NSU University School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017

Page 38 this handbook. • The school nurse may administer prescribed medication to students. In the nurse’s absence, the director or director’s designee shall be able to administer this medication. • All medication taken by a student during school hours must be in a labeled pharmacy container showing the student’s name, the name of the prescribing physician, and the dosage. (A pharmacy will provide a second container for the medication to be kept in the clinic at no additional cost.) • In special circumstances, the nurse may, with parent’s verbal consent, administer Tylenol to a student. • A record is to be maintained listing the: a. name of drug and dosage b. dates of all administrations (i.e., first and last dates on regularly administered drugs; every date on as- needed drugs). • No medication, including lozenges and cough drops, is allowed to be carried by students. POLICY FOR STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE CLAIM FORMS All injuries or incidents must be reported to the school nurse in the form of a signed report written on the day they occur, or submitted the next day if the incident occurs either late in the day or during an after-school sport event. Our insurance is a secondary insurance; therefore, it covers the unpaid balance after the primary insurance information has been submitted. It is considered the primary insurance only when the student has no other insurance coverage. The school nurse will complete the school report section on the insurance form and record the policy identification number. Parents will be given an insurance form for school-related accidents or incidents if they need additional coverage or if they request a claims form. Instructions are included on the insurance form for the parent and for the attending physician. Completed forms are to be mailed directly to the insurance company by the parent or guardian. HEAD LICE Head lice is an ongoing problem that all schools must contend with, however, with cooperative effort it can be controlled. Head lice are transmitted mainly by head to head contact, but also by sharing brushes, combs, hats and head rests. Lice do not jump or fly. Control of head lice depends on prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. Your help in inspecting your child at least weekly throughout the school year for the presence of head lice would be greatly appreciated. If you suspect your child is infested with head lice please notify the school nurse. In addition, the entire family should be inspected for head lice as well. If nits and/or lice are detected on your child’s head at school, you will be called to pick up your child and have him/her treated properly. Upon return to school, your child’s head will be inspected. If there are no nits and/or lice detected, your child will be released to class and will be inspected for the next 10 school days. If nits and/or lice are detected upon return or at any other time, the above mentioned process will begin again. Hair must be nit free before a student can return to school. Lice outbreaks have been minimal due to the proactive position of daily, random lice checks, but at home inspection is also necessary. PARENTS TRAVELING OR AWAY FROM HOME Parents who place their children in the care of others while away on vacation, for business or other reasons for more than 3 days should notify the child(ren)’s guidance counselor in writing, This written communication should include the name and contact information for the individual caring for the student in the absence of his/her parent(s). RECORDS (STUDENT) – PRIVACY ACT - NSU UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FERPA POLICY Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment, affords students who are at least 18 years old (“eligible students”) and the parent(s) of students under 18 years old certain rights with respect to the students’ education records. These rights include: • The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day NSU University School receives a request for access. An eligible student or minor student’s parent(s) should submit to the division director a written request that identifies the record(s) the student or the student’s parent(s) wish to inspect. The Registrar will arrange for access and notify the eligible student or minor student’s parent(s) of the time and place where the records may be inspected.