NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
309 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS to practice learned skills in the clinical setting. Only for students matriculated in the Athletic Training major. Prerequisite: ATTR 1200. ATTR 2620 Athletic Training Clinical II (3 credits) This course focuses on field experiences and the application of learned principles from athletic training clinical skills. This course includes 200 hours of observation in various settings and specific clinical skills from ATTR 2610 to facilitate comprehensive learning. Students will be supervised and given the opportunity to practice learned skills in the clinical setting. Only for students matriculated in the Athletic Training major. Prerequisite: ATTR 2210 or ATTR 2610. ATTR 3100 General Medicine in Sports (3 credits) Students will acquire skills and knowledge on the recognition, treatment, and referral of general medical conditions related to each of the body systems, including but not limited to congenital and acquired abnormalities of athletes and other physically active individuals. Also included are physiological progression of injuries, illnesses, and diseases. An additional area of focus is related to pathology, medical diagnostics, medical interventions (pharmacological and procedural), and the implications of these for the athlete or others involved in physical activities. Prerequisite: ATTR 2220 or ATTR 2620 and BIOL 3312 or BIOL 3320. ATTR 3300 Therapeutic Modalities/Lab (4 credits) A study of sports therapy physical agents used to treat injuries of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and integumentary systems including, but not limited to cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, biofeedback, and mechanical therapy. Students will apply the techniques and clinical skills related to the application of therapeutic modalities. Clinical hours in the athletic training room and other facilities (see Clinical Experience I through IV) will give the student the additional opportunity to use the knowledge, skills, and techniques learned in this course. Only for students matriculated in the Athletic Training Education Program. Prerequisite: ATTR 2100. ATTR 3500 Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries/Lab (4 credits) The study of the principles of a comprehensive rehabilitation program; specifically related to design and implementation of a therapeutic program. Students will learn to incorporate exercises related to strength, proprioception and neuromuscular control to achieve sport specific goals and objectives. Students will assess rehabilitation progress and criteria for return to competition. Prerequisite: ATTR 3300. ATTR 3630 Athletic Training Clinical III (3 credits) This course focuses on field experiences and the applications of learned principles from athletic training clinical skills. This course includes 150 hours of observation in various settings and specific clinical skills from the previous semester to facilitate comprehensive learning. Students will be supervised and given the opportunity to practice learned skills in the clinical setting. Only for students matriculated in the Athletic Training Education Program. Prerequisites: ATTR 2220 OR ATTR 2620. ATTR 3640 Athletic Training Clinical IV (3 credits) Clinical Experiences in Athletic Training IV: These courses focus on field experiences and the applications of learned principles from athletic training clinical skills. This course includes 150 hours of observation in various settings and specific clinical skills from the previous semester to facilitate comprehensive learning. Students will be supervised and given the opportunity to practice learned skills in the clinical setting. Only for students matriculated in the Athletic Training Education Program. Prerequisite: ATTR 3230 or ATTR 3630. ATTR 3700 Advanced Emergency Procedures (3 credits) The course content and activities will prepare participants to make appropriate decisions about the care to provide in a medical emergency. The course teaches the skills an EMR needs to act as a crucial link in the emergency medical services (EMS) system. This course is taught by a nationally certified instructor for Emergnecy Medical Responder instruction. The course is designed to enhance students’ current level of knowledge of the material required to prepare for emergency trauma management offering certification as an Emergency Medical Responder. Emergency Medical Responder certification is a nationally recognized certification that requires instruction, assessment and successful completion of both practical and written examinations which is a requirement for this course offering. Prerequisites: ATTR 1200 and ATTR 1300. ATTR 3800 Evolution of Sports Medicine (3 credits) This course will include both lecture material and a weeklong field experience dedicated to the study of the development of sports medicine. The course is designed to explore the clinical practices employed by medical professionals to treat and rehabilitate sports related injuries. The timeline of the course will begin with Ancient Greek times and continue through modern day. Students will be able to understand the significance of sports medicine development and growth from the beginning. Prerequisite: COMP 1500 or COMP 1500H. ATTR 3810 Roman Influence of Sports Medicine (3 credits) Roman Influence of Sports Medicine: This course will include both lecture material and a weeklong field experience dedicated to the study of the Roman Influence
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