NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

333 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS real-world examples, providing students with the ability to critically analyze and assess information promoted by the media and entertainment television. Prerequisite: CRJU 1100. CRJU 4000 Victimology (3 credits) This course will examine both the institutional and social factors and the issues and developments within the legal process that are relevant to the study of victims of crime. This includes an examination of the definition of a victim, crime, and a historical review of the role of the victim in the criminal justice system. Topics in this course may include psychological impacts of crime, the impact of victimization, legal approaches to victims, services provided to victims, restorative justice and emerging trends in the field of victimology. Prerequisite: CRJU 2220. CRJU 4200 Terrorism and Homeland Security (3 credits) This course will provide students with a comprehensive introduction to terrorism and homeland security. The first section of the course will provide students with a basic understanding of terrorism as a definitional, theoretical and criminological issue. The second section of the course presents a detailed historical discussion of the birth and evolution of terrorism movements. The third section focuses on contemporary international and domestic terrorism. The final section concentrates on issues surrounding the prevention of terrorism through homeland security. Critical thinking will be encouraged through class discussions of controversial issues where students will be asked to consider various positions, choose their own approach, and cite evidence to support their positions. Students will also have the opportunity to study a specific terrorist group of interest through the writing of an in-depth research paper. Prerequisites: CRJU 1100. CRJU 4400 Police Organizational Behavior and Management (3 credits) This course is an introduction to management principles as applied to law enforcement agencies. The student will explore how the organizational structure and occupational values of policing affect management actions and organizational outcomes. Case studies will be used to illustrate and analyze management issues and decision-making in a police environment. Topics include police organizational structure, police personality and occupational values, motivation, police discipline, police unionization, decision-making, leadership, and organizational change. Prerequisite: CRJU 3220. CRJU 4500 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3 credits) This is an introductory course in research methodology in criminal justice. It is designed to introduce the student to basic concepts and problems encountered in quantitative and qualitative investigation, including types of data and measurement, sampling, probability, and research design. This course will emphasize examples of methodology in the field and utilize actual data. Prerequisite: CRJU 2220. CRJU 4600 Gangs in America (3 credits) This course will cover various aspects of the gang problem that involve the criminal justice system, including gang enforcement by law enforcement, gang laws and pending legislation, gang prosecution, and the effect of the gang culture on the streets of America. Also discussed are issues dealing with gang theory, including concepts of street gangs, graffiti, violence, and gang structure and organization. Students will explore the reasons why gangs exist, how they are formed, and the impact of gang crime and victimization on society. Prerequisite: CRJU 1100 CRJU 4880 Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice (3 credits) This course provides an in-depth analysis of historical and contemporary literature in the field of criminal justice. Students will read classic and contemporary literature and apply this literature to real life dilemmas in the criminal justice system. This course challenges students to integrate and critically examine theories and concepts from criminal justice literature, appreciate the relationship between theory and policy, and challenges students to build on skills and knowledge acquired through earlier academic experience. Prerequisite: CRJU 4500. CRJU 4900 Special Topics in Criminal Justice (3 credits) Topics in criminal justice that are not included in regular course offerings. Specific content is announced in the course schedule for a given term. Students may re-enroll for special topics covering different content. Prerequisites: CRJU 1100 and any other prerequisite deemed appropriate by the instructor depending on the course topic. CRJU 4950 Internship in Criminal Justice (3 credits) This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to integrate academic and experiential knowledge. Students will be placed in an agency or organization, of their choice, related to the practice of criminal justice. Additionally, students are required to complete a minimum of 140 hours at the internship placement site during the 16 weeks of enrollment. Prerequisites: (1) a minimum grade point average of 2.5 as calculated by NSU; (2) completion of 60 credit hours and CRJU 4500; (3) an approved placement site prior to enrolling in the course; and (4) permission from the academic director. CRJU 4950A Internship A in Criminal Justice (3 credits) This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to integrate academic and experiential knowledge. Students will be placed in an agency or organization, of their choice, related to the practice of