NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
315 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS BHS 4020 Topics in Maternal Child Health (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) issues and topic areas. One to two MCH topics will be discussed weekly. To adequately prepare for class discussion questions and course assignments, students are expected to complete the required readings for each session. This course is designated for individuals who have an interest in working in the area of maternal and child health, program development and intervention. BHS 4031 Statistics for Health Sciences (3 credits) This course is designed to introduce the conceptual foundation of statistical analysis & statistical reasoning of health sciences data, and prepare the student to calculate, interpret and utilize appropriate software packages for basic statistical analysis. BHS 4100 Academic and Professional Writing (3 credits) Must be taken during first semester of enrollment in program) The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the format, content and thought processes for successful academic and professional writing through utilization of the NSU B.H.Sc form and style manual as well as introduction to APA and AMA manuals. An overview of proper sentence and paragraph structure, grammar, punctuation usage, formatting and bibliographic referencing will be discussed. BHS 4110 Health Care and Aging (3 credits) This course examines the psychosocial and cultural variations associated with maturing and aging. Topics covered will be an overview of life choices, living wills, and treatment, as well as cultural implications of senior care. BHS 4130 Statistics for Health Sciences (3 credits) This course is designed to introduce the conceptual foundation of statistical analysis & statistical reasoning of health sciences data, and prepare the student to calculate, interpret and utilize appropriate software packages for basic statistical analysis. BHS 4140 Independent Study (3 credits) Students select an area of study in cooperation with the course advisor and/or program director. The project may include such items as work-related studies, conference attendance, grant proposals and or planning documents. A comprehensive paper will be developed and delivered according to the NSU BHSc form and style manual. Students must receive departmental and advisor approval in order to be allowed to register for this course. BHS 4150 The Science of Sound (3 credits) This course is designed to introduce students to acoustics. Students will study production of sound waves in general, and more specifically the production of sound waves during speech. Students will also study the characteristics of sound waves, how sound waves are propagated through a medium, and the perception of sound. BHS 4151 Linguistics & Psycholinguistic Variables of Normal Language Development (3 credits) This course will provide an overview of speech and language development as it relates to the typically developing child from birth through adolescence. This course will include topic areas related to the dimensions of communication, neurological and anatomical basis of communication, models of speech and language development, and speech-language differences and diversity. BHS 4152 Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Audition (3 credits) This course will provide an introduction to the gross structure of the brain and spinal cord. Functional relationship of their parts with emphasis on the auditory and vestibular peripheral and central nervous systems will be discussed. BHS 4153 Speech and Language Disorders for Health Care Practitioners (3 credits) Overview of speech and language delays and disorders, their etiology, and treatment. How health-care practitioners can identify persons with possible disorders and make appropriate referrals. Consideration of the communication needs within health-care system of persons with speech- language disorders. BHS 4154 Effect of Hearing Impairment on Speech Language (3 credits) Phonologic, morphologic, syntactic and pragmatic aspects of human communication associated with hearing impairment. Study of methods of screening hearing- impaired patients for concomitant speech and language disorders. Prerequisite: course in normal language development. BHS 4160 Education for the Health Professions (3 credits) This course will provide an opportunity to explore learning theories, learning styles, testing and assessment, education trends, and utilizing technology in instruction as it relates to the health professional and professions. BHS 4500 Clinical Externship I (6 credits) The first 12 weeks of the clinical externships is designed mmerse the student to the vascular laboratory and health care environment. The student will be expected to transport and or escort patients into the examination room, prepare patients for procedures, initially observe and later perform ormal studies as requested by the preceptor and prepare studies for interpretation. Students will continue
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