NSU University School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017
Page 12 • Gambling • Unlawful assembly • Failure to comply with NSU University School Healthcare Policy (medications) • Disrupting lawful assembly and/or distribution of literature promoting illegal or disruptive activities • Intimidating, threatening, or physically abusing another student • Any other acts as determined at the school level that are not consistent with school policy or are deemed inappropriate conduct/conduct unbecoming a NSU University School student. The Administration may apply sanctions in cases of Level II offenses which may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Temporary removal from class • Withdrawal of privileges • In-school suspension • Out-of-school suspension • Restitution of property and damages • Expulsion • Other sanctions as approved by the administration Level III A Level III offense is defined as those activities engaged in by students (whether or not they result in criminal charges) that result in violence to themselves or to another's person or property or which pose a direct and serious threat to the safety of themselves or others in the school. These activities usually require administrative actions which result in the immediate removal of the student from the school, the intervention of law enforcement authorities and/or action by NSU officials. Whenever a student is engaging or has engaged in illegal activities or an act(s), while on school property or at a school sanctioned or sponsored activity which a school or program director or his/her designee has reason to believe may result, or has resulted, in injury or serious threat of injury to a person or to his/her property, the principal or his/her designee is required to notify law enforcement officials which may include notification to NSU Public Safety. The administration may apply sanctions in cases of Level III offenses which may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Withdrawal of privileges • Out-of-school suspension • Expulsion • Restitution of property and damages, • Other sanctions as approved by the university or school administration Review Process for sanctions that result in suspension Students subject to disciplinary sanctions that may result in external suspension for infractions of school rules are entitled to the following review process: 1. The student and parents will be informed orally or in writing of the charged infraction. 2. The student is allowed to present his/her side of the story, either verbally or in writing, to an associate director. No parent or legal counsel is permitted. 3. Based on the decision of the associate director, the student has the right to appeal the decision to the appropriate divisional director. This written appeal shall specify reasons and provide supporting information and facts. This written communication (letter or email) must be written by the student, or parents, but may not be from legal counsel or representatives. The letter must be delivered to the director or his designee within three calendar days of receipt of the divisional director’s decision
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