorials to guide you through the basics, plus more recommendations on how you can learn to code for free! Second Floor, Lab A
Surface Pattern Design! (Ages 13-18) Wednesday, March 9, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Bring your creative visions to life by designing your own fabrics. We’ll show you how to use technology to create unique patterns, and talk about ways to see your designs in real life! Second Floor, Lab A |
Teen Movie Club: Video Games! (Ages 13 -18) Saturday, March 12, 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM Do you like movies? Join the club! We’ll discuss a new genre each month, and then vote on a movie to watch. This month’s theme is movies based on video games! Refreshments will be served. Questions? First Floor, Teen Room 1035 |
Let’s Speak Truth’ Poetry and Spoken Word Night Thursday, March 3, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Don't miss the 3rd Annual “Let’s Speak Truth,” Poetry & Spoken Word Night event! Audre Lorde wrote, “Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives”. Poetry is an intimate affair and the best way to experience it is to see it performed in person. Listen to local spoken word artists and poets during this celebration of creativity. Sponsored by NSU’s Alvin Sherman Library and the Office of University Relations. Second Floor, Cotilla Gallery |
Sherman Yarn Lovers
Second Floor, Room 2046 |
Registration opens Tuesday, March 1st and closes Wednesday, March 16th. Click here to register. This event is part of the Scholarship Resources series. |
- Florida is full of people from everywhere else. Most know little or
nothing Circle of Friends for the NSU Alvin Sherman Library and the Florida Humanities Council Present: journalist, author, and history scholar–and Florida native–Eliot Kleinberg to learn more about the place with the most fascinating history around! Click here to register.
Second Floor, Cotilla Gallery Funding for this program has been provided by the Florida Humanities Council with funds from the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs. ![]() |
Friday, March 18, 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Tap into your creative juices by trying your hand at a make and take craft. Stop by the library and learn about our many resources. Drop in anytime during the program for make-and-take crafts. First Floor, Program Room 1017
Saturday, March 19, 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Attention all writers! Author Abby Stokes, who single-handedly helped a quarter million Digitally Challenged people cross the Digital Divide and get online, will give us tips on getting published, talk about her journey as a writer, and why technology is an important tool for writers looking to get published. Click here to register. Second Floor, Program Room 2053
Money, Money & More Money Fourth Floor, Program Room 4009 |
Sunday, March 27, 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Celebrating Women’s History Month, this vision board workshop encourages participants to follow in the footsteps of women throughout history who have set and reached goals. We’ll combine pictures and words to create a vision of our goals. All materials provided. Space is limited. Click here to register. First Floor, Program Room 1017 |
David Kilroy, “Remembering the 1916 Rising: Truth and Power in Historical Commemoration” Thursday, March 31, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Professor David Kilroy explores the search for truth in the legacy of the 1916 Rising and examine how competing interpretations of the event often reflect both the aspiration for and the exercise of power in the Irish state. This event is part of the CAHSS Intellectual Conversations series. Fourth Floor, Room 4009
Computer Basics for Absolute Beginners Saturday, March 12, 1:00 PM -2:00 PM. This computer class is for absolute beginners who would like to learn basic computer skills in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Click here to register online or call 954-262-5477. Second Floor - Lab B |
Tuesday, March 15, 1:00 PM -2:30 PM This class will teach you the basics of using your Android-based tablet device including gestures, organizing apps and Home screens, finding and installing useful apps, and using Maps and the Camera function. Click here to register online or call 954-262-5477.
Finding Your Women Ancestors