Letter from the Editor |
The holidays are right around the corner beginning with Thanksgiving. As you begin your preparations, we hope you continue to explore the many resources available to you at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library. Here's a couple of helpful resources compiled by our librarians to get you started: Winter Holidays and Celebrations: Cooking and Crafting and Winter Holidays and Celebrations: Home.
If you haven't checked out our new library website redesigned for our public users, please do at: public.library.nova.edu
With a click, you'll easily find clearly defined portals including, programs and events, resources in our collection such as, audiobooks, books, databases, music, movies and of course, best sellers! We've also added recommended reading lists developed by our library staff. Researching your family history? Click on genealogy. Building your business? Click on business. We encourage you to check out all of the possibilities that our 325,000 square foot NSU Alvin Sherman Library offers you!
Finally, building a new website will always be a work in progress. So, throughout this launch and ongoing, we encourage you to help us make our new webpage everything you hope it can be by giving us your feedback. You'll see the feedback button on each page of the website. We hope you enjoy the new site and use it to discover all of the great things that can enhance your lives!

Click on the images below to find useful information contained in databases available from
home with your
Alvin Sherman Library Card.
You'll need your card number located on the card's back to enter the databases

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Raise a Reader @ Sharkey’s Storytime (Ages 3-5 with caregiver)
Wednesdays, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Enjoy books, songs & activities that enhance early literacy skills and explore theworld online with kid-friendly websites recommended by librarians.
10:30-11:00 AM: Stories & Songs
11:00-11:15 AM: Crafts & Family Literacy University
11:15-11:30 AM: Little Learners’ Computer Lab
December 3: Winter Wonderland
December 10: Storytime Graduation!
First Floor - Program Room #1017
Raise a Reader@ Little Minnows Storytime! (Ages 18-36 months with caregiver)
Thursdays,10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Inspire your future reader with stories and songs featuring rhythm, repetition, and rhyme. Raise a Reader: learn about early literacy skills.
10:30-10:50 AM: Stories & Songs
10:50-11:15 AM: Raise a Reader & Free Play
December 11: Storytime Graduation!
First Floor - Program Room #1017
Wags & Tales: Read to a Dog! (Ages 5-12)
Monday, December 8 : 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Wags & Tales enables children to have fun reading an age-appropriate short story to an Animal Assisted Therapy Dog. The intent of the program is to make reading fun and boost the child’s confidence in reading out loud. Offered in partnership with the Humane Society of Broward County. To register your child, please call 954-262-5477 or visit the Public Library Services Reference Desk beginning November 24 at 9 AM.
First Floor - Program Room #1017
Afterschool S.T.E.M. (Grades 3-6)
Thursday, December 11: 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Build! Create! Investigate! Join us once a month for hands-on science demonstrations and experiments.
Pre-registration is required. Call 954.262.5477 to register.
First Floor - Program Room #1017
Milkshake: Rock Concert for Children!
Saturday, December 6: 2:00 PM- 3:00 PM
Milkshake is a band on a mission: to create great rock music for kids. Led by singer Lisa Mathews and guitarist Mikel Gehl, whose songs for grown-ups have been featured in movies and prime-time television, Milkshake has won over children without compromising song-craft, stagecraft or their authentic rock & roll spirit. Milkshake’s music has appeared on Noggin, PBS Kids and Discovery Kids. With tuneful, memorable songs that evoke influences from Rodgers and Hammerstein to Lennon-McCartney to The White Stripes, Milkshake creates music that appeals to both kids and their parents.
Show us your library card for a FREE ticket starting November 17, 2014 at the 1st floor Public Library Services Reference Desk. Call 954-262-5477 for more information.
Live at the Sherman Library! Winter Tales (All ages)
Saturday, December 13: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Winter Tales includes three favorite winter stories: The Elves and the Shoemaker performed with hand puppets; Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates with shadow puppets; and Scrooge’s Sing-Along with marionettes. The shoemaker and his wife learn to give and receive. Hans Brinker puts the needs of others above his own, and Ebenezer Scrooge learns that people are more important than money. Tiny Tim and Scrooge share a song or two filled with laughter. ‘Tis the season for three great stories filled with good cheer. This program is part of the Live at the Sherman Library series funded by a gift from the Charles P. Ferro Foundation.
First Floor - Program Room #1017

Hang Out in the Teen Room!
Use the computers, play video games, catch up on homework, or spend time with friends. The Teen Room is open most days after school and on weekends.

Floating Colors: Paper Marbling Workshop
Sunday, December 7: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
1st Floor, Room 1017
NSU professor Tennille Shuster, teaches you how to paint on water! Paper marbling is the practice of manipulating flating ink on the water’s surface, an ancient art form with historic roots in Asia, India, the Middle East and Europe. We will view a demonstration of the traditional Japanese method, suminagashi, after which participants will experiment with their own shallow trays of water, choosing and mixing colorful inks to create patterns to transfer onto paper to create one-of-a-kind prints. Participants will design carefully with intention, and will also delight in the element of surprise as the ink drawings take on a life of their own in the water.
To register, contact the Public Library Services Reference Desk at 954-262-5477.
Start Brewing (ages 21 and over)
Sunday, December 14: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Head brewer, Justin Miles returns from the Mack House – Holy Mackerel Nano Brewery and introduces patrons to the basics of home brewing and culinary beer styles. A small tasting will be provided. Ages 21 and over!
To register, contact the Public Library Services Reference Desk at 954-262-5477.

Computer Camp: Tumblr
Tuesday, December 2: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Get your blog up and running using the Tumblr platform.
Call 954-262-5477 to register.
Second Floor - Lab B

Black and White and Read All Over! Using Online Newspaper Resources for Genealogy Research
Sunday, December 7: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
2nd Floor, Lab A
Learn about the latest free online newspaper resources as well as NSU Alvin Sherman Library newspaper databases and how they can help you do your genealogy research.
Presented by Nora Quinlan, Director of Reference and Instructional Library
Services, Alvin Sherman Library.
Program will follow the business meeting at 2 pm.
The Genealogical Society of Broward County meets monthly at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library on the first Sunday of every month. Meetings begin with an open lab from noon to 2 pm. The open lab is followed by a board meeting and progra