NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

346 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS desarrollo. También se examinan las formas para el desarrollo profesional continuo para las maestros del nivel infantil. Este curso satisface las áreas de profesionalismo, salud, seguridad y ambiente de aprendizaje de la Credencial Child Development Associate (CDA). Además del tiempo de clases, se requiere completar un mínimo de 10 horas de experiencia práctica en un aula de educación infantil. Prerequisitos: Ninguno. ECA 1112 Introducción a la educación temprana: Desarrollo cognitivo, físico, comunicación, creatividad-CDA II (3 credits) English: In this course students learn about the developmental needs of children from birth to age five. Students learn to support children’s physical development, encourage cognitive learning and the development of communication skills and enhance creative expression. This course covers the Child Development Associate-CDA Functional Areas of Physical, Cognitive, Communication, and Creativity. Spanish: En este curso los estudiantes examinan aspectos sobre las necesidades de crecimiento y desarrollo típico y atípico en los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años con atención al desarrollo físico, cognitivo, las destrezas de lenguaje y comunicación así como el apoyo a la expresión creativa. Este curso satisface las áreas de desarrollo físico, cognitivo, comunicación y creatividad de de la Credencial Child Development Associate (CDA). Además del tiempo de clases, se requiere completar un mínimo de 10 horas de experiencia práctica en un aula de educación infantil. Prerrequisitos: Ninguno. ECA 1114 Introduction to Early Childhood: families, Schools and Communities (CDA III) (3 credits) In this course students learn about the developmental needs of children from birth to age five. Students learn to support the social and emotional development of young children and to provide positive guidance. Students explore ways to work effectively with families, and develop program management skills related to observing children and delivering appropriate curriculum. This course covers the Child Development Associate-CDA Functional Areas of Self, Social, Guidance, Families, and Program Management. (This course is offered in a bilingual format). ECA 2203 Foundations of Early Care and Education (3 credits) This course introduces the students to the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations of programs for young children. Professional and ethical behavior in early childhood education will be discussed. Students will be engaged in the analysis of different program models and instructional strategies. Appropriate field experiences are integrated and required.(This course s offered in a bilingual format). ECA 2205 Children with Special Needs (Birth through Age 8) (3 credits) This course introduces the students to the potential impact of risk factors and disabilities on the physical, cognitive, communicative, and social/emotional development of infants and young children. Students will learn about services that are available for these children and their families and how they can accommodate them in their own classrooms. Current federal legislation that mandates and supports services for this age group will be discussed. (This course is offered in a bilingual format). ECA 2215 Creative Activities for Young Children (3 credits) Students will explore creative activities in several curriculum areas and adapt plans to meet the needs of all children. The classroom environment will be discussed as a means of children’s learning. Appropriate field experience are integrated and required. (This course is offered in a bilingual format). Prerequsite/s: none. ECA 2218 Principios sobre la observacion y evaluacion del desarrollo y progreso en educacion infantil (0–8) (3 credits) English: In this course students will have the opportunity to observe children in structured and unstructured situations, record their observations, and use their records as a way of assessing strengths and needs of individual children. Guidelines will provide for properly conducting observations, keeping records and using assessment data for curriculum planning. Appropriate field experiences are integrated and required. Spanish: En este curso los estudiantes exploran los principios esenciales para la evaluacion del progreso y desarrollo en el aula infantil. Se explora el uso de la observacion, instrumentos de evaluacion, y formas de recopilar y mantener datos en el aula. Incluye experiencias practicas. ECA 2241 Child Guidance--Desarrollo social y organización del aula en el nivel preescolar e infantil (3 credits) English: Students will develop appropriate ways to guide children’s behavior through effective organization of the environment (emphasizing schedule, activities, and materials) and guidance techniques that minimize conflict and encourage children to play and learn cooperatively. Appropriate field experiences are integrated and required. Spanish: En este curso los estudiantes exploran como apoyar el desarrollo social y de conducta en el nivel preescolar e infantil a través de la organización efectiva del ambiente del aula (con atención al desarrollo del programa diario, actividades y materiales). También se discuten las técnicas que permiten guiar la conducta para minimizar conflictos y estimular el juego y aprendizaje de forma cooperativo. El curso incluye experiencias de campo.