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Sunday, November 1 - December 6 An exhibit featuring portraits of veterans by physician Dr. Wilma Siegel, M.D. The portraits are accompanied by taped interviews of Dr. Siegel’s conversations with veterans who are working to resume their lives. Second Floor - Cotilla Gallery
A Colorful Journey of a Czech Artist: The Works of Larry Morava — Art work by Czech artist Larry Morava. A talented musician who became an artist after he retired from a career in telecommunications. Without any formal training in the visual arts, he self-taught himself by studying the masters and taking online courses. His art reflects his interest in music and his roots in Czechoslovakia. Second Floor - Cotilla Gallery
Raise a Reader @ Sharkey's Storytime (Ages 3 - 5 with caregiver) 10:30 - 11:00 AM: Stories and Songs. December 2 : Clothing Storytime December 9 : Storytime Graduation! First Floor - Program Room 1017
Raise a Reader @Little Minnows Storytime (Ages 18 - 36 months with caregiver) December 3: LITTLE MINNOWS HAS A SPECIAL GUEST! This storytime will feature a Smart Start guest, podiatrist Dr. Mark Jaffe, who will share information about picking shoes for your little one! December 10 : Storytime Graduation! After School S.T.E.M ( Grades 3-6) Thursday, December 10, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Science, Technology, Engineering and Math at the Alvin Sherman Library. Join us every month as we explore S.T.E.M. concepts with awesome activities, excellent experiments, dynamic demonstrations and phenomenal guest presenters! Dress for a mess. First Floor - Program Room 1017 The Magic Toy Shop (Ages 6+) Younger siblings with caregiver welcomed
Come see Momentum Dance Company in this imaginative story of a magical Toymaker.
2nd Floor, Cotilla Gallery
Hang Out in the Teen Room! Use the computers, play video games, catch up on homework, or spend time with friends. The Teen Room is open most days after school and on weekends.
CAHSS Intellectual Conversations - Fall 2015 Thursday, December 3, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Michael Voltaire, "The Morality of Individual Principles of Conscience, its Transformative Power, and its Corollaries". Second Floor, Cotilla Gallery Crafternoon at the Library First Floor, Program Room 1017 Book Bracelets and Bows Foundations and Grants Resources Tuesday, December 15, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM In this session, attendees will get an overview of the library’s grants resources with a demonstration and open lab session using a Foundation Center database. Registration is required and begins 12/1 and closes 12/16. Saturday, December 19, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Join other yarn enthusiasts and learn more about knitting and crocheting.
Second Floor - Conference Room 2046
Tuesday, December 1, 1:00 PM– 2:30 PM
Caribbean Genealogy. GSBC Program The Genealogical Society of Broward County (GSBC) meets monthly at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library on the first Sunday of every month. Meetings begin with an open lab from noon to 2 PM. The open lab is followed by a board meeting and program. Meetings are open to the public.