NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

336 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS class are: tokens, syntax, semantics, function definitions, function applications, conditional selection statements, iteration statements, arrays, files, classes, methods, and pointers, all through program development. Pre- Requisites: MATH 1040. CSIS 2101 Fundamentals of Computer Programming (4 credits) This course provides an introduction to computer programming using a modern programming language. Major topics to be covered are: syntax, expressions, variables and data types, blocks and scope, input/output and file handling, conditional selection statements, loops and iteration statements, functions, pointers and arrays, classes, inheritance, and aggregation, all through program development. Prerequisite: MATH 1040. CSIS 2200 Business Oriented Language (COBOL) (4 credits) A study of the COBOL programming language with emphasis on business applications. Students apply a structured, multiphase development process that features a series of steps involving understanding of problems, formal problem definition, design methodologies, program specification, breakdown, and files using COBOL. Prerequisites: CSIS 1400 or CSIS 2050 and CSIS 1900 or CSIS 2100. CSIS 2310 Advanced COBOL (3 credits) A study of advanced COBOL programming using structured techniques. Topics to be covered include table handling, sequential and indexed file processing, database access, editing, sorting, and the Report Writer. Prerequisite: CSIS 2200. CSIS 3020 Web Programming and Design (3 credits) This course will introduce the essentials of Internet programming. Students will design and write WWW pages in HTML, JavaScript, and shell scripting languages. Programs will manipulate many forms of data, including hypertext, graphics, audio, and video. Students will develop interactive/executable Web pages. Other topics covered will include clickable image maps, cgi-bin scripting, and security. Prerequisite: CSIS 2100 or CSIS 2101. CSIS 3023 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computers (3 credits) This course focuses on issues that involve computer impact and related societal concerns. Topics covered include computer ethics, computer crime, software ownership, privacy risk management, professional codes, transborder data flow, Telecommunications Act of 1996, the national computer policies of other nations, and the status of regulation and emerging standards. CSIS 3050 Assemblers and Assembly Language Programming (4 credits) A detailed analysis of the operations of assemblers. Assembler features, assembly language programming, and marc facilities. Assembly language programs will be written as part of this course. Prerequisites: CSIS 2050 and CSIS 2101 or CSIS 2100. CSIS 3060 Digital Design (3 credits) Register transfer-level design of digital computers, data transfer hardware, organization of the central processing unit, design of the controller, and a complete design example. Prerequisite: CSIS 3050. CSIS 3100 Computer Programming II (4 credits) Computer Programming II continues to focus on the main topics of computer science including the design and implementation of object-oriented programs. Intermediate and advanced concepts of computer programming using an object-oriented programming language are covered. Prerequisite: CSIS 2100. CSIS 3101 Advanced Computer Programming (0–4 credits) The course addresses advanced programming concepts that are specific to generic programming languages that require understanding of how data and objects are represented in memory. Pointers, overriding of data types and operators, dynamic memory allocation and management, reliable and secure programming issues and templates are discussed. Illustration of difference between structured programming and object oriented programming are discussed by examples. Prerequisites: CSIS 2101 or CSIS 2100. CSIS 3110 Foundations of Computer Science (4 credits) Included are the mechanization of abstraction in computer science, prepositional logic and predicate logic, induction versus recursion, countable and non-countable sets, finite state automata and regular expressions, pushdown automata and context-free languages, Turing machines, decidability and computability, and computational complexity. Prerequisites: CSIS 2950 or CSIS 3100 and CSIS 1400 or CSIS 2050. CSIS 3200 Organization of Programming Language (3 credits) Development of an understanding of the organization of programming languages, introduction to formal study of programming language specification and analysis, comparison of two or more high-level modern programming languages. Prerequisite: CSIS 3100.