NSU University School Viewpoint Spring 2018

LOWER SCHOOL 11 Within moments of meeting fifth-grade team leader and teacher Lori Czerenda, one can sense her undeniable energy and enthusiasm. An advocate of professional training and development, Czerenda received her M.S. in Elementary Education and a specialist degree in educational leadership, both from NSU. “I am always looking for more. I ask myself, ‘What else can I learn and do?’” Czerenda said. Her motto is “Keep going. Don’t stop. Make an impact.” When looking into schools for her two boys, Czerenda visited NSU University School, immediately felt it was the right fit, and enrolled them into eighth and ninth grades. At the time, Czerenda had been working in the public school system for 10 years. Ironically, while she toured USchool, she instinctively knew USchool was not just a great fit for her boys, but it could be a great fit for her as well. Fortunately, a position became available soon after, and she was hired to serve on the fifth-grade team. Czerenda is now completing her third year as a fifth-grade teacher and her second year as the fifth-grade team leader. She FACULTY SPOTLIGHT Lori Czerenda and her team are committed to personalizing each student’s fifth- grade experience. “The essence of USchool—itsmethods, philosophy, and learning objectives—are what I believe in. I love being part of such an amazing team of teachers, and I love the creative freedom that I am granted by administration,” Czerenda said. “My fifth-grade team makes me who I am. We are diverse yet cohesive—each of us with our unique strengths—but we collaborate effectively, make decisions together as a group, and always have the best interests of the students in mind. We look for ways to help them grow and improve through meaningful educational opportunities. I really believe anything is possible.” The fifth-grade team focuses on leadership, responsibility, and meaningful connections. Fifth-grade students are reading buddies to first-grade students, participate in a three-day service- oriented field trip, and spend the final part of the year selecting inspiring community leaders and planning interviews, which culminates in a written piece that is shared with them at a celebratory breakfast. They also make an annual trip to JA BizTown as part of a business and leadership unit. In supporting students’ transitions to sixth grade, Czerenda and her team actively collaborate with the Middle School. Earlier this year, Middle School guidance counselor Chelsea Lyn brought two current sixth-grade students to the fifth-grade classrooms to share their personal experiences and host Q&A sessions. The Middle School also held an interactive showcase for fifth-graders to demonstrate various clubs, such as debate and robotics, so fifth- grade students could see some of the opportunities available to them. “I encourage all of my students to try new experiences and to trust that I will be there to guide and support them,” Czerenda said. Czerenda treasures her experiences as a teacher and firmly believes magic happens in the classroom. She also believes the root of it all is building connections. “I tell my students and their parents that I want to be there for their high-school graduation. I will never forget any of my students. I want to be with them through Lower School and beyond.” M.S., Ed.S., Fifth-Grade Teacher and Team Leader