Background: Maternal and Infant morbidity and mortality is on the rise in the U.S. and Broward County with over 470,000 babies being born premature nationally. Maternal deaths in America have always been underreported, and current research in Florida revealing that more than 50 women die annually in Florida alone. High risk factors such as multiple births, fertility treatment, folic acid education, poor prenatal care, rise in diabetes, and especially the medical malpractice crisis all adversely effect pregnancy outcomes and contribute to maternal deaths in Florida and Broward County. Florida Vital Statistics, 2002, report the resident infant mortality rate for nonwhites (12.4%) is more that double the infant mortality rate for whites (5.9). The leading causes of resident infant deaths in 2002 were prenatal conditions, congenital anomalies, and sudden infant death syndrome.
Mission: The mission of the Maternal/Infant Health focus group will be to educate healthcare professionals in conjunction with collaborative systems through NSU faculty, students and administrators, CCB, and all Broward's Community providers to improve the quality of maternal and infant health.