NSU University School VIEWPOINT Spring 2019

27 ALUMNI CLASS NOTES Following graduation from Cornell Law School in May 2019, Mason Roth will begin working as an attorney at Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP in New York City. 2012 2015 Andrew Dolberg is working for U.S. Congress member Debbie Wasserman Schultz as an outreach coordinator. In this nonpartisan role, Dolberg handles federal casework, constituent outreach, and other services to serve the people of Florida’s 23rd Congressional District. 2011 Taylor Dumas is a sophomore at the University of Miami and fundraising chair of Ocean Awareness Week, sponsored by the Marine Science Honors Society. He volunteers at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science and serves as starting player and treasurer for the UM coed Racquetball Club team. 2017 In May 2019, Kirsten Laursen will graduate with a B.A. in Cognitive Science and Public Health from Occidental College in Los Angeles. Class Notes CONTINUED Max Wolf recently launched Double Knockout, a tag-team card game built to teach players fighting game fundamentals. This venture began as the final project for Wolf and his design partner in their Introduction to Game Design class at the University of Southern California. They saw potential in the project and spent the following year refining and expanding the game, both polishing mechanics and adding new characters. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, their dream became a reality! 2016 Guitarist Connor Hsu and his fellow band members from the University of Pennsylvania’s Mask and Wig Club performed in New York; Washington, D.C.; and London over spring break. 2018