NSUCO - The Visionary Spring 2012
THE V ISIONARY • S PRING 2012 — 26 On January 19, Briana Johnson Shelton O.D., FAAO, a class of 2001 graduate, was honored with the College of Optometry Distinguished Alumni Award at the 14 th Annual NSU Celebration of Excellence cere- mony held at the Signature Grand in Davie. Each year, this prestigious event brings together community leaders and industry pioneers that have made significant contributions to their professions, communi- ties, and alma maters. The accolade is the highest award an individual can receive from the NSU Alumni Association. After graduating from NSUCO, Dr. Shelton completed a residency in ocular disease at the Huntington Veterans Affairs Medical Center in West Virginia and remained on the staff, where she co-chaired the Res- idency Affairs Committee. She was also a staff optometrist at the Pre- stonsburg Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Kentucky and an adjunct professor at Indiana University’s College of Optometry. In 2005, she received the North Carolina National Guard Award for her support of the soldiers in Iraq. In addition to operating her private practice, Dr. Shelton is an active member of the Marion County Lions Club as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club and serves as a mentor for health pro- fessions’ high school students. She has been honored with the Lions Club Service Award, the Best Optometrist in McDowell County Award, and the McDowell County Partnership Champion for Children Award. Dr. Shelton, who is an active member of the AOA, AAO, North Carolina Mountain District Optometric Society, and UNC Chapel Hill General Alumni Association, also is a clinical examiner for the National Board of Examiners in Optometry and a McDowell County Board of Health member. NSUCO proudly congratulates Dr. Shelton for her outstanding accom- plishments and selfless contributions to her profession and community. Dr. Briana Johnson Shelton Receives Distinguished Alumni Award As you know, since NSUCO accepted its first class in 1987, several new optometry colleges have been established, and several others are in the early phases of development. One of the most unique features NSU’s College of Optom- etry has is its diverse patient population, which allows students to examine and treat a wide spectrum of eye diseases and conditions unique to South Florida. As NSUCO alumni, we are sure you can name multiple other outstanding quali- ties that existed when you were a student here. The next time you have young patients in your exam chair, please take the time to ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” After they respond, I encourage you to chat with them about how they should consider and en- VISION themselves having a fascinating career as an optometrist. ...Alumni President’s Message continued from page 26 Dr. Shelton receiving her award from Dr. David Loshin, NSUCO dean. Dr. Shelton and family. Please remember to join our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/nsuoptometryalumnichapter , where you can receive the latest news about our upcoming events.
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