NSUCO - The Visionary Spring 2012

THE V ISIONARY • S PRING 2012 — 17 After almost 20 years of service, Dr. Coulter took a one-year sab- batical from the college to focus on an area of research and schol- arship interest—optometric care of patients with autism spectrum disorder. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 110 children in the United States have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Few optometric publications or research studies on vision in patients with ASD are available. Op- tometrists and other professionals need clearer information on how to care for the vision needs of these patients. “About once a week, I am contacted by an optometrist, psychol- ogist, or parent on how to evaluate or manage the vision of an in- dividual who has autism spectrum disorder,” Dr. Coulter stated. “There is a hunger for knowledge and evidence-based practice guidelines. My sabbatical will provide the opportunity to learn and teach in this area.” During her sabbatical year, Dr. Coulter is work- ing on several projects related to research and clinical care of pa- tients with ASD, including the completion of a pilot study focusing on convergence and sensory processing in school-age patients with ASD. The results will be presented at the American Academy of Optometry meeting this October. In addition, she will be collaborating with a research group in the United Kingdom that also is investigating aspects of vision in autism. Dr. Coulter will visit the Vision Science Department of Glasgow Caledonian University and complete a research ex- change with David Simmons, D.Phil., of Glasgow University. In May, Dr. Coulter will attend the International Meeting for Autism Research in Toronto, Canada, and share information in the Sen- sory Processing Special Interest group with researchers from all Recent Progress in NSUCO Research By Bin Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Optometry The faculty members at NSUCO are working diligently to achieve excellence in research, which is emphasized in the 2020 Vision of the university. Since the publication of the fall 2011 Visionary, advancements have been made in many areas. Below are some selected highlights. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER Stacey A. Coulter, O.D., FAAO, FCOVD Associate Professor of Optometry