NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
314 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS physiological aspects as well as on clinical findings, signs and symptoms of disease related to these areas. BHS 3900 Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound I (4 credits) This course will focus on the use of ultrasound for the evaluation of the organs contained in the human female pelvic cavity in both, normal and abnormal, gravid and non-gravid anatomy and physiology. This course will have a strong hands-on component with students spending several hours per week in the ultrasound training laboratory. The lectures will focus on the aspects previously mentioned as well as on fetal abnormalities and abnormal conditions of the ferns. The course will explore infertility and assisted reproductive technologies. BHS 3910 Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound II (4 credits) This course is a continuation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound I. It is a further comprehensive approach to in-depth studies of the organs contained within the human female pelvic cavity in both, normal and abnormal, gravid and non-gravid anatomy and physiology. The course will focus on fetal abnormalities and abnormal conditions of the fetus. BHS 4000 Cultural Competency in Health Care (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to develop competency and better understanding when confronted with issues related to culture, diversity and ethnically based customs, rituals, alternative health care choices, folk medicine, cultural structure and viewpoints and the practitioner’s delivery of health care. BHS 4001 Individuals with Disabilities and Special Needs (3 credits) With the continued graying of the American population and the extending life expectancy of individuals with disabilities there are a growing number of individuals facing chronic life challenges. These individuals are consumers of health care. It is incumbent on health care providers to understand how different challenges affect a person’s abilities. Topics of discussion include: laws that impact services, the history of disability care, and specific disabilities and their impact on functioning. BHS 4005 Alternative Medicine in Health Care (3 credits) This course examines and analyzes alternative and complimentary medicine and their impact on the healthcare industry. The approach to the subject is to present selected alternative and complimentary medicine fields in an informative, non-judgmental format. Example topics include acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine, homeopathy, massage and naturopathic medicine BHS 4006 Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine (3 credits) This course will discuss and analyze the impact, origins and background of Chinese medicine. It is important to enter this class with an open mind, and understand that there are other forms of treatment for disease, different than those taught in westernized medicine programs. Critical analysis of the meridians and pathways and various signs and symptoms associated with disease will be covered. BHS 4009 Sports Medicine: Principles and Practice (3 credits) This course will present a study of athletic injuries and the principle concepts and practices of Sports Medicine - including discussion of; prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. The major musculoskeletal portions of the body will be covered, major preventive measures will be studied, and the major sports injuries will be addressed. The course will identify the medical treatments associated with the major sports injuries. BHS 4010 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3 credits) This course develops the knowledge and skills needed to work with communities to improve health status of the community. Major topics will include health promotion and disease prevention. Special emphasis will be placed on the “Healthy People 2020” initiatives. BHS 4011 Bioterrorism: Health Care’s Readiness & Response (3 credits) This course uses a systems perspective to provide health professionals with an understanding of the prevention and response to the intentional release of armful biologic agents. Category A diseases will be reviewed including anthrax and smallpox. Risk assessment and reduction for health care facilities will be discussed. The structure of public disaster response agencies and the potential difficulties integrating with privately-held critical infrastructure will be evaluated. Tactics and structural components from the class can also be used in unintentional outbreaks to reduce their impact. BHS 4012 Torture, Violence and Trauma Health Care’s Healing Role (3 credits) This course provides an overview of the physical and psychological effects of torture, violence, and trauma. It focuses on the relationship between health care professionals and victims of human rights violations. Discussion topics include the detection, treatment and documentation of victims of these events. The course examines the role health care as it relates to incidents of torture, violence and trauma.
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