NSU University School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017
Page 32 SCHEDULE CHANGE (Grades 9-12, and any high school credit courses grades 6-8) To initiate a schedule change, a student must first request a schedule change from the guidance counselor. Requesting a schedule change must be supported by a good rationale and must take place within the first six weeks of a semester. Additionally, seniors who make schedule changes may have to have revised transcripts sent to colleges, which could impact college decisions. Students who drop a course within the drop/add period (first 6 weeks) will receive a grade adjustment of 5 points to the average at the time of transfer when moving to a lower level. This grade adjustment will be made by the receiving teacher. In all cases of level change, the student is responsible for knowing all the material covered from the beginning of the added course. All level changes must be approved by administration. Level changes are not subject to the six week change rule as noted above. With approval, students may withdraw from a course through the first six weeks of the semester with no indication of their having started the course appearing on the report card or transcript. If a student withdraws after the six week, the report card and transcript will show a W followed by the grade at the time of the withdrawal. No credit will be awarded for partially completed coursework. If students’ add/drop/withdraw from a class there may be a fee assessed to the family for electronic curriculum. Reduced schedules for some students occur. It is the responsibility of the [aren’t/guardian to take students off- campus at the completion of their reduced schedule hours. MAKE-UP WORK It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work missed after any absence. The student must contact the teacher and arrange to complete all work. 1. Make-up work for full credit will be permitted. 2. Students who have missed a day (or days) of school or who have missed exams due to school-sponsored activities, must upon return to school, complete missed work. a) contact all teachers to determine work missed b) complete all exams missed 3. Test make-up options are regularly scheduled by the middle and upper schools, sometimes before or after school. Students should make up missed exams immediately upon return unless otherwise instructed by guidance. TEST MAKE-UP Students will be expected to make up missed quizzes and tests upon returning to school. It is the responsibility of the student to make up his or her misses assessments in a timely fashion. The school will provide a monitored test make-up room. Any tests that are made up outside of the test make-up room can be done at the convenience of the teacher. Students who miss the original assessment will be offered an alternative version of the assessment, which may be in a different format. In the event that a student has had a lengthy absence and has missed numerous quizzes and tests, it is recommended that the student report to his or her guidance counselor, who will work with teachers to develop a test make-up plan. If a test or quiz has been announced or posted before a student’s absence and the student ins present on the test/quiz day, it is expected that the student will take the assessment that day or make arrangements in advance with the teacher. Failure to do so may result in a reduction of the student’s grade on the assessment.
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