NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
339 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS environments is defined and new development platforms for graphics in windows are investigated. Prerequisite: CSIS 3400. CSIS 4800 Introduction to Compilers and Interpreters (3 credits) An introduction to compiler/interpreter design. Topics include lexical analysis, parsing, intermediate code, final code generation, optimization, and error recovery. Prerequisites: CSIS 3110 and CSIS 3400. CSIS 4840 Unix Operating System Environment (3 credits) The concepts of the UNIX operating system are presented. Topics include system commands, system editors, awk, set, text formatting tools, and shell programming. The use of modem and terminal software and system maintenance utilities are covered as well as system calls in C, LEX, YACC, AR, and make. Prerequisite: CSIS 3101 or CSIS 3100. CSIS 4880 Special Topics in Computer Science (3 credits) Topics in computer science that are not included in regular course offerings. Specific contents are announced in the course schedule for a given term. Prerequisites: requires senior standing and consent of instructor. CSIS 4880A Special Topics in Computer Science- Abstract Algebra and Its Applications (3 credits) This course is an introduction to the concepts of modern abstract algebra. Topics will include divisibility, congruence classes, symmetric groups, permutation groups, groups of matrices, applications of group theory, and an introduction to rings and fields. Prerequisites: MATH 3300 and CSIS 1400 or CSIS 2050. CSIS 4890 Special Topics in Computer Information Systems (3 credits) Topics in computer information systems that are not included in regular course offerings. Specific contents are announced in the course schedule for a given term. Prerequisite: requires senior standing or consent of instructor. CSIS 4900 Directed Project (3–8 credits) A major project will be completed by the student under the direction of a faculty member. CSIS 4900A Directed Project (A) (3–8 credits) A major project will be completed by the student under the direction of a faculty member. CSIS 4900B Directed Project (B) (3 credits) A major project will be completed by the student under the direction of a faculty member. CSIS 4900C Directed Project (C) (3–8 credits) A major project will be completed by the student under the direction of a faculty member. CSIS 4900D Directed Project (D) (3–8 credits) A major project will be completed by the student under the direction of a faculty member. CSIS 4901 APS Capstone Directed Independent Study (3 credits) This course is reserved for students who are enrolled in the Applied Professional Studies Program. Through a series of written assignments, this course provides students with an opportunity to integrate previous learning and experience with a concentration in computing field to form a unique course of academic study. Given that the APS major is individualized to a large extent based on a student’s interests and past experiences, this course ordinarily will be conducted as an independent study and will be taken during the student’s last semester prior to receipt of their degree. Prerequisite: to be determined by supervising faculty and the division director. CSIS 4902 Capstone Project for Computer Information Systems (3 credits) This course is one way to satisfy the capstone requirement for Computer Information Systems major and must be taken in her senior year, preferably in the last semester of their graduation. In the semester before, the student should work with a faculty member to first develop a proposal for the project and obtain a written agreement from a faculty member to serve as your project instructor during the semester to report on progress. This proposal is approved by the faculty member and approved by the chair. The student will be required to report routinely to the project instructor during the semester to report on progress. During the project the student will write the functional specifications, design instructions, and implementation plans as considered appropriate by your project instructor. The student will also be required to present the project orally and write a project report at the conclusion of the semester. Prerequisites: Completion of 60 or more credit hours, supervision of instructor, and permission of academic director. CSIS 4903 Capstone Project for Computer Science (0–3 credits) This course must be taken by students in the senior year, preferably in the last semester of their study. Prior to taking this course, the student should develop a project proposal that covers concepts and skills learned in more than one upper division Computer Science courses. The proposal should be approved by a faculty member supervising the project and the chair. The student will be required to routinely report progress to the project instructor during the semester, write a final project
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