NSU University School Viewpoint Fall/Winter 2017

VIEWPOINT n 25 any book ever could. They taught me life-long lessons about perseverance and responsibility. They also set me up to excel highly in math and sciences.” One of her fondest memories is of an Outward Bound trip sponsored by USchool, an experience that has stayed with her and that sparked her to explore, push boundaries and want to be surrounded by nature all the time. Crespi says, “It’s a trip that I will always be grateful for and will never forget. I learned to be tenacious, never giving up, and how to work with others.” Crespi has always had an affinity for the ocean, in parti- cular sharks. As an avid diver, she is deeply committed to marine conservation and believes that by sharing the wonders of the ocean, people will be inspired to protect it. She says, “I present information from both a devastational and an inspirational point of view. I use my science background combined with my love of the ocean and belief that people can really make a difference when they come together. She says, “It’s a wonderful thing to go to bed each night and not have to set an alarm because I am so excited to wake up for work every morning. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.” n Jake Kaminoff (’09) and Stephanie Hyman (’10) married on March 5 in Tampa. They met at NSU University School when Hyman was a sophomore and Kaminoff was a junior. NSU University School alumni and family to the bride and groom Dana Perkins Roseman (‘05), Jenny Perkins (‘02), and Loren Kadar (‘95) couldn’t have been more excited! ALUMNI CLASS NOTES